Chapter 146 Love Crazy (1)

Although I knew that he was that kind of person a long time ago, my heart still hurts when I saw this.But it was more of worry, seeing him face so much public opinion, she also became very worried. At this moment, she really wanted to be by his side and guard him.She faintly felt that there was a pair of invisible hands behind Yao Yi that seemed to strangle her at any moment, she was really afraid.

She took out her mobile phone and dialed the familiar number. Although she didn't save Yao Yi's number, she had firmly remembered it in her heart.The phone rang a few times before being picked up, but he didn't speak, only the familiar man's breathing.

At this time, Yao Yi was busy with his coach, and when he received a call from Jing Ju, his heart skipped a beat, and his uneasy emotions throbbed.Picked up the phone but don't know what to say?
"Yao Yi?"


"Are you busy now? Still... okay?" She really regretted making this call, because she really didn't know what to say, and she really didn't know whether she should take care of him or not Tube.

"It's okay. Have you seen the news?" Yao Yi on the other side of the phone asked cautiously. In fact, he didn't say anything. He was really worried, worried that she would get angry when she saw it.

"Hmm. Did you find out who released it?"

This sentence warmed Yao Yi's heart. If someone else had said it, she would have quarreled and asked for an explanation, but she asked him if he found out who did it. Can he understand that she is worried about him?

Afraid that what she said was not clear enough, Jing Yu added, "Well, I don't know those things either, the only thing I can do is not to trouble you."

Yao Yi's throat twitched, this is the wife he wanted, this kind of life was what he longed for the most all the time, he didn't expect it to appear.Although it wasn't what he wanted psychologically, he was still very content.

"Well, I see. I will go back early tonight, don't worry, remember to eat well.

After hanging up Yao Yi's call, she finally let go of the big rock in her heart, but she was still a little worried.She spent the rest of the time in a state of anxiety. She didn't even care about eating and kept watching the latest developments in front of the computer.Later in the evening, another message was sent out. It was a photo of Yao Yi and a woman. In the photo, the woman was sitting on the street as if being pushed by someone, while Yao Yi stood on the side and looked at the ground indifferently. It is to show that this is what Yao Yi pushed.And it also said that this was Yao Yi's behavior of abusing his wife.Jing Yu couldn't help but curled her lips, because the woman above was not her at all, to be precise, the woman above should be that woman Shen Shanshan.The ID used by the person who posted the photo is the same person who posted the video last night.I don't know what kind of deep hatred there is between this person and Yao Yi, and he actually blackmails him time and time again.

Just when she was aggrieved by Yao Yi, the man happened to come in from outside the door at this moment. As soon as he came back, he heard Zhao Ma say that the woman hadn't eaten all day, and besides being worried, she was actually a little moved.He grew up so that all the difficulties were solved by himself, and no one worried about him.Maybe there are, except for Ren Xun who has been by his side to worry about him, there is no one else.It's just that those are different, those are brothers, relatives, and those who are always by her side. She also feels nothing, but now suddenly there is another woman who cares about him so much, he really feels a kind of happiness.It is really a happy thing to be cared about and valued by others.

As soon as Jingyu turned her head, she saw the man standing there. After being slightly taken aback, she smiled at him, "When did you stand there? Have you eaten?"

Yao Yi came over and put his coat aside, he was too anxious to take off his coat just now.It was because he was too worried about her.Women's bodies have always been relatively weak, and he didn't want to make her feel a little bit uncomfortable.The more she cared about him, the more guilty he felt.

***Recommended friend Jingtao's Wenwen (destined to be deeply in love: to get into trouble with a top-notch creditor), I hope everyone will support it.There is also Haruko's group: 152201330, let's play together.Happy Valentine's Day, everyone
(End of this chapter)

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