Chapter 320 Jingyu is gone

Yeah?Obviously these Jingyu didn't believe it, but she just couldn't figure it out.In the past, she and Chen Xi'er were so close, why did she suddenly become like this, is it because of other reasons, or because she actually likes Yao Yi too.

If it's the latter, it's really a big deal, since when did she start, she never found out before, Chen Xi'er must have hidden it too deeply.

Jingju was in a trance all afternoon, and chatting with Chen Xier was also absent-minded.But luckily they are over soon.

After leaving the door, Jing Yu still wanted to buy something and walked towards the convenience store.Because she had something on her mind, she didn't notice that someone followed him when she came out of the restaurant.

When passing through an alley, those two people came forward suddenly, covered her nose with a handkerchief, and an unpleasant smell filled her nasal cavity, and then she passed out.

Then they dragged Jingzhu and walked into the alley, and then disappeared. Their movements were so fast that no one saw this scene.

Yao Yi was working when his cell phone rang suddenly. It was an unfamiliar call. He glanced at it and didn't intend to answer it.

"President, the documents for the meeting in 10 minutes are ready." The secretary put a stack of documents on his desk and said with a serious face.

"Put it here, go out and do some work." He said without raising his head.

The secretary had long been used to his appearance, so he withdrew.

The call stopped and came in again, Yao Yi couldn't answer it, "Hello."

"Yao Yi, you can really calm down. You can still be so calm even after your woman is gone." The deep voice of the man over there sounded, and this happened to be Yu Zhengyi's voice.

In the past few years, after Sui Jingyu disappeared, Yu Zhengyi never showed up again. Occasionally, he confronted him in business but did not see him in person.Suddenly it appeared again, he felt as if there was a conspiracy, and this conspiracy must have something to do with Jingyu.

"What do you want, what exactly do you want?"

"Don't you know what I want?"

Yao Yi was silent, and a man's voice rang out again, "Don't make me wait too long, I have that time and Lin Jingju doesn't have that time." The phone hung up, and Yao Yi squeezed his deep face. Cell phones have an urge to kill.

When the assistant came in, he was taken aback by him like this. If it wasn't for the fact that he and Yao Yi were classmates, he would have been so scared that his legs would have limp.

Yao Yi didn't look at others at all, stood up and strode outside.When passing by the assistant, there is a gust of wind.He called on the phone while walking and said: "I'll give you 10 minutes to prepare now, hurry up and get ready to do it. You can find out where my wife is?"

The assistant looked at his furious back and blinked.He has been working here for more than a year, so why didn't he know that Yao Yi had a wife.If there is also the eldest lady of the Lin family, it is possible that she is back.

Jingyu opened her eyes only to find that she was in a strange place, surrounded by darkness, only a moonlight came in from the window to know that she was in a room now.She should be in some seaside house, because she can smell the salty smell in the air and the sound of the waves.

"I didn't expect Miss Lin to be so calm!"

Accompanied by the sound, the light in the room was turned on, and Jingyu suddenly blocked her eyes subconsciously, and slowly saw the person opposite.

I saw a man and a woman standing in front of them. The man was wearing a werewolf mask while the woman was wearing a ghost mask.Suddenly seeing them Jingyu felt an indescribably familiar feeling, but she couldn't remember who it was, and she didn't have a clue because the man's voice obviously used a voice changer.

(End of this chapter)

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