Chapter 247 Yao Yi's Past (12)

Jingju also happened to come over, although there were many people, she still saw Yao Yi's figure at the first sight.She pushed and pulled the car door and ran over, trying to squeeze in, but couldn't.Her behavior quickly attracted the attention of many people, and several people turned their heads one after another. When they saw Jing Yu, several people quickly recognized her, and hurriedly turned the microphone to her, and directly asked a lot of questions.Soon everyone gave up on Yao Yi and came to surround her.

She didn't react, she was stunned by such a scene.She really wanted to rush out, they were like a wall of people, she was pushed around and didn't know how to answer them.

Surrounded by bodyguards, Yao Yi suddenly ran over, broke through the crowd and walked to her side, hugging her in his arms.Seeing Yao Yi coming, the reporter hurried forward to ask Yao Yi.

"Boss Yao, please respond."

"Mr. Yao, please tell me, do you have feelings for your wife?"

"Is what the newspaper said true?"

... One after another, sharp topics were thrown over, and the reporters seemed to be in a swarm.His face was getting darker and darker, as if he would burst into anger in the next second.Jing Yu looked at him worriedly, if Yao Yi was angry at this time, he probably didn't know what trouble would happen. "Yao Yi..."

He seemed to understand her worry, hugged her head, and let her stay in his arms with peace of mind. "Why did you come here, why didn't you wait for me at home?"

When he was speaking, the bodyguards had already come to surround them. After all, they were well-trained bodyguards, and they isolated the reporters outside in a few strokes.No matter how much they want to get close to Yao Yi, they won't do.

"I, I'm worried about you." She raised her head and looked at Yao Yi worriedly. When she knew about these things, she didn't think whether she would mind or not. What she thought about was whether Yao Yi would feel uncomfortable seeing these things.

"Don't you mind? The things in the newspapers are all true, and I have really experienced such things, so you don't mind?" They said in a voice that they could only hear.

His voice became hoarse, and she knew that he was actually enduring the pain in his heart.Seeing this, he couldn't help but feel distressed.In her heart, Yao Yi has always been tall, cold and omnipotent.She thought he was what she saw on the surface.But at this moment, he was helpless and a little pitiful.

It seemed like everyone was pushing him away, laughing at him for what happened to him.She really felt so heartbroken, heartbroken for Yao Yi.

"It's a lie to say that I don't mind, but I don't have the qualifications. If you want to blame, blame me for not appearing by your side earlier and not accompanying you through everything..." Tears flow first, these words describe her now, she regrets I regretted studying so much at the beginning, she should have gone to him earlier, maybe then he would not have experienced that.

He prefers to hear such words than the unwillingness to say that he doesn't mind. A certain part of his heart collapses in an instant, just like that, and he can no longer extricate himself.

The more she cried, the more sad she became, and he felt pain in his heart. He never thought that one day there would be someone who worried about him so much. She didn't come over to question him loudly, and she didn't act as if she was very sad.He thought that after going through such a thing, he thought he would lose her in the future.He thought of many possibilities in his mind, but he just didn't expect such a scene.She actually cried, crying because he had such a past.She was distressed, she was sad, and she was blaming herself for not appearing by his side sooner.My heart also ached.

Wiping away her tears, he asked without thinking, and swallowed all her words into his stomach.He secretly swears in his heart, what more can a husband ask for if he has a wife, and he will treat her well in the future, and he will pamper her well in the future, even if it is not love between them.Maybe only a woman like her can accompany him for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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