Chapter 203 Miscarriage (8)

"Okay, then you can go and deal with those outside. Just treat it as a mistake for me to love you." Treat it as a mistake, treat it as a dream.Just treat it as a dream for ten years, but Yao Yi should treat it as a dream.

"Love? What is love?" He raised his lips in disdain. What is love?Lin Jingyu, I used to want to treat you well, but you never disdain me.He thought he had treated her very well, at least ten thousand times better than those women outside.He always wanted to spend his whole life with her like this.But why did she trample on her like this again and again.Obviously he was already so kind to her, but she actually betrayed him.

Although she already knew that love was really worthless in his heart, but when such words came out of his mouth, her heart would be so painful.Okay, Yao Yi, you should be more unfeeling, then she can leave happily.

"Yeah, what is love?" It's nothing but worthless now.But she just fell in love with someone, what's wrong with her, she just loved him too much.

"Lin Jingyu, why bother, yours look so cheap. I, Yao Yi, are a heartless man, so you don't need to put these things on me." He stretched out his index finger, raised Jingyu's chin, and Word by word warning.

She raised her head slightly, with a bright smile on her face, but it didn't reach the bottom of her eyes, which were still icy cold. "thank you for telling me."

Thank you for telling me that in her next life, she will definitely not fall in love with a man like Yao Yi, and it will even be so painful.If it is possible, she can be an ordinary person in her next life, and then marry an ordinary man, and live from nine to five together.In fact, this is what she longs for the most. She thought that she and him would have such a future, but everything has changed.

Originally, he said this by himself, but why did he feel so uncomfortable, and also with an inexplicable anger.With a flick of his hand, he strode outside.

She sat on the chair blankly, staring blankly at his receding back.They are getting farther and farther, not only the distance but also the heart.

It was night, and a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in the dark sky. It looked like it was going to rain heavily.Yao Yi buried himself in the room and kept working.Recently, his territory has been occupied by others, and his business can be said to be surrounded by enemies.Feeling irritable for no reason, I lit a cigarette, hoping that this would make me feel better.

"Don't be blinded by what you see."

Suddenly someone spoke, and Yao Yi was taken aback.His eyes followed the voice of the voice.I saw a woman sitting on the railing of the balcony.She was wearing a strong suit, with a silver mask on her face, revealing a pair of cold eyes and a small mouth.The purple-red hair fluttered in the air with the wind.

Yao Yi is no stranger to her, this unique mask is the symbol of the Butterfly Gang.And it wasn't the first time he had dealt with this woman.She is the "Night Angel", the leader of the Butterfly Gang.For a moment, he felt that this person was actually Lin Jingju.

"It's you?" Yao Yi asked, "What are you doing here?"

The woman didn't speak, and threw a chip at him, "This is what you've always wanted. It's about Yu Zhengyi."

As she spoke, she took out another briefcase with the unique logo of "Longyan" on it, and that was undoubtedly Yao Yi's.

The woman's slender fingers played with the briefcase in front of her, and said: "Others say that Yao Yi is omnipotent and the overlord of City S. It seems that the omnipotent Yao Yi may also fail."

(End of this chapter)

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