The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 259 Why Do People Cry So Much?

Chapter 259 Why Do People Cry So Much?

"Your body is just right, don't be like this. Don't fall ill again before you wake up."

Yao Yi is the only thing in her heart now, and she can't listen to anything at all.If she is sick, she will be sick. Now that she is not even afraid of death, is she still afraid of some kind of disease?
"You, have you slept for two days and don't eat anything?"

Silence, or silence.Her eyes only saw Yao Yi, and she was still muttering after Yao Yi, her tears dried up and fell down again.

Seeing this, Yao Si felt uncomfortable.It is a blessing to have such a woman in love.If Yao Yi can really feel it, wake up quickly.

"Didn't you say you want a baby? Get up soon, okay?" She murmured.She said that she was about to despair, but she still hoped that Yao Yi could hear it.


When she was really about to collapse things, she suddenly heard someone laughing.She raised her eyes and met Yao Yi's deep eyes, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.Seeing that she was still in a daze, he smiled and said, "You're really noisy, I don't even want to sleep for a while longer."

It was real Yao Yi, not she was dreaming.She burst into tears with a whoosh.Yao Yi frowned, and reached out to wipe the tears off her face.He heard what she just said, but he couldn't open his eyes.

"Okay, okay, am I okay now? Why are you crying?"

She just wiped her nose and tears indiscriminately, pouted her mouth and said coquettishly: "You did it on purpose, you woke up early tomorrow, and you made me so sad." She originally wanted to beat him, but remembered that he still had injuries I had no choice but to hold back.

"How can I lie to you, I just woke up just now, okay? I didn't expect that when I woke up, no one cared about me." He was a little angry like a child when he said this, which made Yi Xuran, Yu Bin Both Zhao Yefei and Zhao Yefei were surprised. Is this still the Yao Yi they know?

It was only when she realized the injury that she was injured that she realized that everything in her body was actually fine.She immediately thought that he should have blocked the shot for her.Thinking of this, she actually started crying again. "Wuwu, Yao Yi, you fool, no matter what you think, you didn't help me block it. What if, if you have something to do, what if you leave me alone?"

He really couldn't understand why a woman loves to cry so much. He didn't realize that she was such a cry-loving person before?He had no choice but to coax her patiently, "It's all over now."

Seeing how uncomfortable she is now, I thought that I would never let her experience such a thing again.At that time, he blocked the bullet without even thinking about it. There was only one thought in his heart all the time, that is, no matter what happens, Jingyu should not be allowed to do anything.

Zhao Yefei who was standing on the side pursed his lips and said nothing.If he didn't want them to care before, then he is completely relieved at this moment.

When Jing Chun received the notification, she immediately asked him to go to rescue people together.When they arrived, they saw Yao Yi blocking a bullet for Jingzhu.Later, after those people packed up, he personally carried Jingyu to the hospital, and no one was allowed to touch her. He didn't pass out until the doctor said she was just frightened and nothing happened.He himself was shot twice, one in the shoulder and one almost in the heart.After more than ten hours of rescue, he was rescued.As a man, he really admires Yao Yi. It is really not easy to do this for a woman. If it were him, he would definitely not be able to do it.

He wiped her tears distressedly, and his expression suddenly became serious. "Don't cry. If a man makes his woman cry, it means that the man is useless and will be laughed at."

"Whoever dares to laugh at me will castrate him." She said angrily, Yao Yi is the most remarkable man in the world, she always thought so in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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