peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 216 On the Accounts

Chapter 216 On the Accounts
Tao Hua glanced back at Tao Yueyue, "Shopkeeper, the old rules, put it on the account of our silk and satin shop, wait for our boss to come back and settle the bill."

owner?The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, Tao Hua blinked at the shopkeeper without showing any signs, the shopkeeper quickly understood, and nodded repeatedly, "It's okay, it's okay, it's rare for you to come to my place, remember, Billing at the end of the year."

Tao Hua nodded, "Thank you, shopkeeper, I'm sorry to trouble you, we're leaving."

There is still an owner in the silk and satin village?The shopkeeper is also a human being. Tao Hua's attitude towards the two people around her is very clear. I'm afraid it's because of them that she said so... They all know that the shopkeeper of the silk and satin village is this little girl. A shopkeeper?

Tao Anyu let out a long breath of relief, and Tao Yueyue pursed her mouth in displeasure. Why did she feel that ugly Tao Hua was looking at her like he was looking at a fool?
"Second brother, I want to go out and have a look, shall we go out and have a look?" Tao Yueyue couldn't sit still, she wanted to go back to the private room, she didn't want to go, the county is so prosperous and there are so many people, she really wanted to go out and have a look , Opposite is a jewelry shop, she saw several very beautifully dressed girls go in, and when they come out, they all hold the same beautiful hairpins or walkers in their hands, which she has never seen before. The thing, golden, very beautiful.

Tao Anyu could also tell that Tao Yueyue's mind was not here, but the other side...they really couldn't afford to go.

"Stop making trouble, mother is still up there, let's go, let's go up."

Before coming here, Luo Shi made a promise to them, if Tao Hua and the others do well, if possible, let them work with Tao Hua, at least they have some money every month, they have worked as apprentices for several years, because they choose the easy and fear the heavy, I also feel that I can read and write, and I often look down on apprentices like them. The accountant is easy, but he doesn't teach them at all. Up to now, they are just apprentices who pay money.

Seeing that Tao Hua and Tao Anqing are both taking money, Tao Hua is the most relaxed, and I haven't seen the owner until now. Is Tao Hua in charge of everything in this shop?
Tao Anyu was jealous, if he could really follow Tao Hua and the others, that would be great, so he wanted to go up.

Tao Yueyue was also aware of their purpose, even though she was very upset, she still followed.

As soon as they arrived at the door, they saw Tao Hua coming out. This time, she left in a hurry, without even looking at their siblings. Tao Anyu hurried in, and soon Tao Yuqin followed.

"Mother, what's going on? We're still here, how dare they leave? They didn't take us seriously at all, mother, you can't let them do this, especially Tao Hua, what does she mean? , look down on us or what?"

Luo Shi thought of what Tao Hua said just now, she was going to pick up Tao Ancheng and could not accompany them.

Afterwards, Tao Yuqin also said that there is no room for people in the shop, and if her boss finds out, she doesn't have to do it anymore, and the two left one after the other without asking them what to do. inside.

"Mother, tell me, what should we do now? We can't go to the big brother and the second brother to squeeze in? There are so many men there, I won't go, I won't go, Tao Hua's place is not very spacious anyway, why don't we go to her There." Tao Yueyue looked envious, Tao Hua made silk, the shop was full of brightly colored fabrics, and that screen, she had never seen such an exquisite thing, and... Tao Yueyue In his heart, he wished he could live with Tao Hua.

"Why are you arguing?" Luo Shi was thinking about something, when Tao Yueyue interrupted him, he yelled at her impatiently, and Tao Yueyue was about to shed tears immediately because of her grievance.

"Second sister, don't quarrel with your mother." Tao Anshu comforted Tao Yueyue, "Tao Hua said that he was going to pick up Ancheng. What can we do? We can't just go with him? My sister also said that the shop can't be separated from others, so be more obedient. , Don't make noise, mother, wait for mother to think about where we live tonight."

On the first day Luo Shi and the others came, because they couldn't find Tao Anshu and his brothers, they went to stay in an inn for a day.

However, there are more men in the two brothers' place, and it is really inconvenient for the three of them to live there. Tao Anshu is old, so he understands a little bit, and the two younger sisters are still young girls. I can't explain it to my family.

Tao Hua really went to pick up Tao Ancheng from school, Tao Yuqin went back to the shop to cook, Tao Hua lied to Luo Shi and the others, Tao Anqing and Wusi would come back for dinner at night.

Tao Hua took Tao Ancheng back and did not see Luo Shi and the others, so she breathed a sigh of relief. If they really came, she didn't know what to do, she couldn't be allowed to sleep together with Tao Wanhong and Tao Yueyue.

Tao Yuqin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, the two of them were cooking in the kitchen, and Tao Hua bought some sesame seed cakes for Tao Ancheng when he came back to fill his stomach.

"Hua'er, what do you think sister-in-law is doing this time?" Tao Yuqin probably guessed something, but she's not sure.

"What else can we do? It must be for Tao Anshu and Tao Anyu... But seeing us today, I'm afraid I still plan to put Tao Wanhong and Tao Yueyue in together. However, we can't decide this matter. Sister, you are soft-hearted, uncle and the others I don't want to see the family, and I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, if I live with Wan Hong and Yue Yue, I might as well move out."

Tao Hua didn't want to hide it at all, and told Tao Yuqin directly that she really didn't like the eldest room, "Sister-in-law, I'm not afraid of being stabbed in the back, our second room has always been suppressed by them, and I have been beaten by Tao Wanhong since I was a child. Bullying Tao Yueyue, I can't swallow this tone. If I don't make trouble, they should be grateful. If I want to treat them well, I really can't do it. Today I see that everyone is relatives, I invite them Eat a meal, at most so, too much, impossible!"

"..." Tao Yuqin opened her mouth, she still had a lot to say in her mind, but she was too embarrassed to say it when she heard Tao Hua say that.

The owner of the shop is not here, and Tao Hua has all the power, and she has no right to say anything else. She sighs secretly, these years, the second brother and the second sister-in-law... have had a difficult life, she knows that her parents are partial, but she What can a daughter do?
I never felt that the second room had grievances before, but now from Tao Hua's words, it's not that they didn't have grievances, it's just that they covered it up well, and no one cared about them.Now that the big house came to find the **** and begged in front of them, this resentment burst out all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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