Chapter 222

What he said seemed to make sense, but JOE still felt a little uneasy, as if the whole thing was weird, and he couldn't say what was so strange.Forget it, anyway, the young master has always done things properly, so he shouldn't worry so much.

Yu Zhengyi was very confident in what he did. It might have been a small matter before, but now is the real start.Yao Yi just waited to accept the move, he would step on him one day.

Joe saw the dangerous light in his eyes and trembled.Has the young master of their family who has endured for so long really made a move this time?He was glad that he was his friend, if his enemy, he probably would have died countless times.

In the main suite of the "Imperial Palace" hotel, the room was in a mess, with clothes scattered in every corner, and one could tell how crazy the people in the room were yesterday.Yao Wei stroked his painful forehead, and then he saw that the whole room was messed up and he was not well.Then I saw the familiar face next to me, completely messed up.

He remembered drinking all the time after Yu Zhengyi left yesterday, and then he didn't know who he called.He really didn't know what happened after that, what was going on, why Zhang Feifei was here, and what happened to them.

At this time, Zhang Feifei also opened her eyes and blinked her confused eyes. "Are you awake?" An unnatural blush flashed across her face.

Yesterday she rushed over after receiving Yao Wei's call, seeing that he was already unconscious, she had no choice but to send him to the hotel to rest.Originally, she wanted to send him to him and left.When she was leaving, Yao Wei held her and refused to let her leave, while calling her name.In such a half-hearted situation, they are like this.

"Feifei," Yao Wei, "tell me, nothing happened to us yesterday, right? It's all a misunderstanding, isn't it?"

Her face turned pale, what did he mean by that, didn't she want to admit it?She thought he liked her too, otherwise he wouldn't have called her by her name when he was drunk yesterday.Could it be that she was thinking too much?Or is it just wishful thinking on her part?

Resisting the pain in her heart and tears, she said, "Well, I did it voluntarily, so you don't have to feel guilty or anything. We are all adults, and such things are inevitable." She pretended to be calm As she said that, she didn't realize that there was a slight trembling in her voice when she said such words, which exposed her pain.

She took the clothes next to her and put them on one by one, without even looking at Yao Wei during the process.Finally she puts on her shoes.He looked at Yao Wei reluctantly.She really didn't know that the first time she loved someone so deeply, she actually got such a result.In fact, she already knew that one day this would happen.Even so, she still doesn't regret it at all, because if she loves, there is no regret at all.

It took Yao Wei a while to recover, and by the time he opened his mouth to persuade him to stay, it was too late, and the only response was the sound of closing the door.My heart ached inexplicably, it's not that he didn't see the sadness in her eyes just now.But what he can do, he can't do anything.

After Zhang Feifei left for a long time, he went to the bathroom, and soon there was a sound of running water in the bathroom.He came out of the bathroom, with only a towel around his lower body, revealing his muscular upper body.

He picked up his clothes in the room and put them on one by one.The eyes inadvertently saw the red on the bed.He paused and watched in disbelief.It was actually the first time for that woman.Just now when she said that everyone is an adult, he really believed for a moment that he was actually the same as other women.

(End of this chapter)

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