Chapter 362 Ending 5
"Who do you think you are, don't think that you understand everything, you are not me, how do you know that is what I think in my heart." She is not, she is not, she really loves Yao Yi , I don't want her to say that.She must be jealous to say that, she is jealous, jealous that she loves Yao Yi more than she does.

The corners of Jingyu's mouth curled up slightly, look, isn't this upset and angry? Her reaction betrayed her, didn't it?
"Ask your own heart if I understand you. Don't think you love Yao Yi so much, as if you are so great. If you really loved him that much, you wouldn't persecute him like Yu Zhengyi and the others before." .What kind of love is yours like this?"

Everyone thinks how great they are, these people are so selfish, how unfortunate it is to be loved by them.

Chen Xier still wanted to say something, seeing Yu Zhengyi at the door from the corner of her eye, she shut up knowingly.

"I think you don't know how to die, whoever let you into this room, get out quickly."

Yu Zhengyi's tone was very cold, like Shura from hell, making people fight without chills. Jing Yu had never seen him like this, but the object was Chen Xi'er, so she naturally didn't care.

Chen Xi'er gave Jing Zhu a hard look, turned around and walked outside.In fact, she was still afraid of this man in her heart, otherwise she would not have let Jing Yu go so easily.

When Chen Xi'er went to the living room, he saw Yu Sheng sitting there leisurely drinking Kung Fu tea. The rising smoke from the tea added a little softness to this man.

"Ayi kicked you out again?" The man's voice sounded, not as serious as before.

Even so, Chen Xi'er still felt very scared, and trembled in front of him.


Yu Sheng sneered, "Oh, useless things."

In the past few days, he has been thinking about how to bring Huiqing to him, and he has tried everything to fail. He originally wanted to use Lin Jingyu to threaten her. He didn't believe that if something happened to Lin Jingyu, she would not Come.

But when she said that she had such an idea, Yu Zhengyi immediately refuted it because she didn't want to hurt Jingyu and the child in her stomach at all.

"I don't know what Ayi is thinking. Anyway, the child in his belly is not his. Why does he have to defend that woman like this? It's a disaster for a beauty. He used to listen to me so much, but now he wants to talk to me because of that woman." Turned face."

When he was talking, he kept looking at Chen Xi'er from the corner of his eye. This woman is very jealous, and such a person must be used. Some things are not convenient for her to do, so she can only let others do it for her.

Sure enough, Chen Xi'er's eyes burst into flames when she heard these words. How unwilling she is now, why can't she get what she wants after working hard for so long, and Lin Jingyu, that stinky woman is always me It's so easy to come, I'm really not reconciled. ,
"I don't like that woman at all, and I will never let her be with us, Ayi. You have done nothing but hard work by Ayi's side for so long. He must have some feelings for you. If there is no Lin If Jingyu, then both Yao Yi and Ayi only like you."

Chen Xi'er thought deeply and felt that what he said was indeed quite reasonable. If there was no Lin Jingju, everything would belong to her, and she would no longer have to live in such fear.

Thinking of this, a plan suddenly appeared in her heart, if she had a way to solve her, then Yu Sheng would definitely be very grateful to her.Anyway, now that Yao Yi is dead, if she can follow Yu Zhengyi, it is probably not a good choice. If there is no Lin Jingju, he will definitely be so gentle to her.With that in mind, I can't wait to do it.

Seeing him like this, Yu Sheng knew that she had figured it out, took out a bag of things from his pocket, and handed it to her, "You should need this thing, since she is your good sister from the past, it won't hurt if you take this medicine. There is too much pain."

In the room, Yu Zhengyi was very helpless. He had been talking for a long time, but Jingyu still didn't eat anything. If this continued, her body would definitely not be able to sustain it.

"Now that Yao Yi is gone, you can let me go now." She said after he had been nagging for a while.

"It's impossible to let you go. If you don't think about yourself, don't you think about the child in your stomach? He must also hope that he can be born safely."

He looked at her stomach, which was a little dark and unclear, and his father had asked him to do something to her stomach before.He didn't know what to think, but he couldn't make a move.Yao Yi is gone, his heart hurts, this is his child, he subconsciously wants to protect it.

Thinking of the child, Jingyu was so angry, and stretched out his hand to touch the child, Yao Yi knew how happy he was to have this child, and if something happened to the child, he would be very sad.

After having a child, she also became a little motivated. Without a word, she picked up the bowl of porridge in front of her and ate it carefully.It was a bowl of plain porridge. Anyway, she didn't know how to eat it now. Anyway, it was good for the child to eat.

Yu Zhengyi felt guilty when he saw that she finally ate. What he said was a bit of a mouthful, but it was not as good as Yao Yi's. It seemed that that man was really important to her.

Seeing her finish eating, he packed up his things before going out.

As soon as he walked to the door of the kitchen, he saw Chen Xi'er standing in front of Jingyu's Butang, holding a bag of things in his hand and putting it into the soup.

"What are you doing?"

He yelled out of nowhere, and Chen Xi'er, who was already guilty, was startled. With a shake of his hand, the white powder also spilled out.

Seeing this, Yu Zhengyi stepped forward and kicked her without saying a word, with such force that Chen Xi'er was kicked flying to the wall and bounced to the ground.

This time the force was stronger than last time, and the last time the injury didn't heal at all, she felt that her internal organs were about to be shattered.

She opened her eyes and looked at the man in disbelief. She didn't expect that she had been by his side for three years, and she had done everything for him, big and small, but she was still no match for Lin Jingju, and in the end she would be beaten by someone like him. treat.

"Don't you love Lin Jingyu very much? Those medicines just now were used to kill her child, so you can be together soon?"

His cold eyes swept fiercely at the woman lying on the ground, and he looked down at her, as if he was looking at a pile of garbage. "I have my own measure of my affairs, so I don't need you to do too much."

She actually felt very heartbroken to be looked at like this, and suddenly she felt out of breath, and a mouthful of black blood spit out from her mouth.

Only then did she realize that something was wrong, she felt as if she was going to die.Every organ in the body is so uncomfortable.She suddenly thought of something, and slowly smiled on those frightened faces.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that your father is so sloppy in his work, and he has already calculated to this point."

(End of this chapter)

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