The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 316 One family sleeps together

Chapter 316 The Family Sleeps Together
In fact, she didn't want to say these words. In fact, she really longed for them to remain husband and wife, and their relationship was still the same as before.But the reality is that it is impossible.She can never give up and forget the scene before leaving Qian. Every time he thinks of those words, it hurts so much.

Yao Yi's ears were extremely uncomfortable hearing these words, that feeling of guilt surged up over and over again.He also knew that he shouldn't be like that before. If he hadn't listened to Chen Xier's words about what Jing Jingjun had with Yu Zhengyi, he wouldn't have really doubted it.He also admitted that many reasons were due to himself, if he didn't trust her enough, how could he leave so sad, all of this was his fault.But now he has really changed his mind. He really wants a reconciliation.

He lowered his head and said softly: "I'm sorry, can't you give me a chance? For the sake of the child, for us and for our family, I will definitely change in the future. "

It was obviously annoying, but after hearing these words, her heart began to soften again.It turned out that her heart was still beating for him, her heart was not dead, and there was still him in her heart.If it wasn't for her shamelessness, she should have softened her heart.

Just when she was about to forgive, she suddenly thought of Bai Qinxue, the daughter who yelled at her at the class reunion, what if she forgave him, that woman, maybe he still wanted to hug her left and right and enjoy the beauty of an adult no.

She can't, she can't stand this, she can't share the same man with someone else.

Not knowing how to say the rejection, she carried her daughter to the bathroom.Looking at her back, Yao Yi knew that this time it might not work again, and it might take some time.I, he will understand, he believes that as long as he sincerely pays, she will still be very moved.

After helping her daughter take a bath, Jing Yu found a men's bathrobe for Yao Yi.This was not specially prepared. She bought couples' outfits online at that time, so there were men's outfits.The two children cling to Yao Yi like door gods, for fear that Yao Yi will run away.

In the end, Jing Jingyu had no choice but to compromise,... "Okay, you can sleep with Dad tonight."

She only has two rooms here, and her son usually sleeps alone in the bed alone, because her daughter is clingy to her, and she is not in good health, so she always stays with her daughter.The three of them slept together, she could only let the big bed out, and she went to her son's room by herself.

Seeing that she was leaving, the children hurried over and pulled her, still babbling in their throats. "Mom also..."

What they meant was that they wanted their mother to sleep together, Jing Yu was a little embarrassed, and subconsciously looked at Yao Yi, but seeing the smile on his face, she knew that this man would definitely not help her, maybe this was what he was thinking.

She just wanted to refuse, and when she looked at her son, she began to soften her heart again, "Okay... okay." She lowered her head and tried her best to hide the unnaturalness in her heart. They are both divorced and seem to sleep together. Weird.

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Yao Yi said: "For the sake of the child, just feel wronged. You see, I am not like this."

As soon as she heard such words, her teeth itch with hatred, wronged?She didn't see any trace of grievance in him.This is probably what she thought in his heart.

Anyway, it's only this time, so she agreed, let's treat it as a child's dream come true!

She deliberately found a conservative pajamas. She knew Yao Yi too well, so she couldn't guarantee that he would have any ill intentions.

After that, she told the child a story, and Yao Yi went to take a bath. When he came back, Yao Yu snatched the book and gave it to Yao Yi. Jing Yu was stunned, and she didn't even understand what was going on.

 The computer broke down, and it broke down again after repairing it. I can only use my mobile phone to type. It kept everyone waiting for a long time. Haruko will definitely work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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