Chapter 254 Distress (6)

The relationship between the two of them developed by leaps and bounds that night. Although they didn't stay for a long time, it still made their relationship even better.On the way back, Jingyu fell asleep in the co-pilot's seat.Yao Yi glanced at her inadvertently, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.Is she that tired?She has been sleeping all day today, and now she can still sleep soundly. Could it be that she is a pig?
Jingyu was sleeping in a daze, suddenly there was a loud bang, she rushed forward in a tendency, she hurriedly opened her eyes, fortunately she was wearing a seat belt, otherwise her head would definitely hit the windshield on the glass.Even so, she was still hurt to death by the seat belt.She couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Fuck, what's going on here?"

Yao Yi originally frowned into Sichuan characters, but when he heard Jing Ju's swearing, he let out a low laugh.Hasn't this woman always been submissive in front of him, with a standard ladylike appearance, and she actually said foul language?To Yao Yi, this is even more unusual than the red rain in the sky.But he didn't think too much about it yet, and when he saw the cars behind him from the rear-view mirror, his face became dark again.Start the car quickly, and the car ran out like a horse off the rope.

Before Jingyu realized what was going on, she came back to her senses and shouted, "Yao Yi, why are you so fast, are you desperate?" , People haven't had children yet.

He has no time to take care of her now, if it were normal, he would definitely get out of the car and fight them to the death.But not today, she is here today, he can't let her take this risk.

Gradually, she also realized the seriousness of the matter, and obediently closed her mouth.In such a can, Yao Yi must have his plan, she can't be his burden at this time.She is so scared to death now, she is really afraid that she and Yao Yi will really die here.Their relationship has just improved, and she only heard Yao Yi say that she loves her tonight, how could God play with them like this.

Seeing her pale face but not saying a word and still pretending to be calm, Yao Yi felt very distressed.Her world was originally pure white, and she had never been exposed to dark images, and she must have been terrified by such images.

"Jing'er, are you afraid?" He asked gently.

She shook her head hastily, "I'm not afraid, as long as I'm with you, I'm not afraid of anything." Although her voice was a little trembling, it was extremely firm.It is also a kind of happiness to be able to accompany the person you love through life and death.

His heart trembled, except for those brothers who were born and died, no one really said such words to him.No matter what, as long as he is focused on these words, he will definitely protect her until his last breath. "Don't worry, I won't let you have trouble even if I die."

Before she could say anything, the people chasing behind suddenly took out their guns and fired several shots at them, but they didn't hit them.It's just that Jingyu had never seen such a scene before, so she screamed in fright.Fearing that those eyeless bullets would hit her, he yelled, "Get down quickly."

She obediently lay down, but her eyes were fixed on Yao Yi.Damn, this kind of scene has only been seen on TV, she really wants to cry now.The sound of bullets was still thumping, and they flew over her head several times, making her legs weak in fright.

Seeing that the places where the car drove were getting more and more remote, Yao Yi also murmured in his heart that it was not good. He took out his mobile phone and wanted to call someone to come over, but when he took out the mobile phone, he realized that the battery was dead. "Damn, the phone is dead."

Jingyu woke up and could call someone to come over. She rummaged through her bag for a long time but didn't see her mobile phone. She suddenly remembered that when she came out, she put her mobile phone on the table and didn't take it out at all.

(End of this chapter)

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