Chapter 159 Love Crazy (14)

do you have heartWhether it's Qian Yirou or Lin Jingju, you actually don't have any intentions.

Jing Yu followed behind him, staring at the tightly clasped hands of the two.After walking a long way, he turned his head to look at Jingyu, and the two just looked at each other without saying a word.Obviously, they really wanted to talk to each other, but they couldn't open their mouths when they were here.In the end, it was Yao Yi who spoke first, frowning and said, "Lin Jingju."

"Don't say anything, I don't want to hear." She didn't want to know the things about him outside, what woman he was with, and how many women he had.She was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable if she knew it.She thought that every night she waited until very late without him, and when she got up the next day, the newspaper said it was about him.She had had enough, she never wanted to live like that again.

"Then let's go back." After he finished speaking, he walked outside, and Jing Yu followed behind him silently. This time, he went out to shop and ended up as usual.

The two returned home together, Yao Yi went to the study, and Jing Yu went back to her room.After resting for so long, she began to think about new subjects again.In addition to the publishing house, she also writes books on the website.Recently, she has been thinking about writing about her and Yao Yi.The encounter once was the most beautiful, but the time was too ruthless to obliterate their original beginning.

After a whole night of busy work, she came down, had a hasty dinner, and went back to her room to continue writing.

Yao Yi didn't return to the room until after ten o'clock in the evening. When he returned, Jing Yu was writing hard in front of the computer.She didn't even notice Yao Yi coming in.

"what are you doing?"

She was taken aback, and when she saw him, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Write a novel."

"When did you become interested in these things?" Yao Yi has never liked to get involved in things like these women, but every time he sees Jingyu, he reads novels with his hands in his hands, and the only things that are about love are simple things like her. Women like it.There is no such perfect love in reality, how could such a man appear in the novel.At least he wouldn't believe those things.

"Just write if you have nothing to do. You go to rest first and don't worry about me." When she was writing a book, she would become a different person, as if she had become obsessed.Just like now as long as there is inspiration to write to her, she doesn't care about anything.

Seeing that she was so persistent, Yao Yi didn't say anything anymore, changed his clothes, told her he wanted to go out, and left.She was still immersed in her own world, so she could only nod casually.

It was already midnight when she stopped, she turned off the computer and subconsciously looked for Yao Yi's figure.Suddenly remembered that he just said that he was going out, and felt a little silent in his heart.

She came here while waiting for countless nights, but for some reason, the feeling that she is already with Yao Yi is still lingering.Is it true love in the end, even if he is around every day, there is no sense of satisfaction.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and she sat for a long time before leaving for the bathroom to take a shower, and then went to rest.She had no dreams that night.

When she woke up the next day, she found Yao Yi was beside her. Seeing that his clothes were still in order, and the smell of alcohol came over her face, she knew that he must have had a hangover last night.She didn't care that much either, she tucked the quilt up for him and washed up briefly before walking to the living room.

But today is destined to be an unusual day, there is already a commotion outside, about Shen Shanshan's suicide last night.Early this morning, Shen Shanshan was found with her pulse cut in her bathroom, and it was too late when she was sent to the hospital.At the entrance of the hospital, Mother Shen was already on the verge of collapse.He kept asking Yao Yi to give them an explanation.When Jing Yu saw this, her heart ached.A person who was fine yesterday just left today.While not entirely their fault, they are somehow responsible.

(End of this chapter)

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