Chapter 210
Zou's eyes widened suddenly, how did Tao Ye know, how did she know?She doesn't know how much this girl is thinking. Is this girl full of resentment in front of her still her daughter?
Tao Ye was not stupid. Seeing Zou's reaction, he immediately knew that he had guessed right. Could it be that Tao Hua and the others really opened that shop?
Then this own younger sister was actually kept a secret. They never regarded her as a relative, never.

Tao Ye had never hated them so much like this moment, she was very fond of Tao Hua, she hated the Zou family, and even Tao Anqing, she also hated, the hatred almost overwhelmed her.

The room is very quiet, so quiet that the breathing sounds of several people can be clearly distinguished. Tao Ye and Zou's breathing is very heavy. Their mother and daughter face each other, you look at me, I look at you, while Tao Li'an He couldn't settle down for a long time. It turned out that without his knowledge, the family had become...become...



When Zou heard the sound, she couldn't wait to open the door. In the dark night, she couldn't see anything except the lights in the distance.

Zou was very frightened, for fear that someone would find out, and when she returned to the house, she refused to raise her head.

"Tao Hua and An Qing, when did they open a shop in the county? Is this true?" Tao Li'an managed to calm down the shock and excitement in his heart, and stared at Zou without blinking, "I said Well, how could the two of them... run to the county eagerly. You mother, why don't you persuade them, this business is like a treasure covered in the town, what if it all loses money? "

There are many gaiwans in the town, and a small bean is put in them, and then they are changed at a very fast speed, so that people can guess, and if they guess correctly, they are rich, and many people like to try it.

Mrs. Zou snorted softly and didn't speak. She has lost interest in talking to Tao Li'an now. Every time she talks to him, she can't help but think of those things that chill her heart. Time after time, all her enthusiasm is overwhelmed by his. The indifference was wiped out, and now there is nothing left but indifference and respect like ice.

Seeing that Mrs. Zou ignored him, Tao Li'an guessed something in his heart, but he is a man, a man, if he doesn't even respect his parents, how can he be responsible for his wife and children in the future?
But from Zou's point of view, Tao Li'an didn't even care about his own children. With such a man, he didn't even want his own flesh and blood. In the future, would he still be able to rely on him?

Instead of relying on him, it's better to raise her own children well. Children are her foundation, and she will not have any other hopes for this man.

Zou walked straight past Tao Li'an, no matter what, she was going to sleep after washing.

"I'm talking to you." Tao Li'an was so angry, did this woman not care about herself at all?
Mrs. Zou turned around slowly, "Say it, I heard it, but I don't want to tell you."

When Tao Ye saw Zou Shi and Tao Li'an, she felt extremely ironic. Her parents were together like this. Really, really... so ironic, too ironic.

Tao Wanhong didn't expect her to hear such news. She hurried home. Seeing Tao Wanhong's hurry, Tao Yueyue couldn't help calling her, "Sister, why did you go to the toilet for so long?"

"Hush~~" Tao Wanhong is still guilty, what should she do if Mrs. Zou finds out what she eavesdropped on?
"Yueyue, where's mother?" Tao Wanhong carefully glanced behind her and breathed a sigh of relief when she found no one.

"It's in the house."

Tao Yueyue was very curious about Tao Wanhong's appearance, "Sister, you are a thief, look at your sneaky appearance, what are you afraid of in your own home?"

"I don't want to tell you, I'm going in." Tao Wanhong didn't have the heart to play lip service with Tao Yueyue at the moment, she pushed open the door and called out, "Mother."

"You girl, you can't keep your voice down." Luo Shi was telling Tao Lixiang about Tao Anqing and Tao Hua in the county, when she heard Tao Wanhong's voice, she trembled in fright.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Tao Wanhong couldn't help asking when she saw her parents getting together.

"Do you want to take care of a child? It's okay, it's getting late, go to bed early if you have nothing to do, I'm afraid there will be a lot of things to do tomorrow, and your second aunt is finally back, otherwise, I will be tired died."

Over the years, the second householder took the lead in the farm work of the family. With them taking the lead, they were relatively relaxed, but once Mrs. Zou left, they were really exhausted.

In addition, Wu Shi gave birth to a child last month, and she is still in confinement. All the work at home is piled up on her, so it's no wonder she can be happy.

"Mother, let me tell you, I just heard something." Tao Wanhong approached Luo Shi slyly, "Father, mother, don't you know that Tao Hua and Tao Anqing actually opened a restaurant in the county?" shop!"

Luo Shi and Tao Lixiang didn't believe it at all, "Wan Hong, are you insane? Erfang, open a shop? It's alright, alright, I don't know who made the rumors, I never believe it, you go to sleep."

"Mother, what I said is true, really, I just heard what Tao Ye said with my own ears, don't say you don't believe it, even I can't believe it, and then I heard the second aunt, she didn't speak, so My son, it was obviously acquiescing, and then the second uncle asked, how can I let them go into business with confidence... Mother, you said that the second room really opened a shop in the county? I don't think it's a lie... …Otherwise, how could Tao Hua have wages, with her appearance, who will do it for, and who will want it?"

Hearing what Tao Wanhong said, Luo Shi didn't seem to be lying, "Wanhong, really, there is such a thing? But, where did the second room get the money to open the shop? What the hell, what is their second room?" The situation, don't we know?"

"No mother, I heard that it is like this, isn't Tao Hua's embroidery work very good, and has made a lot of money, otherwise, how could they afford to open a shop in the county?" Tao Wanhong hurriedly told Luo Shi explained, "We didn't believe it before, but now, we can't believe it anymore. The fact is really like this. Unexpectedly, we all underestimated Tao Hua, an ugly monster. I don't know where I learned such a good kung fu, mother. , Why don’t you say we don’t have a good master?”

Hearing Tao Wanhong mention this, Luo Shi also felt very surprised. Doesn't she know what level Zou Shi is?
But where did Tao Hua learn it? Their family kept it a good secret. If Wan Hong hadn't heard about it today, they wouldn't know how to cover it up.

(End of this chapter)

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