Chapter 150 Love Crazy (5)

Jing Yu turned her face and didn't intend to pay attention to him at all.This man is very ambitious, she can see it at a glance.Moreover, this man brought up the matter of Yao Yi when he saw her several times, and he was very hostile.She was wondering if this man was interested in Yao Yi.

Yu Zhengyi was not annoyed, but smiled comfortably, and continued: "Miss Lin, is she afraid of seeing me? Usually, one person likes another person like you. Can I say that you like me?"

Can you be any more shameless?Such words can be said unexpectedly, even if she is crazy, she won't like him.

She really doubted what the man's motives were. "Are you blind, sir? Which of your eyes sees that I am interested in you again? How would you feel if my husband found out about your words?"

Yu Zhengyi's face also pulled down when he heard about Yao Yi. The person he hates most in this world is Yao Yi.Seeing Jingyu defending Yao Yi every time, he suddenly felt very uncomfortable.I don't know why I have such thoughts in my heart, and I am very upset by such inexplicable thoughts in my heart.

"Lin Jingyu, you'd better not offend me."

The man suddenly changed his face, she curled her lips in disdain, and said, "Since you don't want me to provoke you, then don't provoke me."

Every time she saw this man, she avoided him, and she wished that he would never show up again.Now who is messing with who? "Then you don't appear in front of me in the future, it's good for you and me." She turned her face away, and her face became obviously cold.That's how she is. If she doesn't like her, she won't give others any favors.She won't pretend and doesn't bother to pretend, and there is no need to pretend anything for him.

"I really didn't expect you to be so eloquent. If I hadn't met you, I really couldn't believe that you were actually that guy's wife."

"You don't need to worry about other people's affairs." Yao Wei just heard such words when he got out of the car, and he couldn't help answering.

Jingyu saw him smile, "Yao Wei, why are you here?" Even though it wasn't Yao Yi who came over, she lost the joy in her heart, but at least she didn't have to face Yu Zhengyi alone.

For a moment, Yao Wei looked at the smile on her face and was slightly lost in thought.He has always known that Jingyu is a very outstanding woman, both in appearance and temperament.She looks especially beautiful tonight, and she looks happier than before.Before, she seemed to be very gloomy.He likes her now more than she used to.

When he saw this woman for the first time, he always felt that he wanted to cherish her. He always felt that she was not suitable for his brother.Yao Yi is too cold and ruthless, he is afraid that Lin Jingju will suffer if he is by his side, why didn't such a beautiful woman meet him in the first place!If Jingyu was with him, he would probably be very happy.

Jingyu called him a few times before responding, smiled at her and said: "My brother has no time to call me to pick you up, can we go now?"

They talked easily and completely ignored Yu Zhengyi's face that was getting darker and darker, as if this person was air.


When facing Yao Wei, she can always relax herself, and in her heart, she treats him like a child, and there is an indescribable pampering in his tone.

Hearing this, he led her to the car. Seeing this situation, Yu Zhengyi reached out and stopped Jingyu, "Lin Jingju, you can't go with him."

"Why?" Jing Ju and Yao Wei said in unison.

This person is too inexplicable, who does he think he is, why not let him go.

"The feet are my own. I can walk as long as I want. You don't care about me."

Throwing away his hand and yelling at him, she really doubted whether this man was insane, she wouldn't be so unlucky, this man really fell in love with her.She doesn't want to do this, she will really be bored to death.

(End of this chapter)

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