Chapter 213
Tao Yuqin was a little puzzled, when did their shop lose business?

If she remembered correctly, their shop was overcrowded for several days this month, but these days the busy farming season meant that there were fewer people on the street, so it seemed deserted.

Also, Tao Hua made some custom-made things for people, such as screens and curtains... There is no one in the shop at the moment, but they are busy all the time.

But when Tao Hua said that, Tao Yuqin just cast a suspicious glance, and had no intention of tearing things down.

"Really? Oh, this is really..."

Luo Shi was looking around in the shop, touching this one and then that one, Tao Hua acted like guarding against thieves, no matter where Luo Shi went, she would follow, Luo Shi went to the screen full of blooming flowers, tsk-tsk-tsk, "It's really beautiful. Look at this butterfly, look at this flower, it's so vivid, if it's not fake, I would think it's alive. By the way, flower, you made this too?"

Luo Shi doesn't really believe that Tao Hua made this kind of embroidery technique, because this embroidery technique is not something that can be learned overnight, but requires long-term practice, not just in a day or two.

Tao Hua naturally saw the disbelief in Luo Shi's eyes, she nodded without hesitation, "I can't make such an exquisite and beautiful thing, auntie, you are an expert, no one with more than ten years of experience can make this thing get out?"

Hearing Tao Hua's rhetorical question, Luo Shi felt a little better. If Tao Hua could do anything, it would make her two daughters look like idiots.

Luo Shi walked to the counter and picked up a purse, "Oh, this purse is really good. It looks like it was made by Yuqin, right? Why are you selling it here? Your boss doesn't care?"

Luo Shi's eyes rolled, she watched Tao Yuqin grow up, doesn't she know how much this girl weighs?

"Yes, sister-in-law, I made this." Tao Yuqin didn't know what Luo Shi was going to do, she didn't say anything, just walked around in this shop, but Tao Hua kept guarding against her, knowing it at a glance , certainly not a good thing.

"Oh, I've been here for a while, and Yuqin's craftsmanship has gotten better and better." Luo Shi felt disgusted, Tao Yuqin is so good, let alone Tao Hua, just now someone said, give her the shop... What does it mean, Tao Hua is highly valued by the shopkeeper.

Tao Hua was afraid that Luo Shi would continue to stay here to watch, because she had done a lot, and Tao Yuqin's performance could be compared with hers, "Auntie, it's rare for you to come to the county, and you will have lunch right now." Well, let's have a meal here."

What Luo Shi was waiting for was Tao Hua's words, so she wanted to see how well this Tao Hua did in the county.

Tao Hua told Tao Yuqin, and Tao Yuqin went out to buy vegetables. Luo Shi went into the house and didn't see it, but Tao Anshu saw Tao Yuqin opened the counter with his own eyes, and took the silver before going out.

They are just workers in the shop. To put it bluntly, they are working for others. However, Tao Yuqin can open the cash drawer on the counter and get money from it. What does this mean? The two of them must be in this shop. Not ordinary people, at least they can't compare with them.

Luo Shi is not a law-abiding owner. Tao Hua doesn't want to lose the big because of small things, so she has been with Luo Shi and the others, her eyes are always vigilant.
"Hey Tao Hua, I didn't expect this backyard to be quite big. Take a look, you and your sister-in-law share one room, and your elder brother and An Cheng share one room. Isn't there an extra room?"

What Luo Shi wanted to say gradually revealed that Tao Hua was not a fool, nor was she the same Tao Hua who was slaughtered before, so he immediately chuckled and said, "Auntie, look at what you said, there is an extra room? That's our boss's house. Speaking of it, it's our boss's kindness, who took pity on us brothers and sisters, and gave us a shelter. Otherwise, we only have such a small salary every month, and we have to go out to rent a house. How much money can we have left? Come?"

Luo Shi only listened, she had already made up her mind, they spent a lot of money in the county for a few days, Tao Anshu and Tao Anyu were still apprentices, there was a place for them to live, but the three of them, mother and daughter, had to live in an inn.

The three of them squeezed into one bed, and they needed so much money every day. Luo Shi felt very distressed for a long time. Now that Tao Hua has a place to live here, he can't wait to move in.

Seeing that Luo Shi and the others had no intention of leaving at all, the smile on Tao Hua's face disappeared little by little. Later, when Tao Yuqin came back from shopping, she saw Tao Hua's serious face, which shocked her .

"Hua'er, you, what's wrong with you?" Tao Yuqin leaned into Tao Hua's ear and asked softly.

"Sister-in-law, you said that there are so many of them, and they have no intention of leaving at all. Could it be that they want to live with us?"

Tao Anqing and Wusi will come back later in the evening. By the way, there is also a Tao An City. There are so many of them, where do they live?
Can't she and Tao Yuqin move out to make room for them?
Moreover, she always felt that Luo Shi's reason for coming would not be as she said. Luo Shi is a person who likes to be high and low. He never looked down on their second wife before, and now he is talking to her with a smile. No matter how you look at it, he feels very awkward. .

"This...maybe...haven't eaten yet?" Tao Yuqin actually knew more or less why Luo Shi and the others came, but she didn't want to think so badly of them, so she had to use such an excuse to prevaricate Tao Hua.

"Hehe, I hope so."

Tao Hua didn't cook, she was worried, who made their mother and son act like thieves along the way, with a pair of eyes looking around, no matter how you look at them, they don't look like good people.

Luo Shi also saw what Tao Hua meant, but she didn't care. After seeing the prosperity of the county, her whole heart fell on it. How could she have the time to learn as much as Tao Hua?
What's more, if such an ugly monster like Tao Hua can gain a foothold in the county, why can't her two daughters?

In Luo Shi's heart, her two daughters are a hundred times more capable than Tao Hua, and they are beautiful, so they will definitely find a good family in the county.

Moreover, the shop is so big, Tao Hua and Tao Yuqin are the only two people now, and she took a fancy to several pieces of fabric in the shop, although she didn't say anything about it, she looked at it several times with her eyes.

Luo Shi could tell that Tao Hua must have known her plan, so she fixed her eyes on her, not daring to relax for a moment, treating her like a thief. Although she was angry, it was not good to vent it here When she came out, she suppressed her anger, thinking that she still had to ask Tao Hua, she suppressed it tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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