peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 173 Opening [4]

Chapter 173 Opening [4]

"Mother, do you know what the eldest sister is talking about? Marry my daughter? I'm going to put my words here today, and I'll tell you, no way, my daughter's marriage is decided by me and her mother. Don't meddle with others! "

Tao Lixiang usually listens to Lei's and Tao Shanming's words very much, but today, when it comes to his daughter's marriage, he is very firm, if he says he doesn't want to, he just doesn't want to!

Luo Shi, as his wife, was naturally very pleased with her husband's attitude, but Zou Shi, who was standing aside, was not so relieved.

She couldn't understand what Tao Li'an was like. In his eyes, parents were the most important, brothers were the most important, and getting off the ground was the most important...Wife and daughter, he didn't have time to think about it.

"If you don't do it, don't do it, you are so angry, do you want to beat me up?" Lei Shi also got mad, and the child she gave birth to is now running on her with his wife, "Boss, when will I promise you?" Miss, what are you doing like this?"

Tao Lixiang also felt that his attitude was not very good, and immediately said: "Mother, I didn't mean that, I watched Gao Shan grow up with your own eyes, and I, as an uncle, shouldn't say that about him, but any I would like Wanhong if he is a little more promising, but look at him... how will you make our family Wanhong live in the future?"

Luo Shi pinched Tao Lixiang fiercely from below, this idiot, you are willing, you are willing to die by yourself.

On the second day of junior high school, everyone passed away very unhappy. At night, Tao Ye saw Tao Hua put a piece of plaster on her face. She was very curious and asked, "Tao Hua, what are you doing?"

Tao Hua didn't answer her. After wiping, she went to fetch water to wash her face. A faint floral fragrance from her cheeks permeated the room. It smelled really good.

It turned out to be this smell. Tao Ye squinted her eyes. During this time, Tao Hua always had a faint smell on her body. She didn't know what it was until just now.

What did she wipe just now?Could it be the medicine to cure her birthmark?

Tao Ye shook her head, she didn't believe it, it's not that they don't have birthmarks here, but their birthmarks didn't grow on their faces, but they have never heard of anyone's birthmarks being cured.

Covered with a quilt, Tao Ye fell into a deep sleep.

Tao Hua and Zou have been looking for opportunities to talk to Lei these few days, but Lei is not feeling well these days, and she is a little sad. In the Tao family, she has been the king for many years, and now she is forced by her own son. In this way, how could she be embarrassed to accuse her in front of her face?
On the seventh and eighth day of the lunar new year, Tao Anqing became anxious. On this day, after he got up, he hurried to find Tao Hua.

"Hua'er..." Tao Anqing was about to ask her when they would go to the county, but when he saw Tao Hua's face, he suddenly smiled, "Hua'er, your face... is really getting better soon, really soon Alright, Hua'er, we must go and thank Brother Mo this time, if it wasn't for him, your face wouldn't have healed so quickly."

He didn't pay attention to it these days. The first time he saw Tao Hua, the birthmark on her face faded a lot. The birthmark that was originally dark is now purple. I believe that after a while, her face will be completely healed.

Maybe they saw it every day, so the Tao family didn't feel Tao Hua's changes, only people like Tao Anqing who cared so much about Tao Hua would notice.

Not only that, but she also has a faint floral fragrance, I don't know what it is, but it smells good anyway.

Tao Hua pursed her lips and smiled slightly, "I've been watching it for the past few days, brother, why do you want me?"

"Hua'er, I just want to ask you, when are we going to the county? I'm not here for the cloth in the warehouse, so don't worry. This thing is afraid of fire. If... oh, oh, oh, look at my mouth. ..."

Tao Hua saw Tao Anqing's anxious appearance, and she was also very anxious. However, Lei Shi said that his heart was not feeling well in the past few days. These few days, Lei Shi has been very troublesome, and the family members, except her father Tao Li'an, hardly pay attention to her.

Therefore, Tao Hua never found a chance. After thinking about it, they really should go. The shop in the county is not well repaired, and the shop, if it is implemented as soon as possible, they will be able to show their strengths.

Although Xuanyuan Xuanyao didn't say what kind of goals they want to achieve, the conditions they gave are really good. Tao Anqing and Tao Hua are both sincere people. Since they trust them so much, this feeling has just begun to accept business. Tao Anqing and Tao Hua, who was getting started for the first time, both wanted to do something, so they lived up to their trust.

"Brother, why don't we cut it first and play later."

There was a sparkle in her eyes. Her eyes were already very beautiful, but at this moment they looked like bright stars in the sky.

**** Facing Tao Hua, Tao Anqing couldn't help staring blankly. At this moment, his sister was like a fairy who descended from the earth. The feeling of doing bad things made her look like a normal little girl, not the same as before. Old-fashioned breath.

"Brother, brother, what are you looking at?"

Tao Hua, who hadn't received a response for a long time, waved her hand in front of Tao Anqing, "Brother, what are you thinking?"

Tao Anqing shook his head, and Tao Hua said mischievously: "Brother, do you dare? Anyway, grandma is still sad these days, and she probably won't notice us for a while, just tell mother, and we will set off. Big brother, we Quietly go to the town, I will send some purses to Aunt Li first, and then we will go to the county."

The more Tao Hua thought about it, the more she felt that this was a good idea. In addition, they still had a lot of things to do in the county. They didn't know what to do with the shop, and they were going to live in the county in the future, so many things were not prepared yet, and...

Thinking of this, Tao Hua wanted to leave immediately, and encouraged Tao Anqing even more, "Brother, let's go and pack up quickly. Mother is in the vegetable garden right now, and there are only two children at home. If we want to leave, it's just right!"

Tao Anqing was very moved. If he could really leave, it would be great, but, just, if they leave like this, will his grandma be embarrassing for his mother?
"Brother, what are you worried about?"

Tao Hua didn't hear the movement behind her, turned around, and saw Tao Anqing's handsome face wrinkled into a bun.

"Hua'er, if we leave, do you think grandma will make things difficult for my mother? I'm not afraid of anything else, but mother... I'm worried that if grandma finds someone to settle the score, mother, mother..."

Tao Anqing had a good idea, if Lei Shi got mad at that time, and his father didn't care about his mother, wouldn't his mother become the target of public criticism?
Thinking it was something, Tao Hua smiled sweetly, "Brother, don't worry, I have everything planned!"

(End of this chapter)

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