peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 112 Mo Fuming [4]

Chapter 112 Mo Fuming [4]

Tao Shanming put his hands behind his back and didn't answer their words, but his eyes were cloudy but hurt Fu Chengcai's. After pondering for a moment, he said: "Second Young Master of the Fu family, you should not tell me this. Withdrawing from the marriage, our Tao family will definitely not beg you and the Fu family to hold on... At the beginning, you hired a matchmaker, three letters and six ceremonies, and you were serious and wanted to marry my daughter. Now if you want to withdraw the marriage, just Want to get rid of my daughter, how can there be such a simple thing in this world?"

Fu Chengcai didn't dare to talk back. During this period of time, because of his marriage, his parents and elder brother were already very dissatisfied with him.What's more, Tao Shanming's statement is also good. For such a big matter as resignation, the Fu family let a matchmaker, and now Fu Chengcai is allowed to speak for himself. It can't be justified.

Lin Huaiyuan stopped talking. Although he knew that Tao Shanming was right, Fu Chengcai was by his side right now.He had no choice but to not help each other, otherwise, it would not be good to offend anyone.


Fu Chengcai opened his mouth, but he had nothing to say.

Tao Hua and Mrs. Zou followed behind Tao Shanming, and the Mei family soon became quiet.Fu Chengcai did not leave in a hurry, and kept walking around in the small courtyard of Mei's house...

After returning home, Tao Li'an was going to wait in front of Mrs. Lei, Mrs. Zou had seen through the whole family and didn't bother to care about him.She went to have a look at Tao Ancheng, then came out and continued to sit and embroider with Tao Hua.

Tao Ye and Tao Yueyue were behind, and Tao Yueyue looked at Tao Ye hostilely, "Now you are going back to your mother and your ugly sister, are you doing well? You came back from town with a Smell smell, say, what did you eat in town?"

Tao Ye was blocked by their sisters one after another. Tao Wanhong smiled and said to Tao Ye: "Ye'er, don't forget that you are with us. How did you tell us back then? "

Tao Ye twitched the corners of her mouth. Ever since she saw how powerful Tao Hua was in the town, how could she remember Tao Wanhong and Tao Yueyue now.She deeply understands a truth, relying on the mountain to fall, relying on everyone to run, it is best to rely on herself in everything.She wanted to live her own life, and she also wanted to have money in her hands like Tao Hua. How could she still remember Tao Wanhong and Tao Yueyue?
"Sister Wanhong, Sister Yueyue, even if you don't tell me, I know. My mother may have been away from her for a long time, so when I was in town, I bought some snacks for me, and Ancheng Divide to eat... There are not many things, so I didn't bring them back for you..."

"Really?" Tao Wanhong didn't believe what Tao Ye said.

"Tao Ye, don't forget, if you have something good, remember to bring it back to us. Alright sister, let's go home, grandma brought us walnut cakes, let's go, let's eat!"

Tao Yueyue deliberately showed off in front of Tao Ye, walnut crisp, hum, this is something that even rich people can hardly buy.

Tao Ye also showed an envious expression at the right time.Tao Wanhong and Tao Yueyue were satisfied with this expression, and the sisters left together, one after the other.

Back in the house, Tao Ye saw that Tao Hua and Zou Shi were both working. Every time she saw Tao Hua's flying needle and thread, she felt indescribably envious and jealous!

Every time Tao Ye wanted to learn, Tao Hua just said lightly, just watch it, watch it a few more times, and you will be fine.

But Tao Ye couldn't sit still, she really couldn't understand Tao Hua's stitches, and said, "Sister, I really don't understand..."

Tao Hua raised her head, but the movements of her hands didn't stop, as if she already knew where to pierce each stitch and thread. "It's normal for you to understand. If you really don't want to read it, then learn how to make it yourself. Start with the simplest one and make a few pairs of socks for your brother."

"Sister, that's not what I want to learn..." Tao Ye stood up excitedly, "I don't want to learn how to make socks, sister, I already know socks, what I want to learn is you..."

Tao Hua secretly laughed in her heart. She was like this, thinking about walking before she learned how to crawl?But Tao Ye is young, so it's not unusual to have such thoughts.

It's just that she didn't expect Tao Ye to be so restless.Tao Ye is scheming, selfish, and very mature. At least, if she is still the old Tao Hua, she will not be her opponent at all.

At first, she thought that Tao Ye would persist for two more days, but she didn't expect that after only two days, she would start to fail.

"You want to learn from me, but I let you watch, but you refused, so I told you to do it, and you said you wanted to be like me...Mum, Sister Ye'er...I really can't teach you. Why don't you see this, What do you want to do, tell me?"

Tao Ye stopped talking, but those eyes full of resentment told Tao Hua that she was unwilling.

Mrs. Zou didn't notice the undercurrent between their sisters, and said cheerfully: "Ye'er, your sister is right, you are only starting to learn now, and you have to learn from the simplest. Otherwise, you should look at your sister more." , read it a few more times, and you’ll be fine.” After a pause, she said to Tao Hua again: “Hua’er, Ye’er just started learning, slow down and teach her well, this girl, just start learning. You need to have a skill, otherwise in the future...Hua'er, Ye'er just started to learn, you are a sister, you have to take care of her, you know?"

Tao Hua nodded with a smile, but sneered in her heart.If it wasn't for her being useful, I believe that with Tao Ye's selfish temperament, how could she be willing to call her "sister"

Seeing what Zou said, Tao Ye finally had a smile on his face, and when he met Tao Hua's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, his heart suddenly "thumped".

"Mom, I understand, don't worry!"

For some reason, Tao Ye always felt that Tao Hua had seen through her small thoughts, especially when she said the three words "Don't worry", she dodged and did not dare to look directly into Tao Hua's eyes.

Mrs. Zou happily continued the work at hand. They came back from the town and bought a few feet thick cotton cloth for Tao Anqing, planning to make some more clothes for him.

"Ye'er, watch carefully... this is a straight needle... this is a chaotic needle..."

As Tao Hua spoke, she moved quickly... Tao Ye was dazzled, she could tell that Tao Hua hadn't lied to her, but no matter how clever she was, she couldn't remember such quick movements.

The atmosphere in the Tao family has been very low these days, until Tao Anqing and the others came back from the county, the atmosphere in the family suddenly became active.

Tao Anshu and Tao Anyu are 19 years old and Tao Anyu is 17 years old. Tao Anqing is 16 years old.The three brothers stood together, Tao Anqing was the shortest, but he was the most handsome among them, especially the pair of peach blossom eyes that were somewhat similar to Tao Hua, and there was a strange look between the corners of the eyes and the tip of the eyebrows. breath.

(End of this chapter)

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