Chapter 318 Back to the original point

"Do you love me?"

Yao Yi replied without thinking, "Love." What he said was so firm and affectionate, hoping to move the woman in front of him.

"Is it the me in front of you now, or the Jing'er you once knew?"

What she said was a bit sad, it was obviously her own, but she still had to make a comparison, in fact, how sad it was.

But she was really scared. In these two years, he finally sorted out his thoughts, and during this period, someone told her something she didn't know before.Only then did she realize that Yao Yi had always regarded her as a substitute, a substitute for her former self.

Yao Yi didn't notice her emotions, but answered her question seriously, "Don't worry about it, isn't it you, as long as it's you, I like it."

A man's thinking is so simple, he thinks that as long as it's you, he doesn't have so many twists and turns, as long as it's you.

Jingyu was a little disappointed by this result, but she didn't ask any further, because she really didn't have the courage anymore.

"I'm tired, go to bed."

Without talking, the two of them were lying down so vigorously, listening to each other's breathing quietly, even if they hadn't reconciled yet, but thinking of having each other by their side, they calmed down unconsciously.

Yao Yi came here for a few days, and the family got along very well. Jing Ju also told Yao Yi that if he behaved well, she would try to forgive him.

There are no ingredients in the refrigerator. Jing Yu plans to go out and buy some things and come back.Because it was only about 10 minutes to the nearby supermarket, she went there with her children.

After walking for a while, Lin Wan'er was about to hug her, but Yao Yu just glanced at her without any objection.Anyway, he got used to these by then, because his mother told him that his sister was not in good health, and he had to make do with her in everything.

The son's relief made Jingyu feel very happy, she freed her other hand to gently touch her son's head, and said softly: "My brother is really good, I must protect my sister well in the future, and don't let others bully me."

Yao Yu looked at her and didn't know whether it was clear or not. He still nodded seriously, looked in her direction and suddenly called out, "Dad."

Jing Yu smiled, this child may have been with Yao Yi recently, probably because he missed his father because he didn't see him today.

Just when she was thinking about this, Yao Yu suddenly let go of her hand and ran behind her.Jing Yu also looked in his direction, her face changed and instantly turned pale.

Yes, she saw the only Yao Yi who didn't show up today, and he held a woman in his arms, and that woman happened to be Qin Xue.

Heart really hurt, but soon she regained consciousness.The more this is the case, the more she can't be defeated. She still has a pair of children.

She hurried over to pull Yao Yu, but Yao Yu didn't pull Yao Yi either, maybe because he was holding someone else in his arms, he was standing beside him just looking at her.When Jingyu came to pull him, he quickly followed Jingyu away.

"Dad is busy, hurry up and buy food with mom."

Seeing her pretending not to care about anything, and looking at the pale woman in her arms, Yao Yi frowned. Now the misunderstanding is bigger, how can he explain it.

Although Yao Yu was dragged away by Jing Yu, he kept looking behind.Although he is a child, he already knows a lot, but he just can't express it.

Yao Yi didn't show up for several days, and the children were very sensible and didn't ask about it. It was as if this person had disappeared out of thin air, as if he had never appeared before.

(End of this chapter)

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