The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 172 A Battle Between Two Women

Chapter 172 The Battle of Two Women (9)

Such words made her want to laugh a little, those favors were only given by him, he would give them when he was happy, and take them back when he was unhappy.This is not a loss because Yao Yi is really ruthless.She thought that she could warm his heart this time, but it turned out that it was just her extravagant wish, and it was all her own wishful thinking. ?
"Then you don't want to give it, anyway, I don't want it anymore." This kind of love is so uncomfortable, it's better not to, just let her give up earlier. ? Yao Yi never expected that she would say such a thing.Could it be that he is still not qualified to be her husband in her heart?He has worked so hard, he has never been so nice to any woman in his life, and she is probably the only one.She always has such a lukewarm attitude. He really doesn't know if she really loves him. ?
The two of them quarreled most proudly with the woman Qian Yirou. As long as Yao Yi doesn't like Jingju, then she may be even more.If you want to sit in that position right now, you have to tell Jingyu to leave here quickly.Mrs. Yao's position is hers now, and it's still a little low to fight her.

She thought that no one could see it, but she didn't see a pair of eyes staring at her fiercely in the corner, becoming more and more vicious.There are more than two women in this house, there will be a good show in the future.

"Lin Jingju, you'd better remember what you said." Yao Yi pointed at Jingju and said.After saying this, he strode outside.Now he was really angry, but Jingyu wasn't afraid at all.In the relationship, it is impossible for her to be patient all the time.

"Miss Qian's ending is what you most want to see. Your goal has been achieved." Jing Yu smiled at Qian Yirou, seeing her proud face, she wished she could tear her face apart.This also made her realize that her future life is really difficult.

"Sister-in-law, you should be more careful here, such a woman doesn't know what to do after being so scheming." Yao Wei gave her a cold look.

"Wei Shao, it's a bit too late for you at this time. When did I get serious? I haven't done anything to plot against you." Qian Yirou proudly rubbed her waist, fearing that people would not know her Now it's like being pregnant.

Zhang Feifei turned her face away in disdain, pulled Yao Wei's arm and said: "Yao Wei, let's go back. With us here, if this woman dares to bully us Jingzhu, I will definitely not let her go."

Yao Wei nodded in agreement, and the two bid farewell to Jingju and left.Only Jingju and Qian Yirou were left in the living room, and there was Zhao Ma who was hanging out all the time.She has been standing behind Jingyu all the time, looking at Qian Yirou viciously.The two of them were fine before, and after she came, they quarreled again. Now she can't wait to drive this woman out.

Qian Yirou proudly raised her head and told Mama Zhao, "Mama Zhao, I seem to be a little hungry again, hurry up and make me something to eat."

Zhao Ma still stood there as if she hadn't heard what she said at all.Jing Ju hooked her lips, and she knew that Mama Zhao must have done this on purpose.Seeing Qian Yirou's instantly turned green face, she couldn't express her relief.Such a disgusting woman, in front of Yao Yi, pretends to be a little bird.As long as Yao Yi is not here, he will immediately show his original appearance, which makes people feel disgusting.

"Aren't there a lot of things to do next, Mama Zhao? What are you still doing here, go to work quickly." Since Mama Zhao helped her, she naturally didn't want her to be in any trouble.Before Qian Yirou had an attack, she hurriedly told Zhao Ma to go down.

(End of this chapter)

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