peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 161 Restoration of appearance [21]

Chapter 161 Restoration of appearance [21]

"Do you know what people in the village say? When they see me on the road, they will say, hurry up, Tao Ye has an ugly sister, stay with her, be careful that you will become ugly too! Ha, you Listen, they also said that your birthmark is contagious, and no one wants to play with me. What about you, you hide at home all day long and refuse to see people. What happened to Sister Wan Hong and the others? They are willing to play with me!"

"Tao Ye!" Tao Anqing yelled, "What nonsense are you talking about? Your sister is just a birthmark. It's not fair for you to blame her for all your faults!"

"Unfair?" Tao Ye smiled miserably, "Where is fairness in this world? It's all unfair, you see, it's not fair. If it was fair, why would you treat me like this? It's just a few incense sticks. That's all, now the whole family is accusing me, come on, anyway, I know, in your eyes, Tao Hua is your daughter, Tao Hua is your sister, right? I'm not, I'm not..."

"Ye'er, don't think about it, it's not what you said, you are all my daughters... Mother didn't mean to blame you, but you did it wrong! Child, do you understand? We are the ones Family, we are your dearest and dearest people, you, how can you think so? How can you think so, you silly child, your sister... It's my fault, I let her In this way, it's all mother's fault, but these have nothing to do with your sister, not at all, so don't push anything on your sister!"

"I didn't push on her, look, she smiled, didn't I?"

Tao Ye went crazy, and pointed at Tao Hua's face, "You all don't want me, don't you despise me? Well, I'll go, why not?

"Just remember, you treated me like this today, and when I have the ability in the future, I will definitely return it to you, bit by bit, and give it all back to you!"

Tao Ye suddenly pushed Zou's hand away, turned around and ran away!
Her tears still drew a line in the air, the cold wind rustled the door of their house, the room was extremely quiet, except for Zou's sobbing, and Tao Anqing's terribly silent expression .


Inside the house, Tao Ancheng burst into tears suddenly, he was terrified by the scene just now, how old is he?After going through these things, I was so frightened that I burst into tears!
Tao Hua was the first to react, hugged Tao Ancheng, and kept whispering in his ear: "It's okay, Ancheng, it's okay, it's okay, don't cry, it's okay!"

Tao Ancheng continued to cry, Tao Hua was a little at a loss, but luckily Mrs. Zou wiped away her tears and held Tao Ancheng in her arms, so Tao Ancheng stopped crying.

"Hua'er, has Ye'er always been like this?" Tao Anqing asked Tao Hua suddenly, holding his head in his hands.

"I didn't know that the resentment in her heart was so deep. Speaking of it... it was all caused by the birthmark on my face, but I think Ye'er was just stunned. When she grows up, she will understand." Tao Hua stroked her cheek with one hand, the birthmark was slowly fading, she could see it, it's just that everyone paid so little attention to her, that's why no one noticed.

"It's just..." Tao Hua smiled wryly, "I didn't expect that I didn't rush to teach her embroidery because I thought she should practice more basic stitches, but it made her feel a little pimple in her heart."

"It's not your fault!" No one can eat a fat man in one go. Tao Hua is not wrong, but that girl Tao Ye is really... so young, why do she have so many thoughts?
"Brother, we are now... well, how did it become like this?"

Tao Hua wouldn't want to tell Tao Ancheng, in fact, she didn't want to teach Tao Ye on purpose!

Tao Anqing also had a dejected face, "Ye'er hasn't been very close to us since she was a child. She was still very obedient when she was a child. did she become like this?"

Tao Hua comforted Tao Anqing, "Brother, people are subject to change. No one remains the same forever. Maybe it's me... Really, brother, it's not surprising that Ye Er has this idea!"

"What are you thinking about? Hua'er, your birthmark was specially left by the empress, you are different from others, understand?"

What Tao Hua said made Mrs. Zou feel a little uncomfortable. Her daughter was talked about by everyone and her own daughter. Does she feel good?
Tao Hua lowered her head guiltily, she forgot that her appearance is not only her pain, but also her mother's pain!
"Mother, actually, you don't have to worry...Mother, take a look, look at my birthmark, is there any change?" Seeing Zou's sad expression, Tao Hua wanted to find a topic to divert her attention.

When Mrs. Zou heard that it was Tao Hua's birthmark, she hurriedly turned around to look at it, only to find that the black birthmark on Tao Hua's face had faded a lot!

Zou almost didn't cry, she grabbed Tao Hua's hand firmly, "Hua'er, Hua'er, your face...why, why..."

Tao Anqing hurriedly comforted Mrs. Zou, "Mother, we met a doctor on the way to the county. He said that Hua'er's face could still be saved. No, when we came back, he asked us to bring a lot of medicine back! Speaking of This, I forgot, Hua'er, you haven't taken your medicine today!"

Hearing this, Zou almost knelt on the ground, "Thank you, thank you doctor, he is a good man, a good man, if Hua'er's face can really change for the better, that would be great, I am willing to do whatever you want Yes, really, I am willing to do whatever you want me to do!"

Tao Anqing took a deep breath. All these years, why his mother has been willing to live a life of injustice? If you really want to talk about the reason, why isn't it because of Hua'er?

As a mother, she felt sorry for her daughter and blamed herself for not giving her a good appearance.In addition, people from the Tao family said, and people from the village said that over time, Zou began to feel inferior, which also led to her temper that she almost couldn't fight back when she was beaten or scolded!

"An Qing, hurry up and make medicine for your sister, hurry up, hurry up, since it's effective, then continue to take it, you must eat well, you must eat well! Hua'er, mother, I have no other requirements in this life, mother It is enough for you brothers and sisters to be safe and sound!"

Zou urged Tao Anqing to boil the medicine for Tao Hua, while she herself looked at Tao Hua's face carefully, afraid to miss the slightest strangeness!

Tao Hua's heart was sour, she remembered Zou's kindness to her firmly in her heart, so she didn't want anyone to bully her, not anything, not even herself!
Tao An responded crisply and hurriedly ran out.

Tao Ancheng also stayed in the room for a while, saying that he was going to make medicine, so he also ran out to play!
(End of this chapter)

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