Chapter 251 Distress (3)

Yu Bin scratched it puzzled, women are really troublesome, obviously just now he was very good, but he got angry when he was angry, did he do something wrong?He didn't dare to think so much, so he hurried forward to chase, what if his wife ran away?Did Jing Ju look at Yao Yi who was driving, and frowned. "You, aren't you worried? How can you remain so calm after such a big thing happened?" He should be the one who happened, but why is she the one who is worried?This seems too unfair.Why is it a bit like the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry. "It's okay, you don't have to worry. You've already been through it anyway, so what's wrong with being brought up to say a few words now." He didn't even bother to continue driving, with a nonchalant look on his face.Does he really not care?Actually no, he really cared, he just didn't want her to worry so much.Well, what else can she say, people say they don't care.Maybe she was really too nervous, who is Yao Yi, she believed that he would have a way to settle these things. "Yao Yi, I believe in you. No matter what I do, I will definitely stand by your side." His fingers trembled slightly. For some reason, what happened today really moved him.He was really moved by what she did.He has never felt this way before, and it is estimated that Jing Yu came here to make up for what he did not have before.The car continued on, but this was not the way to go home, "Yao Yi, this doesn't seem to be the way to go home, where are we going now?" "Afraid I'll sell you?" Yao Yi turned to look at her , bent his lips, and smiled evilly.Jing Yu looked at him like this, he looked really handsome.When he was not smiling, he was like an inaccessible iceberg, but now when he smiled, it seemed that everything would stop.Seeing that the woman was in a daze again, Yao Yi freed up a hand and flicked her forehead lightly.Only then did she come back to her senses, and touched her painful forehead.He smirked a bit, she had never acted like this with him, and now thinking about it, it's pretty good to get along like this. "Stupid?" Seeing that she was not angry but giggled, he couldn't help but tease her. "It's not that I'm stupid, I've been poisoned." She was poisoned, and she was poisoned by Yao Yi.Although it was embarrassing to say such a thing, she would feel a little uncomfortable if she didn't say it.She just loves Yao Yi, if she loves, she should say it out loud.Let Yao Yi know clearly that she actually loves him. "This kind of drug is addictive, so don't give it up for the rest of your life." He thought maybe he himself has been poisoned.After spending time together, he has gotten used to the presence of Jingzhu.There is always her figure in my mind, I miss her when I eat, I miss her when I sleep, I even think about her when I go to the toilet.He cared about her, whether she was cared about by other men, whether she was happy or not, and whether she was wronged.At the beginning, he really didn't understand what these things meant, until today when he asked Yi Xuran and Yu Bin, they said, in fact, this is love.Now he is in love with her, and she loves him equally, and they are also married, so they will be together and form a happy family in the future.She was taken aback for a moment, it all happened so fast and she felt that it was unreal.As if she was on a roller coaster, she wondered for a moment whether this Yao Yi was just pretending, and why was she not at all the same as before.The two of them didn't speak for a while, the car drove forward steadily, and the car didn't stop until it reached the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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