Chapter 228 The Truth (6)

"Hey, can you pay attention to the feelings of others?" Zhao Yefei really couldn't stand it.It is said that Yao Yi is a brutal man who kills people without blinking an eye. When he saw the current scene, he completely believed that it was just a rumor.In fact, he really had no way to connect this with the rumors.

The two quickly let go and became uncomfortable, and Jingyu couldn't wait to dig a hole for herself to get in.

"If you can't see how affectionate they are, you should hurry up and ask for a wife. According to this, you are older than Yi, and it will save me from worrying about you all day long." Zhao Huihua said coquettishly.

"Oh, my good aunt, I'm still young now. I'm not in a hurry, so don't worry about it. The point is that I haven't found the one I like." He grew up with Zhao Huihua, and in front of her he Occasionally a little kid.Occasionally act petite or something.

"Tell me what you want?" Zhao Huihua said.

Qian Yirou, who had been silent all this time, also asked, "That's right, what do you like?" Can she change what he likes?As long as it becomes what he likes.

"Why are you still here?" Two voices, two different men, spoke in the same cold tone with a trace of impatience.

"Yefei. Yefei, I beg you to give me another chance, okay, I..." She looked at Zhao Yefei beggingly, she didn't appreciate him at all, and pushed her hand away in disgust.

She looked at Yao Yi again, just about to rush towards him, but as if she knew it, she hugged Jingyu and hid there.

"Get the hell out of here before I get angry, or you'll be ashamed of being a big star when the security guards come up later."

Yao Yi still had a cold expression on his face, it wasn't that he was nostalgic for the past, it wasn't that he was defending her, he just felt that he didn't even have the motivation to drive her away.

Such a woman is so humble, she would rather hurt others for her own selfish desires.For such a humble person, if he cares about her, he will only lower his grade.

Qian Yirou covered her face and fled out in embarrassment.Looking at her back, Jing Yu finally just pursed her lips and said nothing.Poor people must have something to hate, this sentence is not wrong at all.

"I heard you bought Zeng's?" Zhao Yefei asked.


Then everyone didn't speak, Zhao Yefei took Jingzhu's hand directly.Her hands are very fair and belong to the hands of real daughters.But even if she was a little thinner, she seemed to be even thinner than before.He still remembered that when Jing Yu was a little baby fat, he and Pei Zhenya were often together when they were young, and she always followed them like a little tail.She was chubby and unsteady when she walked, and she always fell down when she followed them, crying when she fell.At that time, he wondered if this silly girl could still marry.

Unexpectedly, time passed in a flash, and that chubby little girl has now transformed into an outstanding big beauty, and she has been accompanied by someone for a long time.

"Brother, what are you thinking?" Seeing him staring at her hand in a daze, he asked quietly.

"I miss you."

"What do you want me to do, don't I just stand in front of you?" Jingyu pouted cutely.

"I was thinking, how much you could eat when you were a child, how could you eat so fat, and you still haven't lost weight yet."

Women are most disgusted by people saying that she is fat, and Jingyu is no exception. Hearing what he said, she didn't even think about raising her hand to hit him.As soon as Zhao Yefei hid, the two chased after each other.Zhao Huihua didn't talk about them, just looked at them and smiled.In such a scene, she seemed to see herself when she was a child. At that time, she was always teased by her brother, and she refused to admit defeat and chased him to beat him.Unexpectedly, after such a long time, the child has grown up so much, and the murderer who killed his relatives still has no clue.

(End of this chapter)

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