Chapter 220 I Listen to You (10)

"Anyway, the company has nothing to do, so it's not a big deal not to go for a few days." Yao Yi said.

Jing Ju pursed her lips and said nothing more, Yao's mother smiled and said: "Jing Ju, you don't need to worry about him, it's rare to keep him from going to work, he usually works desperately."

Jing Yu smiled and sat beside her, who cares, anyway, the company belongs to Yao Yi, and what he likes is his own business. As soon as she sat down, Yao's mother stopped the movements in her hands and looked at Jingyu with a smile, "Jingyu really wants to thank you this time?"

"Ah?" Jing Yu didn't react for a while, and blinked her eyes in confusion.

Mother Yao pointed to the father and son who were playing chess and said, "That's them."

Jing Yu followed her line of sight and just saw Yao Yi's profile.At this moment, the man was deep in thought, frowning slightly.She couldn't help being stunned when she saw it like this, and just stared at him blankly.

Yao's mother looked at Jingyu and smiled, why are these two children so awkward, they obviously like each other, but they don't understand their own heart.

If she heard that they were going to divorce that day, she was really afraid that such a thing would really happen.But seeing today's scene, I feel relieved.She also believed in her heart that it was just Jing Yu's angry words.

The Yao family here is harmonious and harmonious, but the other Yao family is not like that.Yao's father had a heart attack when he heard what happened to Yao Wei recently.

"You rebellious son, do you know what you're doing? That's your sister-in-law?" Father Yao gasped while clutching his chest.

"Of course I know what I'm doing. I just know too well that's why I'm doing it. I just don't want to be like you, dad, and I just don't want to be so cowardly."

"Pa" just as his voice fell, Father Yao slapped him with a slap.From childhood to adulthood, as long as his son wants to do anything, he is up to him.He wholeheartedly taught his son to just be an idler, thinking that he would be fine, but he didn't expect that what he was worried about would still appear.

Yao's mother couldn't bear to see her husband and son quarreling like this. After all, she only had one son. She was really afraid that her husband would really beat him to death. "Ah Wei, don't talk to your father like this. Make an apology. Dad won't blame you."

"Mom, why? Aren't we also descendants of the Yao family? Why are there only them in the company and we have nothing?"

My father has always held a grateful heart, and does nothing no matter what.In his heart, his father's behavior is cowardly.He must not be like his father, because he wants to protect the person he wants to protect.

Father Yao clutched his chest, his legs went limp and he fell down on the sofa, his face was as white as paper, panting heavily.Did he really do something wrong, the last thing he wanted to happen did happen.

Yao's mother also seemed to be hit hard and fell to the ground, covered her face in pain, and kept muttering, "How could this happen, how could this happen?"

"Injustice, injustice, this is retribution." Father Yao said painfully.

Yao Wei frowned, he was very puzzled why his parents reacted so strongly, could there be some ulterior secret in it.

"Husband, tell me, how long are you going to keep this matter a secret?" Yao's mother said.

"What's going on?" Yao Wei asked.

Father Yao paused for a while before he said, "Actually, it's not that Dad doesn't want to fight, nor is it that Dad is cowardly, but because those things don't belong to us at all. Those belong to the descendants of the Yao family, but we don't."

no?Could it be that his father and uncle were not from the Yao family at all?

(End of this chapter)

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