Chapter 265 Dispute
Yao Yi kept watching their interaction with a livid face. Although he had liked her for a long time, Yao Wei still felt very sad seeing such a scene.Fortunately, Jingyu will not accept him, otherwise he will die of discomfort.This is his woman that no one can take away.How could it be so easy for them to get to such a step?

Just when he was about to explode, Zong's small hand suddenly grabbed his big hand and rubbed gently against his palm. Although her hand was small, it was very warm, warming into his heart.The restlessness just now disappeared immediately, he should trust her, he knew that the person she loved the most was him.

But believe me, I still feel very uncomfortable seeing the red rose on the table, the rose is too enchanting and not suitable for a woman like Jing Yu. "She doesn't like roses."

Jing Yu didn't speak, she agreed with Yao Yi's words in her heart, she just didn't like roses.She likes the small but charming fragrance of osmanthus or jasmine.She thought that Yao Yi would not know, but now she finally knows that Yao Yi is not ignorant of him.

"Whether you like it or not is up to Jingyu. You are just his nominal husband. What right do you have to do this?" Seeing that he seemed to know Jingyu very well, he felt very sad.When he said this, he obviously thought that the relationship between Yao Yi and Jingyu was still the same as before. What he didn't know was that their relationship was already very good now.

"Yao Wei is your brother and sister-in-law in front of you now, and I'm also your elder. It's wrong for you to call me by my name." She raised her eyes and warned calmly.She has already quarreled with Zhang Feifei because of him. If she is not clear, then she and Feifei will never have a chance to reconcile.

When he was with Zhang Feifei, he often heard about Jingyu.So he felt that he should know Jing Ju very well. In fact, Jing Ju is a very defensive person, even if Yao Yi treats her badly, she will not really say it.That's why he now concluded in his heart that she was just defending Yao Yi. "Do you think I'll believe you when you say that, Lin Jingyu, you clearly know that this man doesn't love you, why are you so shamelessly following him?"

These words are really familiar, isn't this what Zhang Feifei just said to her today?She finally understood why Zhang Feifei fell in love with this man in front of her. It turned out that they were the same person. "Yao Wei, let me tell you for the last time. No matter whether Yao Yi is still with me in the future, I will not like you in the end, let alone choose you. So I advise you not to focus on me, You should find someone who is worthy of your love." She even wanted to say Zhang Feifei's name, but love has to be fought for by oneself, whether he knows Feifei is good or not, he can only let him discover it by himself.

Yao Wei's face turned pale when he heard her words, but he quickly recovered, ignoring Jing Yu's words and said, "Okay, I've finished delivering the flowers, I'll come back next time." He wiped his face, turned and left.After he turned around, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, it seemed that that guy still cared about this girl very much.

Yao Wei left, if it wasn't for the bouquet of flowers, it would be as if he never existed.Jingyu bit her chopsticks and looked at Yao Yi cautiously. At this moment, the man's face was darkened, as if a storm was coming.

"You, help me take out this bunch of flowers and throw them away." He casually pointed to a servant and ordered.Jingyu shrugged, she was really lucky that it wasn't her who angered him.

(End of this chapter)

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