peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 291 Settling Down [Part [-]]

Chapter 291 Settling Down [Part [-]]

"Mother, don't worry about this. Didn't I tell you yesterday? We bought a house in the county, and our family will live in the county from now on. As for father...mother, on the matter of eldest brother, My father's impression on me is not as bad as before. Of course, this may also be because Ye'er was a daughter and elder brother was a son, so he... But anyway, since he did this, at least it proves that he is not completely No help, what do you think?"

Tao Hua paused, and then said: "So, when I went to see my eldest brother yesterday afternoon, I told him about it, and he agreed, and we all felt that we could observe it again."

"Mother, you also know that a man is the pillar of the family. If we really fall out with dad, what good will it do us? If dad lives with us and has a sense of belonging to us, at least, When grandma stands in front of us again, we don't expect him to be on our side, but at least he remains neutral, don't you think?"

Mrs. Zou nodded, "Hua'er, why don't I know what you said? It's just your father's temperament. You are still young, and he looks like that. It's been so many years, do you think he will change?"

To be honest, Mrs. Zou was skeptical of what Tao Hua said. They were husband and wife for so many years, and she was still very familiar with Tao Li'an. At least, she didn't have any confidence in Tao Li'an's change.

"Mom, who can say for sure in the future?"

Zou was stunned for a moment, smiled lightly, and said, "That's right, you are right, who knows what will happen in the future?"

In the afternoon, people from the tooth shop came and asked Tao Hua what she was thinking about, and which house she wanted. Tao Hua thought about it, and then went out with Mrs. Zou.

There are two houses, one of which is closer to Tao Hua's silk and satin shop, and the other is closer to the medicinal material store. The house nearer to the medicinal material store is more prestigious, with four or five rooms, a small yard outside, and a small courtyard behind. Small vegetable garden, moreover, the price is slightly cheaper.

As for the house far away from the silk and satin village, because it is in the center of the county, the price is a little more expensive, and the area is not large. There are five or six rooms, but each room is relatively small. There is only a small yard in front, no vegetable garden.

Mrs. Zou prefers the yard with a large area. After all, she is a country person. If she is really allowed to cook all day, she feels that her bones will rust.

What Tao Hua thinks is that she likes the house with a larger area, because it is not too close to the center of the county, so it is quieter, and it has a larger area. When Tao Anqing gets married in the future, she can add a house or two, which is not a problem.

Another point is that it is closer to Tao Anqing's medicine store, so that he can relax a bit.

The next step was that the two parties wrote the contract, pressed their thumbprints, and paid the money. Tao Hua followed the dental staff to the county government office.

When the house was settled, Tao Hua and Zou returned to the inn. Zou was beaming and packed up his things, planning to move to the house tomorrow, but Tao Hua suddenly remembered that there was another Tao Yuqin.

The affairs of the Tao family have come to an end, and Tao Yuqin must be coming back. Once she comes back, what is the truth? Tao Yuqin is not a fool, so she might be able to guess it. Who can guarantee that she will not tell it?

And the most important point is that Tao Hua will definitely live with Zou Shi and the others. Then what should Tao Yuqin do? Should he live with them, or let her live in Silk and Satin Village?
Thinking of this, Tao Hua couldn't help being upset, and she said to Mrs. Zou: "Mother, you said that if my sister comes back...?"

"That's right, Hua'er, why did you say that? Let's go together later, move your sister-in-law's luggage over there, and let your sister-in-law live with us when the time comes, what do you think?"

Tao Hua shook her head helplessly, Zou's is like this, always soft-hearted, Tao Yuqin is not Lei's, and if she wants to live with them, then she will definitely know that Tao Anqing will continue to work in the medicine shop, and she will know even more, They didn't owe any debts, and after a little thought, the matter would be ruined.

However, if you refuse, it will appear that you are not hospitable enough.

"Mother, let's talk about this matter when my sister comes back." Tao Hua didn't agree, but chose to delay the attack, "Mother, my sister hasn't come back yet, whether she wants to live with us or not is still a matter. She's back, let's talk about it then, what do you think?"

Mrs. Zou thought for a while, and Tao Hua was right. Their current house is far away from the silk and satin village, and there was already a house in the silk and satin village. Whether Tao Yuqin would like to live with them is still a question.

The next day, Mrs. Zou and Tao Hua said that they had rented a cheap house in the county and that they would not be staying at the inn for the time being. Move to your new home.

They didn't have many things, just considering the large number of people, so after the things were moved into the house, Zou led Tao Ancheng out to buy things, while Tao Anqing took Tao Li'an to find something to do, Tao Hua thought about these two days The house must be in chaos, so she simply went back to the silk and satin village.

It has not opened for several days, and there are many things to do here. For a while, everyone is very busy.

Tao Li'an and Tao Anqing soon found something to do together, which was the medicinal material store. Tao Li'an was responsible for carrying the medicinal materials, and Tao Li'an was naturally his shopkeeper.

Of course, Tao Li'an was unwilling at the beginning. He originally wanted Tao Anqing to stay away from the medicine shop, but they owed too much debt and found so many shops, but no one was willing to use them, or the wages were too low. I don't know how many years later I want to pay off the debt.

The two of them were forced. Of course, Tao Li'an was forced, while Tao Anqing was just pushing things along.

Tao Hua's silk and satin shop has reopened, and Zou is busy with her new home. She is very comfortable and busy alone, and most importantly, she is in a very good mood!
Three days later, Tao Yuqin came back, but this time, there was another person who came back with her. None of them thought that Wusi would follow Tao Yuqin. Although the two were far apart, they gave people the feeling that Very awkward, I always feel that the two of them are not simple.

Sure enough, after Tao Yuqin entered the room, she immediately blushed when she saw Tao Hua. Tao Hua was still very surprised and thought, what's wrong with my sister, is she tired?
But soon, when she saw Wusi following behind Tao Yuqin, she was even more puzzled, and she called out cheerfully: "Sister-in-law, are you back?"

(End of this chapter)

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