Chapter 270 The Different Yao Yi

Yao Yi coaxed her so patiently that he had no choice but to forgive, and he still reminded himself in his heart that if these things happened again, he would never forgive this man so easily in the future.

"Okay, don't come here to disturb me anymore, go to work quickly." He urged, really afraid that if he stayed here, he would do something embarrassing.

"Then you are not angry?" Yao Yi happily kissed him on the face a few times before letting him go, and returned to his seat to do the unfinished work just now.He is a man who can control himself very well. He knows when he should play and when he should work.He quickly entered the state as if Jingyu didn't exist at all.And she didn't feel unhappy because of this, sometimes she looked at Yao Yi seriously, sometimes she read novels, she enjoyed this kind of life very much.

Soon the assistant was called by Yao Yi again, he came in just in time to meet Jing Yu's eyes, and smiled at her.Jing Yu also smiled at him politely, but she was a little uncomfortable.After all, it was a bit uncomfortable to be seen by others just now.

The assistant touched his nose and put the document in front of Yao Yi, and said, "Boss, this is the document you want."

Hearing that Yao Yi picked up the document and glanced at it quickly, then put it back on the table, and said coldly: "No, let them redo this."

The assistant shuddered uncontrollably, their boss was still scary, just now he clearly saw the boss was very gentle, why did he become like this again after he came in.Could it be that their boss is only so gentle with his wife?He couldn't imagine how the two of them got along.

But now he doesn't have so much time to think about it. You must know that he saw something that he shouldn't have seen just now. Fortunately, the boss has not pursued it now. If he did, he would be miserable.He took the documents and walked out as if fleeing.

Yao Yi watched his leaving back and shook his head lightly, this guy is really real.If it wasn't for Jing Ju's presence, he really wanted to have a good time with this guy. He wouldn't knock on the door no matter who asked him to come in. It made him feel really uncomfortable when Jing Ju said it was okay and was interrupted by others.

Jing Ju stayed with Yao Yi in the office all the time, and the two left hand in hand when they got off work.When he got to the door, Yao Yi gently touched her face, seeing her tired like this really hurt her heart. "Do you feel very bored? It seems that I was really wrong to call here."

"What are you talking about, I feel very happy to be able to accompany you to and from get off work." This is true, the thing she longed for the most before was to be with Yao Yi.And she is not boring at all, she is happy to be with him.

He touched her hair, how could this woman be so sensible, sometimes he would feel very uncomfortable seeing her like this.She would rather live her life as she was, not at all like seeing her now.

She dodged to the side, "Don't be like this, there are a lot of people watching here." He smiled, and looked around, and sure enough, everyone in the secretary department looked at them in disbelief.It's no wonder that Yao Yi is so cold at ordinary times, when has he ever been so gentle to a woman?

"Let's go, we ate outside tonight, what do you want to eat?" He took her hand and walked outside like no one else.

The secretaries who were packing up and preparing things looked at such a scene with their mouths wide open.Could it be that they are dazzled?Since when has their president been so gentle to a person.Is it going to rain red in the sky?

When they left, it was like a pot had been smashed in the room, and there were people who could say anything. "Oh my god, am I dreaming, I actually saw the president smiling."

(End of this chapter)

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