Chapter 129 Hospitalization (9)

"It's true. Jingyu pushed Yi away at the last moment, and the car hit her."

Hearing these words, Jingchun subconsciously looked at Yao Yi in the corner who seemed to have lost his soul, his eyes narrowed and he gave off a dangerous breath.Yu Bin captured this side very well, and subconsciously felt that this woman was very dangerous.

Jing Xun looked at Yao Yi walking beside him, and comforted: "Brother-in-law, don't be too sad, sister will be fine."

Yao Yi raised his head, but saw the faces of the two women behind him, and then Jing Xun.Compared with the two resentful eyes in the back, Jing Xun's eyes are very clear, without any trace of resentment.

"Why? Why do you still comfort me when I hurt your sister like this?"

"Because she loves you." Jing Xun said, "Since it was her own choice, I don't need to blame you."

In fact, she really resented and hated her on the way here at the beginning. My sister has paid so much for her but he keeps hurting her.But when Li Qianqian said those words, she was sober.Love is always willing, since my sister doesn't feel bitter, it's hard for them to say anything.

love?Yao Yi was thinking, maybe she used to love her very much, but now she probably doesn't love her anymore.

He thought a lot on the way here, and he finally understood.In fact, he also fell in love with her unconsciously.Occasionally, the woman would look angry, and she would speak for him fiercely at the banquet, and she would receive her friendly when his friends came.In fact, think about how little they have experienced together.

I once remembered that she always bowed her head shyly in front of him, she always liked to be so quiet, as quiet as if transparent, no one noticed her existence.I don't know when she became a little different again.It was still so quiet, but it was a little more angry than before.Then she walked into his heart quietly like this.

Maybe he didn't believe in true love before, but just now he really believed in it.The woman did not hesitate to use her body to block the approaching car just now.How much love does this woman have, that she can even disregard her own life.How could Yao Yi He De be loved by such a beautiful woman?The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was not qualified to match that woman.

"Brother-in-law may not know, in fact, my sister liked you a long time ago. You must have never been to her bedroom in Lin's house. There are all photos of you in it. Although I can't control your feelings, I also miss brother-in-law Be nice to my sister." Jingxun continued.She has been living outside since she was seven years old. That was the year when she and her sister went out together and accidentally got separated, and then she lived in the orphanage.Only when she came back later did she know that Jingyu liked Yao Yi.But that was eight years later, but it has been many years, and she still likes him so much.She had forgotten how many years it was, and she could persist for so long for one person, she thought, her sister must have loved this man so badly.

Yao Yi looked up at her, and when he saw Qing Jingxun's face, he couldn't help but startled.The appearance of this girl is too similar to that of Lin Jingyu, but Jingxun's appearance is even more amazing.After all, she is relatively young and lacks the virtuous and stable charm of Jing Yu.He smiled at her. "Thanks. I know what I'll do."

He will really treat that woman better in the future.In the future, he will definitely find a way to be nice to her and make her happier.Although he likes her very much now, he is very clear that this is not love.Except for love, as long as he can give her, he is willing to give it.

After a while, people from the Lin family and the Yao family came, and just at that moment the operating light also went out.Seeing the doctor come out, Yao Yi strode up to him. "How is my wife, doctor?"

The doctor is used to such things, and he pushed the myopia glasses on the bridge of his nose with his index finger. "The operation was successful, and the patient is out of danger. I will be transferred to the general ward later, and I can see her after the anesthesia is over."

(End of this chapter)

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