Chapter 301
He didn't know why he wanted to come here, but since he came, he had to go in.

After entering, I saw that my parents were also here. It seemed that they should know that Jing Ju had left.

No one stopped him when he went into the Lin's house. When he saw Lin Wenzhong, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, and he knew it was guilt.

At this time, Lin Wenzhong was sitting on the sofa talking to Yao Si, his face was a little pale, he must be sick.From
Looking at him from this side, he could still see some gray hair, and he suddenly became a little older after being so majestic, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Seeing Yao Yi coming, the Lin family didn't give him a cold face, instead they all looked very sad.

"Come on, sit down." Lin Wenzhong saw him and said lightly.

He looked at Lin Wenzhong, then at Yao Si, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry."

This is what he wanted to say to Lin Wenzhong, what he also said to Yao Si, and what he said to Jing Yu. This time he really felt that he was wrong.

Lin Wenzhong sighed, "I can't blame you for this. If you want to blame it, you can blame it. She chose the road herself and insisted on it."

In fact, he knew that Jingju liked Yao Yi early in the morning. If it weren't for Jingju's liking for Yao Yi so much, he could have refused at that time, so the later things would not have happened.

Jingyu has always been the most obedient child in the family, this time she suddenly left without saying goodbye, which shows that she really broke her heart.

Yao Yi was in a daze when he came out of Lin's house, he only remembered that Lin Wenzhong had talked to him a lot.He also went to look in Jingyu's room, which was full of houses with his photos.

There was a blank in my head, as if the whole world had collapsed.Suddenly he didn't know what he was doing for it. It was because of a promise he made when he was young, but he didn't expect that someone was by his side but he didn't cherish it.Now that the man has left, what else does he have to hold on to?

In the next few years, Yao Yi used his work to numb himself except looking for someone. In the past few years, Yao Yi's whereabouts were very low-key, but Yao's group was even more high-profile.

Time flies, and it has been more than two years since Lin Jingju left. During this period, Yao Yi was going crazy looking for her, but there was still no news.He still didn't give up the idea of ​​continuing to look for her. He believed that she would definitely come back to him, and she would definitely not leave him like this.After she left, Yao Yi buried himself in his work, working very late every day before returning home.But as soon as I got home, I missed her more and more. It seemed that I couldn't even breathe when I missed her.Today he received an invitation card, inviting him to a banquet, signed by one of the two writers in S City—Xue Zhixia.I didn't want to come, but the person who sent the invitation said that he must go, and the person he wanted to see would appear.This sentence aroused his interest. Does "the person I want to see" refer to Jing'er?There was a trace of expectation in his heart.

When I went to the scene, I saw Lin Wenzhong and his wives chatting happily with their parents.It seemed that there was nothing wrong with him, so he sat aside with a drink and began to drink.

At this moment, a white figure appeared in front of his eyes, and that familiar face came to his mind again.He pushed through the crowd to follow that figure, but when he pushed through the crowd, that figure was gone.Could it be that he was dazzled?Still hallucinating, it seems that he really misses her too much.Did she still not forgive him?It would be great if she could come back and start living again. He would definitely learn to be a good husband.He sat back in that corner again, drinking dull wine by himself.During the period, several beauties came to strike up a conversation, but he drove them away.

(End of this chapter)

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