Chapter 303 Everything Has Changed
After the words closed, Jing Yu walked towards him with a smile on his face, which made Yao Yi feel very happy.But in the next second, he was depressed, because someone directly passed him, walked behind him, and landed beside his parents.I saw two children standing next to them, a boy and a girl. The boy was printed with the same appearance as Yao Yi when he was young, and the girl's eyebrows and eyes were very similar to Jingzhu.It is not difficult to see that this is the combination of him and Jingyu.

Here, Yao Si looked at the child beside Jingyu and showed a kind smile, "This is Xiaoyu and Wan'er, it really is his child."

Jing Yu didn't feel the slightest embarrassment, but smiled softly.She has become softer over the years because of being a mother.It should be more generous in every gesture, and already has the shadow of a wealthy and expensive wife.

Yao Yi was looking at them from a distance at this moment, and he didn't know why he didn't want to go over at this moment, he was afraid that if he passed by, he would break all the tranquility, as long as he could see them happy.

"Does he know it's his child?"

Jingyu shook her head, "I didn't meet him, but I didn't intend to keep him from knowing, just let it be."

She still knows what kind of person Yao Yi is, and she doesn't need to do those unnecessary things.

Yao Si nodded. In fact, he was still happy in his heart, which was already very forgiving.If it were him, he probably wouldn't even let him see the child.I have to say that Jingyu is already kind. This child has always been so kind. Fortunately, she has not changed herself.

"Mom, mom..." Seeing Jingju approaching, both Lin Wan'er and Yao Yu stretched out their hands, expressing the intention of hugging.Seeing Lin Wan'er, Yao Yu quickly let go of her hands, knowing how to love her sister at a young age.

Jing Yu hugged Lin Wan'er, touched Yao Yu's head, and looked at this face that resembled that person, because of having these two children, her heart was full of happiness.

Just ask yourself what you have been pursuing before, but it is just this kind of peace.But it was already in front of his eyes, but he didn't cherish it.This time, if he could come back to her again this time, he vowed to cherish it.He will definitely not let her suffer the slightest grievance, he will let her live the happiest life.

Chen Xi'er kept looking at Yao Yi, and when she saw him staring at Jing Yu like that, her eyes were filled with anger, but it was only for a moment, and soon she returned to normal.

She walked into Jingyu with a smile that she thought was very noble and charming, and stood beside her, "Jingyu, you are willing to come back, have you forgotten me as a good sister so quickly?"

She said that she held Jing Yu's arm affectionately, as if they were still good sisters and their relationship had never changed.

Jingyu saw her and smiled, "Why, isn't this the rush to come back? I was thinking of inviting you and Feifei to get together in a few days."

She had a faint smile on her face, just like before.In fact, she knew in her heart that everything had changed a long time ago. Just like them, they were always very close before, but now she has a mentality of wanting to distance themselves.She didn't know why she had such an idea, she always felt that Chen Xi'er was no longer the old Chen Xi'er.

Chen Xi'er kept smiling brightly, and when she saw the two children, her face changed obviously, "Ah, these two children are really cute. Is this your child? Who is the child's father?"

"It's Yao Yi." Jing Yu admitted without hesitation.

She didn't expect Jingyu to admit it so bluntly, she thought that if Jingyu didn't want to have anything to do with Yao Yi, she would definitely deny that the child was not Yao Yi's.In this way, Yao Yi who happened to be nearby would not have any illusions about her when he heard such words.

(End of this chapter)

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