Chapter 322 Escape
Just one night, the door was suddenly opened, and she was woken up suddenly while she was sleeping.Although she didn't feel that there was any danger these days, she still had some precautions in her heart.

Feeling that the man seemed to be walking towards her, she clenched her fist and was ready to hit someone at any time.

The man got closer and closer, the quilt was opened, and she subconsciously hit him.

As soon as she punched her hand, she was held, and then a familiar voice came, "Honey, it's me."

"Yao Yi." She was so surprised, she completely ignored what Yao Yi called her.She knew that Yao Yi would come to save her, and he did.

"It's not convenient here now, let's go out and talk."

In the night, he couldn't see Jing Yu's face clearly, but only knew that her eyes were shining brightly.Suddenly, his heart ached. He was the drag on Jingyu in this matter. If it wasn't for him, she should have a good life.

But it was too late, he would not let go no matter what, such a fate cannot be escaped, it was already doomed when they first met.

At this moment, a lot of footsteps came towards this side, and they were getting closer, Yao Yi didn't have time to think about it, so he dragged Jingju to run outside.

Jing Yu had many doubts in his heart, but he knew that this was not the time to talk about Zhexi, so he followed Yao Yi obediently.Looking at her broad back, she finally smiled, as long as this is enough.The fact that he can come here to save him proves that she is still very important to him.

People say that when people are about to die, their words are good, but in fact, the anger in her heart disappeared at such a critical time.She forgot how bad Yao Yi was, why he didn't show up these days, and even more, she forgot that there was Qin Xue.At this moment, she couldn't hear or see anything, her eyes and heart were full of him.

More and more people came over, Yao Yi and Jing Ju almost ran for their lives all the way, countless bullets flew past them, and they would hit them if they were not careful.

Came to the beach and boarded a speedboat, these should be used for their usual patrols.Yao Yi didn't think too much and went up directly.

Those who wanted to catch up, at this moment a man came out, "They all come back, don't chase after them, they won't survive tonight." As he spoke, he showed a wicked smile.

Not long after saying this sentence, there was a sound from a distance. It was the sound of an explosion, and it was Yao Yi and Jingyu's boat that exploded.

Yu Zhengyi, who was standing behind him, had a cold face at this moment, unable to tell whether he was happy or unhappy.However, there was still a hint of sadness in his eyes.

The man turned his head to look at Yu Zhengyi, smiled and said, "From now on, you will be the only one in this world. The father you want has not been fulfilled by you. From now on, you must listen to me carefully."

Yu Zhengyi nodded and said respectfully, "Yes."

Although I said so, I didn't think so in my heart.No, he used to want Yao Yi to die, but now that he was gone, he felt pain in his heart for some reason, with a strange feeling.

Here, Jingyu and the others didn't know that they had drifted to an unknown island, and when they opened their eyes, they saw blue sky and white clouds. At this moment, she actually felt a little relieved.

But it was only for a moment, and she quickly remembered what happened before.She had gone on a boat with Yao Yi before, and when she was far away, she suddenly found a strange thing and called Yao Yi to come over.Yao Yi came over and saw that it was actually a bomb, and it was still timed, and the remaining time was actually 30 seconds.Yao Yi thought about whether he wanted to jump into the sea with her in his arms, and the boat would explode if he swam out.The force of the impact knocked them out, and she passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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