peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 197 Why are you here

Chapter 197 Why are you here

Xiao Lin scratched his head shyly, "When I come to the pharmacy these days, I always see her. I think it's a bit like what you said, but I don't know if you said it."

"Really?" Tao Hua was overjoyed. If it was true, how much trouble would it save them?

"Xiao Lin, is it true? Although you didn't see the face of the fairy-like girl, you should have seen the figure. How about it? Is it good-looking? If we have such a girl in Ningyang County, let me take a look. , even if you let me die, I am willing!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? What is not dead!"

"That's right, you also want to die under the peony flower and be a ghost, but you also have to see if others will give you this chance!"



Everyone laughed, and Xiao Lin became even more shy, "I, what I said is true..."

Tao Hua couldn't wait to stand up and walked to Xiao Lin, "Xiao Lin, where did you see it?"

"I'm right here..."

Mo Fuming said that soon, really soon, he came back soon, and when he came back, he changed into a navy blue long shirt and jacket, and he who was originally gentle, became even more gentle after changing the clothes. Like jade.

"Hua'er, I'm fine, let's go." Mo Fuming brushed off the dust on his body.

"Brother Mo, I found it, I found it, let's go, let's go directly!" Tao Hua was very excited. If this matter could be solved so easily, she would be spared a big trouble, and the rest would be left to him. Mrs. Zou, I believe that her place will soon return to calm.

Mo Fuming didn't know why, seeing Tao Hua walking out excitedly and saying something to Fu Chengcai, he hurriedly chased after her.

Mei Hanyan was not feeling well today, so she didn't go out to look for Xuanyuan Xuanyao. When she came out to pour water, Wu Er hurriedly took the wooden basin from her hand, "You are not feeling well, let me come, let me come!"

Mei Hanyan let him take it, gave him a neutral look, then turned and left.

After pouring the water, Wuer leaned towards her in a twitchy manner, "You rest, I'll do this, you rest, I'll do it!"

Mei Hanyan really listened to him, put down the things in her hands, and stopped touching them. Xu walked out of the house, and Mei Hanyan hurried to help her, "No two, both Yan'er and I are not feeling well. Didn't the master say to hire a maid for us?"

Wu Er was about to light the fire, when he heard Xu's words, his hands froze.

Mei Hanyan hurriedly said to Xu: "Mother, master... has a big problem right now, we can't bother him just because of this little thing!"

"You child!" Xu nodded fondly on Mei Hanyan's forehead, but when facing Wudu, she seemed a little superior, "I didn't say that, my old bones are useless, but Yan'er... Wuer, I won't play charades with you anymore. Yan'er will definitely marry her master in the future. You can't let Yan'er do these rough things all the time? Besides, Yan'er's health is not very good! "

Wu Er frowned in displeasure, marrying the master?Although everyone knows it well, since no one has pierced this layer of window paper, no one has said it clearly, but now that Mrs. Xu has pierced this layer of window paper, the meaning is different!

"This matter... Let's talk about it when the master comes back!" Wuer stood up, not doing anything, he walked to the stove, and threw a purse, "This is your living expenses for next month. My master and I may have to spend next month. Go to the county, as for when you will come back, I don't know for the time being, save some money!"

Mrs. Xu directly picked up the purse, weighed it, "Is this a bit small?"

few?Wuer was suddenly annoyed, and he couldn't express this feeling himself. Ever since he brought the Mei family's mother and son over from Yuhezhuang for the Chinese New Year, and gave them ten taels of silver every month, Mrs. Xu said she needed to see a doctor and eat Medicine, and Mei Hanyan, and then he posted five taels of silver in private, and this month gave 15 taels of silver, but Xu still said that it was too little, and he began to understand them a little bit.

You know, ten taels of silver a month would be enough for their mother and daughter to live for half a year in the countryside, but here, it would be gone in a month, and Xu said it was too little!
"I'm leaving!"

Wuer directly passed Mei Hanyan and walked outside the house.

Mei Hanyan squeezed the back of Xu Shi's hand, Xu Shi gave her a blank look, and forbade her to speak, "Wuer, next time you tell the master that this money is not enough, let him get more!"

Wuer's steps paused, and he continued to walk forward.

Seeing that Wuer went out, Mrs. Xu pulled Mei Hanyan and said in a low voice, "You silly girl, your mother is not in good health. We have been living in the countryside all these years, relying on your elder brother, but now your elder brother and the others I left and went to a place as far away as Yanjing. If something happens to us, they can't do anything about it. Now I just take this opportunity to save up more money. If your mother can't come up with a breath, you can take the money and take care of it. too."

"Also, you're too late, but master, I don't know when we will be able to succeed... Sigh, our family has no wealth, mother will save some for you now, in the future... it won't be too embarrassing, do you understand?" understand?"

"Mother..." Mei Hanyan knew that her mother was doing it for her own good, but she felt very sorry for spending the master's money like this.

Wuer just opened the door, and saw Tao Hua leading a few people to the door.

Tao Hua was extremely surprised, it was the same...

"No two?"

"Tao Hua...Miss Tao?"

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?"

The two asked in unison.

"We are here to find someone!" Tao Hua spoke first, "Why are you here?"

"Looking for someone?" Wuer was very surprised. He glanced back at the small courtyard of Mei's house. No one knew about it except himself. The master didn't want to know, but Tao Hua and the others came to look for... "You look for... ...?"

Tao Hua nodded, "I didn't expect you to know me too. I'm looking for a girl from the Mei family. I heard that she lives here!"

"Ms. Mei's?" Wu Er was very surprised, thinking, Tao Hua is a little girl, what is she doing with Mei?Could it be that they had some intersection before?No, he had checked Tao Hua carefully, and naturally he also checked Mei's house. Mei Hanyan was weak since childhood and rarely went out, while Tao Hua walked with her head down for a long time because of low self-esteem, and she didn't have many friends. , how could the two of them, who had nothing to do with each other,...?
"Yes!" Tao Hua is very good at observing words and expressions. Seeing Wuer's expression, she knew that the person living in this room must be Mei Hanyan, but, what is the relationship between them?
Wuer knew Mei Hanyan, no matter how I thought about it, it felt very...strange?

Fu Chengcai was very excited. He never expected that his fairy lived in such a small courtyard, and he couldn't wait to get in.

(End of this chapter)

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