Chapter 341
Gently rubbing his palms on her stomach, maybe they will have another child soon, thinking of this, he fell asleep contentedly.

The next day when she got up quietly, Yao Yi had already gone to work. She moved her body, and her whole body seemed to be falling apart. Why was that man so fierce, as if he wanted to make up for the weight of the past two years.

After breakfast, Jingyu received a call from Zhang Feifei and asked her to finish eating together. She handed the child to Yao Si and his wife and went to the appointment.

"Stay over here."

As soon as Jingyu entered the door, Zhang Feifei saw her waving quickly, and she walked over and asked, "Have you been here for a long time?"

"No, I just arrived too, please sit down." The past two years have not left too many traces on Zhang Feifei, she is still so innocent as before, probably because of Yao Wei's doting relationship.

Seeing the smile on her face, Jing Yu realized that he was so stupid before. In fact, whether he is lucky or not, can be seen from the surface of a person.A face like Zhang Feifei's face that has been moisturized by happiness can't be pretended.

"It's really not easy to ask you several times after coming back for so long!"

Zhang Feifei said with a smile, the smile on her face was really sincere and without any scheming.Jing Yu looked at her smile and was a little dazed. There were unpleasant things between them at that time, but later Yao Yi made things clear to her.At that time, Feifei was just helping Yao and coercing her as a last resort.

"Jingyu, Jingyu, did you listen to me?" Zhang Feifei called several times but she didn't respond.

Jing Yu regained consciousness for a long time and saw a magnified face, which was still as innocent as three years ago. In fact, it is nothing to think about the previous things. The key is that the friendship between them has not changed?Zhang Feifei also did this for love at that time, maybe I should let this go.

She smiled and said, "Well, what's the matter?"

"I've yelled a lot, what's wrong with you?"

She raised her head to meet Zhang Feifei's worried eyes, and couldn't help laughing: "I'm fine, but I can't help but be fascinated by seeing our Feifei become more beautiful."

Zhang Feifei became popular, "I hate it, you are making fun of others."

"Who made fun of you? I'm serious. It's good to be nourished by love. It seems that Yao Wei really treats you well."

The original smiling face of Zhang Feifei became a little embarrassed when the name was mentioned.The things she did to Jingyu have been the thorn in her heart for so long, and every time she thinks that she is so happy, she will feel very guilty.

After more than ten seconds, Zhang Feifei asked with a look of hesitation, "Jingyu, are we... still sisters?"

69 Jingyu was stirring the coffee that the waiter had just brought, she paused when she heard her say that, and looked up at her in puzzlement.Then he thought of something and laughed.

"Fool, what are you thinking, of course we are good sisters."

Zhang Feifei was a little embarrassed when she heard her say this, "Then, don't you blame me for what happened two years ago?"

"It's not strange, I understand. Sometimes when you fall in love with someone, you can't help yourself to do some stupid things, just like me before, but I know your heart is not bad. And you haven't done it Something that actually hurt me."

Hearing her say Zhang Feifei felt even more sad, feeling very guilty.His eyes slowly turned red, and he lowered his head and began to cry.

Seeing her like this, Jing Yu couldn't help but find it funny, and joked: "Fool, why are you still acting like a child when you're about to become a mother? I'm not afraid that children will come out and laugh at you in the future."

"If he dares, I'll spank his ass."

Seeing her like this, Jing Yu burst out laughing, Zhang Feifei's appearance is so cute.

(End of this chapter)

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