Chapter 132 Hospitalization (12)

Zhao Huihua put the thermos aside, and Yao Yi tactfully made room for her.Zhao Huihua sat down and smiled at him: "I boiled chicken soup with my own hands. You can drink it while it's hot and then go back to rest. You've been watching all night last night. You're exhausted." With a kind smile and gentle brows, Yao Yi immediately developed a good impression of her.

Zhao Huihua is already in her 50s, but she takes care of her like someone in her 30s.Because he hasn't been out all year round, his face is a bit feminine and white, which further sets off a feeling of indifference to the world.After all, she is a child of a rich family, her every gesture is extravagant, and she has a good upbringing.

It was only then that Yao Yi discovered that Jing Yu's original good temper and virtuousness must have been learned from her.From a distance, he could imagine that Jing Yu would be like this when she reached this age. "I'm not tired. It's you, why did you come here so early? You can let the servants do those things."

"That's right, Mommy. You are not in good health, why are you still working so hard?" Jing Ju pouted and said coquettishly.Even though she said this, she felt warm in her heart, but she was more worried about Mommy's body.

"I'm not as weak as you said. I can't do anything at home every day. I feel like a useless person. And I'm worried that you won't be able to sleep at all, so I came to you." She said and touched Jingyu's hand With a fair face, she never realized that her daughter had grown up so much.

This daughter is more sensible than all the daughters, and she hardly has to worry about everything since she was a child, so in the end she was ignored.It wasn't until this time that she got into a car accident that she realized that she was too careless, and she felt more and more guilty towards her daughter.

Jing Yu patted her back and let her face and her hands stick tightly, rubbed lightly a few times and said: "You have to take care of yourself, don't worry about me, I'm not a child anymore." In front of Yao Yi, she is always well-behaved, only occasionally showing a simple and honest childish side in front of her own family.

Yao Yi has never seen her like this before, he would have disdained it before, but now he sees her so warmly.Since I was a child, I have never enjoyed the love from my family, neither my father nor my mother, but I have always hoped for it in my heart.

Only then did Jingyu notice Yao Yi, and lowered her head in embarrassment.Zhao Huihua also looked at Yao Yi, and smiled at Jing Yu: "Jing'er, you have to take good care of yourself in the future, Yi took care of you all night yesterday, you can't let him be so tired in the future."

What?Yao Yi actually took care of her all night?Jing Yu really couldn't believe it, she looked at Yao Yi in disbelief.Seeing that the man's face was a little abnormally red, she curled her lips in disdain.Even so, she didn't forget what happened before.Qian Yirou already has his child, so what's the point of her staying.So she said impatiently, "That's it, thank you."

She has completely lost the gentleness of the past, she is like a stranger to Yao Yi, it shouldn't be stranger than a stranger.Maybe it was because of this experience that she rejected Yao Yi.

She made Yao Yi inexplicably sour, he wished for her to be like this before.As long as she is quiet and doesn't disturb him playing outside, it's weird to say something like this now.Maybe that's the difference between liking someone and not liking them.

Zhao Huihua wanted to laugh when she saw her awkward look, her daughter was born by herself, so she couldn't guess what she was thinking.He reached out and nodded her head lovingly, "You, I don't even know what to say about you."

Jing Ju pouted, and turned her face away.Yao Yi couldn't help smiling when he saw her, and immediately looked at her dotingly. "Her temper is like this recently, and it's nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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