peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 170 Opening [1]

Chapter 170 Opening [1]

Lei Shi's voice was already loud, so everyone in the room knew about it, Tao Yuqin blushed and twisted the corner of her clothes, Tao Wanhong gave Lei Shi a dissatisfied look.

Afterwards, she looked at Luo Shi expectantly, and her mother did a little bit more to wash the dishes, so at least she asked him his name.

Just as Luo Shi was about to speak, he heard Xuanyuan Xuanyao say: "I was on the mountain today, and I saw not only their brothers, but also two brothers and sisters in front of me, could it be you?"

The voice seemed to ring in her ears, Tao Hua's heart thumped, and she secretly said that she was not good. Sure enough, she raised her head and saw Xuanyuan Xuanyao's eyes were staring at her.

Now it's all right, all the eyes in the room were focused on her, Tao Hua wished to find a hole in the ground to get in, she hesitated, and finally Tao Anqing helped her out.

Xuanyuan Xuanyao's words successfully made everyone in the family, whether it was Tao Shanming, Luo Shi and Tao Lixiang, look at Tao Hua and Tao Anqing one after another.

If it was true what Xuanyuan Xuanyao said, Tao Hua and Tao Anqing were suspected of knowing that there were wolves in the mountain, but they fled down the mountain regardless of family affection.

Tao Hua didn't understand why Xuanyuan Xuanyao said that, but she knew that this man had no good intentions.

"Speaking of which, Hua'er and I were indeed in the mountains at that time. My cousin and the others were not with us. Hua'er often went up the mountain, and I happened to remember that there was a place with cypress branches, so we went. Speaking of which, when we went down the mountain After a while, I didn't hear the wolf howling."

If this was said by Tao Hua, no one in the family would believe it, but Tao Shanming and Lei Shi believed more than half of what Tao Anqing said.

But the fact is also the same, the roar of the waves on the mountain was made after the brothers and sisters returned home, which just shows that the brothers and sisters didn't know about it.

Everyone knows this fact, but Luo Shi and Tao Lixiang? Don't think so, whether it's their fault or not, at this moment, the husband and wife are all to blame on them.

"If you say so, did you find the wolves early in the morning? Why didn't you tell my cousin them earlier? That way. They won't be so scared!"

Passing by the wolves on the mountain, Tao Anshu and Tao Anyu were both trembling tonight. Even for the New Year's Eve dinner, they didn't dare to come out to eat. The two brothers stayed in the house.

Lei Shi raised his brows, that's right, in this way, shouldn't this man have discovered it long ago?But he refused to say, who knows what he was thinking, did he want to come to them for a meal?

For a moment, the family who had been respectful to Xuanyuan Xuanyao all of a sudden turned pale.

Seeing that her plot had succeeded, Tao Hua almost covered her mouth and snickered. This man is really too much, even trying to make trouble, and she didn't offend him.

Xuanyuan Xuanyao twitched the corner of his mouth, this little girl is really...

"I'm really sorry, I saw a few figures on the top of the mountain, and I wanted to ask if it was you. It's cold today, and the wild animals in the cave have come out, and they may come down the mountain. I'm still wondering, it's the Chinese New Year, Which family's children have gone up the mountain? It's just the two of you, that means there are no children on the mountain, if there are any, you have to send someone to look for them in the mountains."

Listen, listen, Tao Hua couldn't help but applaud him, this man really speaks very neatly.What he thinks, no one can guess, it's just that he has good intentions.

Tao Shanming was the most guilty. He saved his two grandsons with good intentions, but they didn't get a good word. They still suspected him. It's really... so shameful.

On the other hand, their family is the only one that celebrates Chinese New Year, and they even drive their children to the mountains. If it gets out, someone might say that their Tao family abused their children.

Tao Shanming's old face was flushed, and Lei Shi was very embarrassed. Xuanyuan Xuanyao took a deep look at Tao Hua, and said to Tao Shanming and Lei Shi, "It's been a long time since I've been out, I should go back, thank you all today The hospitality is much appreciated!"

"My lord, you're being polite!" Tao Lixiang bowed his waist, and made a bow to Xuanyuan Xuanyao, "I'm making you laugh, everyone has scriptures that are hard to recite. It's getting late, my lord, how about..."

Xuanyuan Xuanyao waved his hand, "No need, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving."

Xuanyuan Xuanyao's figure quickly disappeared in the courtyard of Tao's house, and Lei Shi still couldn't let go and said: "Oh, if you can find out which family's brother this is, it's just right, we can go and find out , if it’s good, you can talk to our family Yuqin. This kid is so handsome, his body, tsk tsk...and the way he talks..."

Tao Shan took a look at Lei's understanding, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Lei Shi closed his mouth embarrassingly, but his eyes looked at Tao Yuqin regretfully.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, every household has to watch the New Year's Eve, but how can little brats like Tao Ancheng and Tao Kezhu survive?
They had just eaten the New Year's Eve dinner, and they happily ran out to play, while a few women were packing things in the house.

Everything was cleaned up very quickly today. After cleaning up, Tao Hua discussed with Mrs. Zou, "Mother, after the new year, I guess I will go to the county. The family always wants to find a way to stop their mouths. What do you say?" What should we think of?"

Tao Hua's question overwhelmed Zou's question. She was a woman, so it was no problem for her to wash, cook, serve tea and pour water, but it was really difficult for her to give her an idea.

In fact, Tao Hua didn't really think about asking Mrs. Zou what to do. She thought of a way, but it wasn't perfect yet.

"Mom, if I say I'm going to the county to find a job and earn some money back, do you think grandma will agree?"

Tao Hua's status in the Tao family has always been very low, and they seem to have decided that such an ugly Tao Hua will definitely not be able to marry. Most will agree.

Anyway, in their eyes, Tao Hua's publicity is nothing to Tao Hua, and she can't get married anyway.

"What if your grandma refuses?"

Mrs. Zou was very worried. She knew exactly what their brothers and sisters were doing in the county, but no one in the family knew about it. Mrs. Lei demanded complete control over everyone in the family. If Hua'er and the others went out, the family would lose a worker. Will you still agree?

"I guess I will agree!" Tao Hua said seriously: "Mother, I will give back the little money to the family every month when I go out, no more, no less, as long as I can plug the mouth of the milk. In this way , why doesn't she agree?"

As for Lei Shi's money-greedy and stingy temperament, if Tao Hua got the money back every month, why would she disagree?To have money for nothing every month, to her, it's like a pie falling from the sky, either for nothing or nothing!
(End of this chapter)

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