Chapter 127 Hospitalization (7)

After Jingyu came out, she didn't know where she should go, she just wanted to get away from that place quickly.Her steps were very small, and Yao Yi caught up in no time.He grabbed her arm and brought her into his arms.

"Lin Jingyu, where are you going?"

Jingyu struggled a few times subconsciously, and when she looked up and saw Yao Yi's face, she was startled.At this time, the man had a cold face and frowned displeased.Jingyu knew that he was really angry, she had never seen such a terrible side of Yao Yi.Although his face was cold and frightening, his eyes were still full of worry.

worried?Why worry?Jingyu couldn't help wondering, is there actually her existence in his heart?Jingyu felt very surprised.Even the determination just now has slowly changed.But when she thought of the child in Qian Yirou's belly, she began to feel uncomfortable again.

"What do you say, what else do you want to say. Yao Yi, I really don't care what you want. I beg you, let me go."

She said tears started to flow down again, this time she was really hurt, this time she was really desperate.But she still felt very heartbroken when she said such words. How can someone who has loved for so long give up?Yao Yi, Yao Yi, why do you still not understand why I love you so much?

Seeing the emotion in her eyes, Yao Yi was also deeply hurt.Seeing her crying like this, he really wanted to explain, but he only had one sentence when he came to his mouth. "Jing'er, trust me." He didn't know whether it was her in front of him or that one who said this sentence.It was also the first time he spoke the name he had wanted to call for a long time.

Jingyu was startled, thinking he remembered.Jing'er, Jing'er, he used to change her so gently.It stemmed from a misunderstanding. Ten years ago, after making that commitment, he asked, "What's your name?"

The girl smiled, her pink face was very cute, and she was about to say her name "Jing." Just as she said a word, a force behind her pushed her forward, her feet were empty and she was completely submerged. In the swimming pool.

The two little girls came out from the side, knowing that they had bumped into someone, they immediately quieted down and looked at everything in front of them in horror.Yao Yi glared at them, and jumped into the swimming pool without thinking.It was already winter at this time, and the water in the pool was very cold, he couldn't control it so much, all he thought about was her.

He is very good at water and quickly rescued Jingyu.The two girls who had pushed her were gone when they came ashore.She fiddled with him stubbornly, and when she saw his cold handsome face, she burst out laughing with a "puchi".After that, Yao Yi kept calling her "Jing'er".

Her thoughts immediately returned to reality, she looked at the man in front of her, he was still so outstanding, even more experienced than before.But he has changed now.He is no longer the Yiyi he used to be.It won't be long before he can be with the woman he likes, or he will have a child between them soon.But she just has an empty title.What she wants most is knowledge of her love, but it has always been a luxury.

She silently pushed his hand away and said, "Yao Yi, there's no need for that anymore." The facts are already in front of us, even if it's no use explaining.He was indeed with Qian Yirou, and Qian Yirou really had a child.All of these are facts, and since they are facts, there is nothing to explain.

After she finished speaking, she walked towards the opposite side without turning her head.Looking at her back, Yao Yi was stunned for a long time before realizing it, and followed her out without even thinking about it.

"Lin Jingyu, you are my wife, and I will never give up no matter what."

She was taken aback when she heard this, and turned to look at him.Before she could see Yao Yi's face clearly, she saw a Porsche driving towards him like crazy not far away. "Yi Yi..." She rushed out without thinking, and pushed Yao Yi out with her own strength.

(End of this chapter)

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