Chapter 134 Hospitalization (14)

"Hey, should you go home?" He obviously wanted to worry about him, but when he said it, he wanted to drive him away.Although she said she didn't want to talk to him, she couldn't help but want to care about him.It's not that she doesn't love her, she's just angry with him, and she's still very worried about him in her heart.

"Are you concerned about me?" The man hooked his lips and asked with a smile.

"I don't, I just don't want to see you." She turned her head away to hide the unnatural look on her face.But Yao Yi still caught it, and smiled helplessly, when did this woman become so cute.Obviously worried about him, how can I say it sourly.Wouldn't it be great if you said you liked him from the beginning?But he seems to have forgotten that she has always shown that she loves him very much, but he has never noticed it.

"Then I won't leave, I'll stay here with you." Yao Yi had a playful smile on his face, sitting there as if he really was a good husband who loved his wife very much.

"Whatever you want." She said disdainfully.As she spoke, she moved a bit and wanted to get down, Yao Yi hurried forward to support her, and asked worriedly: "Just tell me what you want, I'll help you."

"Will you help me when I go to the bathroom?" She said with a blushing face.In the past, she would not have dared to talk to Yao Yi like this, but now it is different.She would rather, if this man didn't love her, he would be cruel to her.In fact, such ambiguous, good and bad times are the cruelest to her.

Yao Yi also blushed, and touched the bridge of his nose helplessly.What did he do wrong to make this woman like this.He just wanted to treat her better, why did she have such an attitude.

Even though Jing Yu was like this, he still went to get the potion very thoughtfully, and supported her with one hand.Jingyu didn't stop her either, she knew that she was inconvenient now, and if she tried to be brave, she would also suffer.Her left foot had a plaster cast, and it was very inconvenient to walk, so she had to move slowly.The whole body supported Yao Yi's body, as if this man was dragging her away.

When she got to the door, Jing Yu took the potion by herself, Yao Yi dodged and looked at her puzzled. "what are you going to do?"

"Of course I took it in by myself. Could it be that you also follow me in?" Jing Yu said with a blank look at him.

"What's the matter? I haven't seen your whole body anywhere."

Can this man stop being so... Although things between husband and wife are very common, is it really good to bring these things to the fore?Why did she feel that this man was getting more and more hooligan?He grabbed the bottle in his hand and said angrily, "You have a habit of watching people, but I don't."

As soon as she finished yelling, the door closed with a bang, and just as he was about to follow in, the door closed. Fortunately, he reacted, otherwise his nose would have been flattened.But he still feels very happy in his heart, because he feels that Jingyu seems to be angry now, and he is really much cuter than before.

It just so happened that Yi Xuran came in and saw this, and he couldn't help laughing even though he didn't smile much, causing Yao Yi to roll his eyes a few times.After receiving Yao Yi's murderous gaze, he innocently shrugged and said, "I didn't mean it."

Yu Bin came out from behind him, and said in a ruffian way: "So what if it's intentional, we don't even care who told him to make out." He said and went to sit on the sofa and crossed his legs.

Yi Xuran also followed, threw the bag in his hand casually and said, "I agree with that, when will our elder brother become a good man?"

As Yao Yi's best brother, if there is a chance to make fun of him, he must make fun of him.What's more, it was who said that he would never fall in love with a woman again.Just kidding, but in fact, I still hope that Yao Yi can cherish this woman Jingyu well.A woman can even disregard her own life for you, if you have the heart, you will be moved.

(three more chapters)
(End of this chapter)

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