Chapter 206 Miscarriage (11)

"I don't." Stubborn as Jing Yu, she was clearly not the one who was wrong, why did she have to apologize, and it was Qian Yirou who apologized.

Yao Yi was taken aback, since he founded Longyan, no one has spoken to him like this, he is arrogant, he is supreme, when has he ever been treated like this by a woman.Thinking of this, his attitude towards Jingyu suddenly became bad, and he glanced at Jingyu coldly, and ordered: "Apologize."

She trembled, Yao Yi like this was really scary, but even if it was scary, she would not back down.Even if Yao Yi gets angry, he can't eat her, right? "No, she hit me. Why should I apologize? Even if I die, I won't apologize."

Jingyu, as long as you ask me, as long as you soften your attitude, I will definitely treat you better.

It's just that he really underestimated Jingyu. She is gentle on the surface and a very stubborn person in her bones. Otherwise, she would not have loved him for so many years and never left.

It's just that Yao Yi is also a man, and the masculinity in his bones does not allow him to be provoked by a woman like this.He stood up with a swish, pinching Jingyu's throat with his big hand. "Don't make me say the same thing a third time."

This is the second time he treats her like this. If he uses force in the next second, Jingyu's life may be over.She is not afraid of death, but it will be painful, and her heart will be very painful, because she will die in the hands of the person she loves the most.And he is because of other women, what a ridiculous thing.

"Yao Yi, use your strength, let me die in your arms." When she spoke, a tear flowed down the corner of her eyes.

Yao Yi, you should work hard, as long as you work hard, your life will really be over.In this life, I know that there is no way to quit my love for you. If I die like this, I will bury my love for you in this life.

Seeing the despair in her eyes, his heart also became uncomfortable.Wasn't she very obedient in the past?Didn't she always think about him in everything?Why is it different now? He thought she would always be so obedient. It seems that he really thought too much.In this world, only you will be good to yourself, only you will not betray yourself, and everyone else is fake.

Just when Jingyu thought he was going to die, Yao Yi suddenly let go of his hand, and Jingyu just fell to the ground, sucking in a big mouthful of air.She swears that Yao Yi is a devil, he is too scary.

Qian Yirou was obviously also frightened, she was always by Yao Yi's side, although he would not be a particularly gentle person, he was always cold at ordinary times and felt that he would not be as scary as today, it was too scary.

Yao Yi picked up his coat and walked out without looking back. When he turned around, the coldness in his eyes was slowly replaced by sadness.People outside say that he is ruthless, but who knows that he also longs to be loved in his heart.

When he was young, seeing those people's happy families, he couldn't help asking his mother why everyone else had a father but he didn't.Every time he does this, he will be beaten and scolded.Since that time he got into a fight with people because people said he was a wild child without a father.His mother found out about this matter, and he was undoubtedly beaten up again when he went back.His mother told him that his father was a bad man and he didn't want their mother and son anymore.Since he was young, he has hated his father since then.

(End of this chapter)

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