peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 228 The Shameless Sister

Chapter 228 The Shameless Sister
Tao Wanhong's face changed greatly, collect the corpse?Who are they? She thought of that icy man, who really seemed to have climbed up from the grave. His icy breath was enough to freeze people to death, but she couldn't believe it. It was just a person's temperament at most. Forget it, how can you kill someone at every turn?
They have always lived in Yuhezhuang, and they have been to the town as far away as possible. They always feel that the world is safe. Besides, even if there are such people, they will definitely lie to them. With courage, Tao Wanhong said: "You Don't lie to us here, we are not people who have never seen the world, dare to kill, and just coax us, besides, we just want to find something to do, and we haven't done anything bad, you, if you are too It's too much, Yamen, no, the government, the government will definitely arrest you, kill you all, kill you all!"

Although Tao Wanhong didn't believe it, but killing people, they are still little girls, how can they not be afraid, he stammered, and even mentioned all the official government offices, to increase his gorgeous credibility.

But her appearance was too funny, so Wuer waved his hand, "I'm too lazy to talk to you, little girl, go back and stay at home, as long as your stupid heads come out, you might be eaten."

"Okay, Wanhong, Yueyue, you two, stop fighting, and go back with me." Tao Yuqin was so annoyed, she didn't know who the boss and the others were, but the temperament of the boss was enough. She thought too much, and now she couldn't help trembling when she heard Wuer's words, she should send their sisters away as soon as possible, lest anything happen at that time, she would not be able to pay the errand when she went back.

"Sister-in-law, why should I go?" Tao Yueyue didn't want to leave. There are so many interesting and delicious things in this county. She is really unwilling to let her go back to farm, "I won't go back anyway, sister-in-law, don't worry about it." We're gone, I don't want to go back anyway, you have delicious food and drink in the county, why should I go back to farm? And Tao Hua, I just won't do it."

Tao Yuqin was also speechless, "What are you doing? Tao Ye didn't even come to the county, and you're not Hua'er's own sister, so why should she help you? Anyway, I'll give you the money, and you can leave as you please. You guys have also seen it, so I won’t say more, so you can take care of yourself.”

Tao Yuqin was also annoyed by them, and she kept on staying, her boss came back, and she had to go back to work, so she understood what their sisters were up to, and she was not a fool, how could she not see it ?

Tao Yuqin threw a purse filled with copper plates to Tao Wanhong, "Wanhong, I've told you both good and bad words, whether you listen to it or not is your own business, I can't control it, I know you don't want me to care, I will I have fulfilled my own responsibilities, and if anything happens to you in the future, I will forgive you. I am leaving. "

Tao Yuqin turned her head decisively, and when she saw Wuer, she couldn't help but click her tongue in surprise, "Oh, I thought it was a docile little sheep, but now I know it's a little wolf cub with claws."

Tao Yueyue didn't quite understand what these words meant, but Tao Wanhong understood a little bit. It's just that if a big man talks about an unmarried woman, if it gets out, will her sister-in-law's reputation be lost?
Tao Wanhong didn't like Wuer in front of her at all, she felt that his mouth was poisonous, his mind was vicious, and he liked to tease girls, but when he turned around, he saw Tao Yueyue looking at Wuer with a nymphomaniac, almost drooling, really It's too embarrassing, "Yueyue, what are you doing? Let's go, let's find something to do by ourselves. Could it be that in such a big Ningyang County, our sisters have to beg for a bite of food from her? Don't be ashamed, let's go! "

"Sister, what are you pulling me for?" Tao Yueyue shook off Tao Wanhong's hand, "Young master, do you really want people here? What about you, what do you want?"

Tao Wanhong almost cried at Tao Yueyue's words, is this something a girl can say?

"Tao Yueyue, are you going or not?" Tao Wanhong was angry, she was so shameless, Tao Yueyue was her own sister, she had no choice, otherwise, she would have to slap her across the face.

Tao Hua was thinking about some things after Tao Wanhong and Tao Yueyue went back, but she didn't hear the footsteps behind her. This was Xuanyuan Xuanyao's intention, otherwise, with his kung fu, no one would find out.

But he realized that he was almost walking up to her, and he hadn't been noticed yet. The girl didn't know what she was thinking, and she was fascinated. He cleared his throat, "Is this how you do business?"

Tao Hua turned her head abruptly, her peach blossom eyes were full of light, and the corners of her eyes and brows were full of indescribable charm and temptation, but she didn't feel at all, but her black and white eyes seemed extremely innocent.

Facing such eyes, Xuanyuan Xuanyao was filled with anger, and couldn't help dissipating it all. This girl is a heartless little thing. He has suffered so much for her during this period. I didn't understand it before Youthful love, when he understands it, he is already over twenty, he is no longer the boy of yesterday, even though there are thousands of feelings in his heart, he doesn't know how to express them, why is she so innocent?
That's all, I haven't seen her for a long time, and seeing her face again is already a great comfort to him. Thinking of what he is about to do, his heart is even more complicated, whether she doesn't understand, or if one day, He succeeded, and when the time comes to hold this heartless little girl in his arms, if... then he can only hope for the next life.

His eyes were extremely complicated, and Tao Hua had never understood him, so she was lost in his eyes in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

In the end, Xuanyuan Xuanyao took a few small steps forward and came in front of her. He was about to be a head and a half taller than Tao Hua. It can be clearly seen that the birthmark on her cheek has almost disappeared, the pink and faint marks, if you don't have the heart to look, you can't see it at all.

After being raised in the county for a few months, her cheeks became more fleshy, and the skin on her body was much better than last time. At least, it looked smooth and tender. He didn't know why it was only a few months, why her skin So much has changed.

Tao Hua grew up in that kind of place in her previous life, and she didn't even have enough to eat in this life, so naturally she didn't have so much time to think about it, but any woman doesn't love beauty, and she is no exception, so when she came to the county, she After doing embroidery work, I have more money left on my body, so I naturally start to pay attention to my body.

(End of this chapter)

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