peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 159 Restoration of appearance [19]

Chapter 159 Restoration of appearance [19]

Tao Yuhe pushed away the crowd, stepped forward, pointed at Luo Shi's nose and cursed: "Boss, look at the good girls and good sons you have taught, one by one, they dare to talk back to grandma, they are really well-bred. I He Gaoshan and the others rarely come back once a year, so what if I go back to my mother's house? Lixiang, don't you care about your wife and children? If you don't care, they will probably crawl on their parents' heads to shit Already!"

"That's right, Uncle, you can't be so spoiled by your cousins, they're too old, so they can't stay at home all the time, right?" Zhao Gaoshan looked at Tao Wanhong, and suddenly had a good idea in his heart.

"You guys are talking nonsense, it's milk..."

Tao Yueyue was anxious, and when she heard what they said about her, she was so anxious to refute, but her mother stopped her!
"Yueyue!" Luo Shi glared at Tao Yueyue, looked at Tao Shanming several times, and found that the expression on his face was getting worse and worse, so he said quietly: "Once a year? No one is blind, don't you look at Tao Shanming?" Come out? Well, big sister, I don’t want to argue with you, there are so many people here, so don’t add fuel to the side!”

After Luo Shi finished speaking, Tao Shanming's expression finally looked a lot better. Tao Li'an hurriedly pulled Lei Shi up at this moment, "Mother, Dad said there are so many people here, don't quarrel so that everyone knows, let's talk about it after today is over!"

They were arguing so fiercely that Tao Hua and Zou Shi, who had just changed their clothes, heard it. Zou Shi wanted to go over, but was held back by Tao Hua.

Letting them bite dogs is not a good thing anyway!

Even though Mrs. Zou felt bad about it, she didn't let it go after listening to Tao Hua's words.

In the end, Tao's family didn't enjoy the meal well, but others could eat and watched a good show, and went home satisfied!
But after dinner, Lei Shi sat in the main room with a sullen face.

With her posture, the family immediately knew that Lei Shi was going to settle accounts after the fall.

Tao Lixiang and Luo Shi didn't take Lei Shi's reaction to heart at all, Tao Wanhong and his siblings were even more so.

Tao Yuhe's family, except for Zhao Gaoshan's small eyes staring at Tao Wanhong closely, the whole family raised their chins proudly, looking defiant.

Tao Shanming smoked his local cigarette, and looked at the people in the room from time to time.

Today's meal, Tao Hua and Zou's both ate very well, and Tao Ye was naturally good too. Tao Anqing stood with his family with his eyes on his nose, his nose and his heart.

"Today's He Yuhe... Boss, as the village master, how do you teach your children? If you can't teach your own children well, how can you teach other people's children?"

After being silent for too long, Lei Shi finally broke out, and as soon as she opened her mouth, she pointed at Tao Lixiang.

"Grandma, what nonsense are you talking about? Why didn't my father teach us well? Then tell me, grandma, are we right? Sister-in-law is a daughter at home all day long, and she doesn't do anything. When eating, it's best to eat Hers. There is also my aunt's family, who always come to our house to stay for so long a year, and don't take anything with them. When they go back, they keep taking large and small bags to their house."

The talking Tao Yueyue, she has always been impatient, and she doesn't care about that, anyway, she is upset at the moment, so naturally everyone should follow her!
"When will I bring home the big and small bags? And Tao Yueyue, you are just a girl yourself. What does it matter to you if I go back to my mother's house? If you get married in the future, you go back to your mother's house to get things, and I will definitely do the same." will not say!"

Tao Yueyue was still an unmarried girl, Tao Yuhe said so to her as soon as she opened her mouth, Tao Yueyue blushed with anger, stomped her feet, tears were about to flow out.

"Sister, if Zhao Hehua of your family gets married next year, you will always bring their whole family to your house to eat and get food. You will not say that. You go back to your natal home, and my daughter will return to her natal home in the future. What's the matter? Don't always refer to the married woman as the water spilled by the married girl, making it look like you don't have a daughter yourself!"

Her own daughter was told, how could Luo Shi swallow this breath, if Tao Shanming hadn't been in charge here, she would probably have said even worse things than this.

"Okay, all of you are talking to others, so let's talk about your own affairs first." Tao Shanming patted the pipe, "Let's forget about today's affairs, and don't always push me It's someone else's fault. What the elders said is not unreasonable. This year, Yuhe, you can come and eat, and don't take it when you go back. The family is also in trouble now. This year I killed a pig. I want to eat!"

Tao Yuhe was blocked by Tao Shanming's words, and looked at Lei's aggrievedly.

This year they came here because the Tao family slaughtered pigs. Every year when Tao Yuhe came back, Lei Shi would ask her to bring back a piece of meat, but why didn't they have any this year?
Lei Shi kept winking at Tao Yuhe, telling her to be quiet, and don't cause trouble for her father at this time.

Although Tao Yuhe was very anxious later, she still listened to her mother and chose to shut up.

When Tao Hua and the others walked back, they were still secretly happy. After all, because there were too many things to do today, Lei Shi didn't think about them for a while, so he was very lucky.

Tao Li'an followed them, and wanted to talk to Zou and the others several times. Their mother and daughter were chatting and laughing, but he couldn't get in. It felt like they were cut off from them.

After entering the house, Tao Ye and Tao Li'an closed the door after they entered, and Tao Hua told Mrs. Zou something about their trip to the county.

Of course, Tao Hua omitted the matter of Mo Fuming, and Tao Li'an interjected, "What are you two doing in the county? You are so courageous, you two went to the county by yourself, what if something happens?"

After Tao Li'an finished speaking, everyone's eyes fell on him. It was very strange. It was really surprising that someone who had never cared about their brothers and sisters would say such a thing.

But after being surprised, there was a lot of irony!

They disappeared for a few days, and he, a father, knew that the children had gone to the county. It's really... enough to make people laugh!

Zou stared at Tao Li'an and wanted to say something, but she was still speechless and turned her back.

Tao Hua showed Mrs. Zou a few feet of cloth she bought from the county, "Mother, my elder brother and I picked this for you, and we all think it's pretty good. Mother, we've processed it in the past few days. Wear it to visit relatives."

Tao Hua originally planned to buy some things for the New Year in the county, but after considering the current situation of her family, she decided to let it go. She bought a few feet of thick cotton cloth for the Zou family in the county, and then came back.

"Oh, you child, why do you buy it for me all day long? You brothers and sisters don't have any good clothes, why don't you pull a few feet of cloth back? Anyway, in winter, mother will make some clothes for you when she is free."

(End of this chapter)

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