Chapter 239 Yao Yi's Past (3)

Jing Yu stood at the door, also shocked by such a scene.She had rarely participated in such events before.After she got married, she obviously came to such places more often. Last time she came here out of her heart to help Yao Yi, and she didn't grab attention from them, and the ostentation at that time was not as big as it is now.

Yao Yi also came down at this time, and made a gesture for Jing Yu to hold his arm.Jing Yu hesitated and took his arm.Yao Yi's free other hand grabbed her hand. "Don't be afraid, I'm still here for anything."

She snorted and looked away, obviously angry, but in his eyes she looked like a child.

"Lin Jingyu, I find that you are really looking more and more like a child." Yao Yi said with a smile.

Jing Yu gritted her teeth, "What? Are you trying to say that I am getting more and more childish?"

Yao Yi felt in a good mood, he thought she had always been the kind of person who didn't talk much, but he didn't expect her to have such a side.She likes the way she is now more than the way she was before.Although he also suspected that she wanted to capture the old people before, but now he is very clear that a woman as proud as her should disdain to do these things.What's more, even if it was, he would be happy to let her do it.

"Mrs. Yao, let's go." He was in a good mood, and he pulled Jingyu inside.

In fact, they arrived relatively late, and generally the more prestigious people would appear later.And like Yao Yi, who is good at both black and white, many people must be very afraid of him.

As soon as they entered, Yi Aizi was still in the venue, and countless people looked at them.Jingyu was a little unaccustomed, her little hands were tightly squeezed together, and she could still feel a thin layer of sweat on her palms, but she still had a smile on her surface.

Yao Yi looked back at her, he could clearly feel the woman's obvious nervousness. , but she still looks very determined, which he appreciates very much.

"Jing'er is fine, you just have to stand beside me and smile." He just let Jingzhu show his face, so that everyone would know that she, Lin Jingju, was just his woman.

Before Jingyu had any reaction, several people had already come up to say hello to Yao Yi.

"Isn't this Mr. Yao? Long time no see." A fat middle-aged man came over and said hello.

"Well, long time no see. How is Mr. Yang?" Yao Yi replied lightly, although he was very polite, he felt very alienated the next day.

"Okay, I don't know how your father is doing recently, I haven't seen your father for a long time?"

That old man named Yang, when he saw Jing Ju beside Yao Yi, his mung bean eyes shone with a little light, and he was obviously surprised by Jing Ju.

But he was thinking in his heart, why is Yao Yi so lucky, and the beauties around him are better than the other.Although the previous woman was also very beautiful, but today's woman is even more beautiful. The aura exuded from her body alone is incomparable.

Yao Yi obviously noticed his gaze, and frowned displeasedly, "This is my wife."

Although his voice was not very loud, everyone present heard it, and they all looked at Jingyu.

Men are more amazed, women are more envious and jealous. I really didn't expect this to be Yao Yi's wife. This woman is really beautiful.She looks so beautiful so that no one can live.

Jing Yu ignored the gazes of others, but nodded slightly to the man opposite.Although this was just a polite expression, in Yao Yi's eyes, he was still very displeased, hugging Jing Yu's waist, as if telling others, "This woman is me, don't covet her".

Jingyu was amused by his childish appearance, there were too many people here, she was too embarrassed to laugh out loud and could only cover her mouth and smile coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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