Chapter 338

Suddenly, for some reason, I felt a lot of guilt towards such an old man, and I also blamed myself.

Yao Si's expression became relaxed and he was no longer as harsh as before, "You didn't want to tell you when you were young, but you didn't ask when you grew up. I thought you didn't want to know something. If you want to know, I will I will definitely tell you. I am sorry about your mother, and I am even more sorry for making you suffer outside for so many years, but some things are not what you think. "

What he said made everyone present feel very emotional. Seeing that her husband had already bowed his head and admitted his mistake, mother Yao, quickly said something nice to him, "He is just like this. He can't express many things. In fact, he is still very sad in his heart." I love you, but I just don’t know how to express it. There is also the matter of marrying Jingyu. He also knew that you liked Jingyu from the beginning, so he didn’t want you to miss it. But then you treated Jingyu like this, and we were also disappointed when we saw it. .”

"So you already knew about it, what did you know about it?" Yao Yi couldn't believe that he always thought it was well hidden, even the closest people around him didn't tell it, and he really couldn't believe that he had been known for a long time.

Jingyu was also curious, but she was embarrassed when she heard what Yao Si said later, "That's because when I went to your room once, I saw a notebook on the table, and then I picked it up to read it. .”

Yao Yi blushed very rarely, which added a touch of cuteness to his usually rigorous look.Jingyu couldn't help but stepped forward and pinched his face.

"I didn't expect you to have such a boyish side. I'll go to your room later to check if you haven't seen it yet. Maybe there are many more."

Yao Yi smiled and put a hand on her shoulder, "What nonsense, I just wrote one, and I have never been so serious to any woman since I was a child. And I don't know how to do such childish things now. "

"Naive?" She was unhappy when she heard such words, it was just a habit of writing a diary, when did she become childish.And what's wrong with doing these things for her, it's childish.

Seeing her face change, Yao Yi's heart sank for a moment, and he quickly said flatteringly; "No, I was young at that time, and now I have grown up. I have so many things to do, so I don't have so much time to do them. Those."

When he was talking, his eyes were obviously looking around, and he knew he was dishonest at a glance.

Of course what he said was a lie. He used to work hard outside when he was young, and if he didn't have time, he didn't have time at that time.But now he won't do that kind of thing again, he might as well love her well if she is around.

"Really?" Jing Yu didn't believe what he said, and she knew that he was not telling the truth when he looked around.

Yao Yi immediately opened his eyes wide to look innocent, "It's a real wife, you have to trust me."

Jing Yu rolled his eyes at him, turned to the side and hugged Wan'er up.She is really speechless to this man now, when did he become so shameless, and act like a child to act cute.

Yao Yi, who was ignored, was in a bad mood. He had worked so hard, so why didn't he pay attention to him, so it would be nice to reward him with a kiss.

But Jingyu didn't look at him, and walked upstairs with her daughter in her arms, "Come on, baby, I'll take you to see our home and see if Dad has prepared the room for you."

On the other hand, Xiaoyu watched Yao Yi for a long time before chasing after him, "Mummy, wait for me."

Jing Yu took her son and daughter to the room where she and Yao Yi lived before, and the room was still the same as before she left, without any change.The smell in the room was still familiar to her. I believe that no woman has ever lived here.

(End of this chapter)

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