Chapter 306 New love and old love?
Yao Yi finally understood that the Xia family had no children in the first place, and their family only had a son who was taken care of.I found out that Jingyu is a child of the Xia family before, so I really understood it first.Because there is no child, the Xia family recognized the Lin family's child.

"This is the child you had with that kid Yao Yi, he really looks like that kid."

Hearing what Lao Xia said, Jing Yu just touched Yao Yu's little head lovingly, she had no intention of hiding it at all, maybe she thought it would be better to make it public.

Hearing that Jingyu didn't deny Yao Yi's heart also dropped, this is good, it means there is still a chance between them.

Hearing Jingyu say goodbye, he quickened his pace to follow.I didn't want to block him with a figure, and then fell into his arms alone.Just as he was about to speak, he met a delicate face.

"Yi." The woman's face was covered with tears, she looked very pitiful.He pursed his lips and still didn't push her away, but helped her to walk outside.

Jingyu didn't walk very fast, she turned around and saw Yao Yi walking out with a woman in his arms.When they met, they just looked at each other from a distance. The distance between them was only two or three meters, but Jingju felt that this was a distance they had never had before.

Heartache, grief, indignation, and countless emotions of despair lingered in Jingyu's heart.She came back this time to reconcile with him wholeheartedly, maybe he no longer needs it.

Here Yao Yi also had complicated emotions, he stared blankly at Jing Yu and didn't know how to react.Qin Xue who was beside her also saw Yao Yi's daze, looked at Jing Yu, and asked, "What's wrong?"

The children here are getting impatient, "Mom, Mom"

Hearing the call, Jing Yu put away her emotions, didn't look at him again, got in the car, closed the door, and walked away.

Yao Yi looked at the car going away, and then said: "It's okay, I'll take you back."

"Nervous." Qin Xue said and walked towards his car.

The next day was Jingyu's classmate reunion, this time Chen Xi'er still didn't attend, but Jingyu went with Zhang Feifei.This time it was nothing more than bragging, and Jing Yu also felt that it was normal.When the calm was coming to an end, an uninvited guest came.

A tall woman in a fiery red dress walked in.Jingyu didn't know who it was at first, but when the woman came in, Zhang Feifei's face changed obviously.

"Didn't you say it was our classmate reunion? Why did this woman come in? It's really annoying."

Jing Yu didn't know who it was, so she asked puzzledly, "Who is this?"

Zhang Feifei said with disbelief: "No, do you really not know or fake?" But look at Jingyu's serious face and it's not like she's lying to her. "Okay. Actually, this is Yao Yi's new favorite in the past two years since you left. It's the woman named Xiaoxue that Xi'er mentioned that day."

Jing Ju nodded understandingly, no wonder she said she looked so familiar, it turned out to be the woman Yao Yi hugged last night.After so many years, Yao Yi has not changed at all, the taste is still so strong.

The person who invited Qin Xue over this time happened to be Jing Yu's classmate. Everyone knew about Jing Yu's affairs, and this time it was obviously to slap Jing Yu in the face.

Qin Xue sat beside Jing Yu unceremoniously, as if she didn't know Jing Yu. "I came with my friends, and you asked me to come here again, so don't bother you?"

She said this to another girl, but Zhang Feifei knew that she did it on purpose, and she deliberately told Jing Zhu what she said.

"What's this? Why do we have more outsiders in our class reunion. Some people don't know the rules too much. Why do they sneak in everywhere?"

Qin Xue was not annoyed either, and looked at Zhang Feifei with a smile. Given her relationship with Yao Yi, she certainly knew who Zhang Feifei was.

(End of this chapter)

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