The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 180 A Battle Between Two Women

Chapter 180 The Battle of Two Women (17)

God, how could such a thing happen, if I was sober, such a thing would never happen.

She didn't come home all night and didn't know that Yao Yi was worried that she didn't.If you think about it carefully, it shouldn't be the case. A person like him should not worry about anyone.Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a sense of emptiness and loss in my heart.

When Li Qianqian came in, she saw her in a daze, and stood at the door and knocked on the door.Hearing the knock on the door, Jing Yu pulled back from her thoughts, saw Li Qianqian pull out a bright smile and said, "Are you here?"

"Yeah, Yu Bin went out early in the morning. I was bored so I came here to see if you're awake." Li Qianqian walked to the bed and sat down in a disfigured manner, pouted helplessly , I think she is really bored to death.

"Okay, there is still me. But seriously, why did Yu Bin go out so early in the morning?"

"It's not because of you."

"Because of me?" Jing Yu was puzzled: "Because of me what?"

"You are gone, Yao Yi is looking for you all over the world. He called Yu Bin and the others over early in the morning, but don't worry, I have already told Yu Bin not to say you are here, so that Yao Yi will worry to death All right."

Jing Yu smiled and didn't speak. Although there was nothing on the surface, she still couldn't help but feel a little bit of joy in her heart.Unexpectedly, Yao Yi would care about her.But even so, she was still a little angry.

"But Jingyu, there is one more thing I want to tell you." Li Qianqian timidly took out the phone from his pocket, hesitating whether to give it to her.

It was a bit strange to see her like this, Jing Yu took her mobile phone, and when she saw the photo of her and Yu Zhengyi kissing, she herself was taken aback. "This, isn't this the way I was treated lightly by Yu Zhengyi last night when I was drunk? How could it be." How could it be photographed.Recently, she has frequently appeared in everyone's eyes. I am afraid that no one does not know her identity.If people saw such a photo, she would not be able to wash it off by jumping into the Yellow River.

"That's right, now the major reports and the Internet are talking about your affairs. They say you are a bad woman." She really couldn't tell that Jing Yu was the kind of water-sexual-yang-flower woman, During the time spent with Jingyu, she knew exactly what kind of person she was.

Jingyu immediately understood that it was not the first time she had experienced such a thing anyway.What happened to Yao Yi last time was not like this.These things, believe it is true, do not believe it is false.She had nothing to say, the more she clarified, the more no one would believe her, so she could only smile lightly.There is a saying that goes well, "People who understand you don't understand even if they say it, and people who understand you understand you even if they don't."

"Jingyu, don't do this, I definitely believe you." Li Qianqian held her hand and said firmly. ? Jingyu nodded. She really didn't make friends with Li Qianqian.She knew that this woman would definitely stand by her side.Her behavior made her feel a lot better. "Don't worry, I'm not that glass-hearted yet, I'm not afraid of the shadow when I'm upright."

Anyway, she thought in her heart that even if such a thing happened.But she didn't do it voluntarily, even if she was a little sorry for Yao Yi.She is also considered a victim in this matter, and what she hopes most is that people she cares about can trust her.

"I'm much more relieved when you think about it like this, but Yao Yi doesn't know what to think, why don't you go back and explain it to him. And you haven't gone back last night, he must be..." Seeing her face getting paler Li Qianqian didn't dare to speak anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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