peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 254 1 Everyone is here [4]

Chapter 254 The whole family is here [4]

Seeing her like this, Tao Yuqin nodded quickly, "Good, good, go to sleep, I'm here, I know what to do."

The business has been pretty good for the past few days, but she is not very willing to close the door suddenly. However, with so many people here today, it is really too busy, so it is better to close it, otherwise they will not be able to follow if something is lost. The shopkeeper's explanation.

After Tao Hua finished speaking, she turned around and went out. Tao Yuqin was puzzled, since there was no bed at home, why did this girl go out?
Tao Hua didn't tell Tao Yuqin either. When she went out, she saw Mrs. Zou. She almost hung her body on Mrs. Zou. At this moment, Tao Ye also came out. Ignored her, now she came out and hid behind Zou without making a sound.

Wu wanted to say something else, seeing Zou supporting Tao Hua, she thought that something had happened, and she didn't dare to speak. Seeing Tao Ye behind them, she didn't know what to think, pursed her mouth, and looked at their eyes. The figure disappeared bit by bit.

Tao Hua went to the nearest inn, asked for a room, collapsed and fell asleep, Zou took off the veil on her face with distress, Zou was stunned when she took it off.

I haven't seen you for so long, the birthmark on my daughter's face...

Tao Ye was standing behind Zou Shi and Tao Hua. Seeing this scene, she was also surprised. She used to think that she was better than Tao Hua in every way because she was not ugly and had no birthmark on her face, but now... Tao Hua's face The birthmark on her face has faded, faintly, only a little pink can be seen, smooth skin, and exquisite facial features, which are not much different from Mei Hanyan she has seen, and now she is so tired that she falls asleep, The breathing is gentle, and even the breathing becomes lovely.

She couldn't imagine what it would be like when Tao Hua opened her eyes.

Mrs. Zou didn't ask, but sat beside Tao Hua's bed, took out a few copper coins from her arms, asked Tao Ye to buy some food, and then brought some food back... But Tao Ye kept staring at her. On Tao Hua's face, Zou suddenly frowned, stretched out his hand and pulled up the quilt to cover Tao Hua's face, "Ye Er, do you not have enough money?"

Zou gave her two more copper coins from her purse, "You can buy the rest or keep it for yourself."

Tao Ye lowered her head, silently took the copper plate from Mrs. Zou, turned around and left. Before she left, Mrs. Zou clearly saw the jealousy in Tao Ye's eyes. She sighed helplessly in her heart, they are biological sisters , why did it become like this?
When Tao Lixiang came back from the pharmacy, he had been grimacing. Luo's heart was all in their family's money, so she didn't care at all when Tao Hua came back just now. She felt happier when she was working somewhere and getting paid, so she wholeheartedly waited for Tao Lixiang to come back.

"How was it? How much did it cost?" Luo Shi couldn't wait to hold Tao Lixiang's hand.

"A full two taels of silver!" Tao Lixiang was thinking about how to explain to Luo Shi, two taels of silver, this is a lot of money, enough for their family to eat for half a year, but these medicines alone cost two taels of silver, He got into a fight with the people in the pharmacy at that time.

But the people in the pharmacy didn't pay any attention to him at all, and what did they say, a bumpkin from the countryside thinks a little money is enough to see a doctor in the county?What a joke, several people laughed at him, Tao Lixiang couldn't stand it for a while, and ran back after paying the money, but he was still thinking about how to explain to Luo Shi.

When Luo Shi heard this, his hands trembled in fright. He couldn't believe it, and asked again, "How much did you just say?"

Tao Lixiang repeated what he said just now, "Two taels of silver, I don't know if this is the case in Ningyang County, the child's mother, my mother is just furious, and it's not the first time, why do you want to be like this this time?" How much money? Our family has no money, and we are planning to marry An Shu a wife, what should we do now?"

After hearing this, Luo Shi also scolded the pharmacy in the county. It was really annoying, and he spent two taels of silver all at once. In the county, they came to see the girl for Anshu, their family. The money is gone, so what do you think?

Luo Shi was very worried, and Tao Lixiang was also very worried. The husband and wife thought of going together for the first time. If they knew it, they might as well be angry. Really, they are wasting their money alive.

"It's alright, alright, don't put on a bitter face, I'll always ask them to return the money, don't worry."

Hearing what Luo Shi said, Tao Lixiang felt at ease. No matter what, two liang of silver is not a small amount.

After they entered the house, Tao Yuqin took the medicine and went to boil it. After a while, Lei Shi woke up. He insisted on calling their family Tao Yuqin, so he had to ask Luo Shi to boil the medicine. , that pain in the flesh infected Tao Lixiang, Tao Anshu and Tao Anyu.

"Yuqin, there are only me and your father here. Let me ask you, what do you really want? Daughter, it's not that your parents are forcing you. If you really look down on the Fu family, then forget it, but, You are already 17 years old, you can't stay at home all the time, just stay like an old girl. Your father and I are getting older every year, in the future, we will grow old, who do you rely on?"

Lei Shi said while wiping away tears, saying that children are the debts of the previous life, no, will they come to pay the debts in this life?
After hearing this, Tao Yuqin couldn't help crying, "Mother, don't you rush this matter?"

"I'm not in a hurry, can you tell me I'm not in a hurry? I know my own body, Yuqin, you are mother's baby, and mother is worried about you. Your father and I kicked our legs and went , leaving you alone in this world, how can we rest assured? You have also seen that your elder sister-in-law, and your third sister-in-law and your second sister-in-law are not easy to get along with now, how can you let mother feel relieved? "

Lei Shi was crying while talking, Tao Shanming usually didn't like to talk about this matter, let alone in front of his daughter, but seeing his old wife crying today, he couldn't help but start to feel sad, they are both old, so As the old wife said, she didn't know what it meant to close her eyes, so she went, but what about their Yuqin?
"Yuqin, what your mother said is right. It stands to reason that father shouldn't interrupt, but are 17 years old this year. If you have someone in mind, tell your parents that they won't make decisions for you casually. You In the future, don't threaten us by running away from home, we are both old, but we can't stand your troubles like this."

When it came to running away from home, Tao Yuqin's face was a bit ugly, but if there was a way, she would never think of such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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