peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 299 Memories of the Past Life

Chapter 299 Memories of the Past Life

Wusi nodded. With Tao Yuqin's temperament, he would definitely be reluctant to leave his parents. At most, he would be in the county. ... The news was more frightening than the last, and he couldn't even react to it.

"Since this is the case, then this shop must be handed over to sister-in-law. At that time, I will hire a accountant for my sister-in-law, and the matter will be settled. What do you think?" Tao Hua said with a smile: "As for the county... I will also go However, I will go to the shop first, and when I see it, I will rent a storefront there, and as soon as the supply of goods arrives here, I can open the door for business immediately."

Hearing Tao Hua speak so clearly, Wusan must have had this idea in her mind for a long time, he couldn't help nodding, Wusi's face was frowning, "But in this way, it will take at least several months before I can go to the county. Here, because my sister-in-law's affairs...can't be done in a day or two."

Tao Hua gave her a blank look, "My grandpa loves my sister-in-law the most, so naturally she wouldn't be in such a hurry, don't say a few months, I think it's possible for a year. So you need to tell my sister-in-law about this, no, Tell my grandma that my grandma is the most greedy for money, no, she likes money the most, and if you tell her then, my sister-in-law will be able to come to the county."

Wu Si was a little speechless, this girl was too... straightforward, how could anyone say that she kissed her grandparents like that?However, the fact is true. If Tao Yuqin hadn't been fancy, he wouldn't have spent so much money. Thinking that when he went back to propose marriage, he would invite an official matchmaker. Lei asked for 500 taels of silver, which frightened him.

Anyway, Wusi knows the market. With so much money, even if he goes to the county, he can be said to be a good wife. However, he has taken a fancy to Tao Yuqin, otherwise, he really thinks it's not worth it, at least in Lei's eyes. , Tao Yuqin seems to have become a tool for exchanging money.

"Since that's the case... what else can I say? Well, I'm going to the county tomorrow, you come with me!" Wusan thought for a while and said to Tao Hua.

For such a big matter, it would be better for him to accompany him. Tao Hua thought for a while, then nodded, then turned her head and said to Wusi: "Then Wusi will be troublesome. You should work harder during this time. My elder brother will come to my shop Let me watch it, and when I settle the store in the county, I will bring my sister-in-law to the county, if it doesn’t work, I will invite someone to watch it.”

Now that the matter was settled, Tao Hua quickly went to the warehouse to check the goods, counted the cloths that had been put out, and finally found the screen and some small items that she had embroidered in her spare time and packed them.

Since she was going to start over, she naturally had to wear her signboard, otherwise, why would she speak loudly.

Qinheng County is more than twice as large as Ningyang County. Looking at the tall and majestic city walls, Tao Hua seems to have returned to her previous life, but Qinheng County is still much smaller than the original Yangzhou.

There was a lot of traffic at the gate of the city, and there was a long line of people coming and going, waiting to enter the city, waiting to leave the city, there were too many to count, Tao Hua and Wusan lined up in a long line .

After finally queuing up to enter the city, Wusan went straight to a medicinal material store in the county, and Tao Hua had no choice but to follow. The medicinal material store here was much larger than the one in Ningyang County, but Tao Hua felt it was very strange, because the people here were not There are many, at least not as many medicinal materials as the one in Ningyang County!
She also found a very strange thing. It seems that there are not as many medicinal materials here as there are in Ningyang County. Tao Hua also asked Wusan, but Wusan didn't speak. She wondered if he didn't hear it. It's over.

When Wusan settles down, Tao Hua will naturally be settled in the medicine store by him.

The next day, Wu San got up earlier than Tao Hua, not knowing what to do, so Tao Hua had to go for a walk in the county alone. After spending a whole morning, Tao Hua almost knew all the streets near the medicine shop. , Then she found a dental shop, told her request, and went back to the medicine shop.

After lunch, Tao Hua went out to go shopping again. One wanted to know about the silk and satin shops in the county, and the other wanted to get familiar with the place.

A person walked aimlessly on the street, there were many people, Tao Hua walked very slowly, and wore a veil, leaving only a pair of eyes outside.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly came into view, Tao Hua felt as if struck by lightning, she just stood there stupidly and didn't move, even though the crowd was crowded, she could only see his existence in her eyes.

It was a man whose appearance was not inferior to Xuanyuan Xuanyao's. He was about 30 years old, with a vicissitudes of life on his body. He was wearing a gorgeous brocade suit. Even in Qinheng County where rich and noble families gather, his attire It is also very attractive, especially the attention of some young girls.

There were a few people behind him, who looked like servants, but they were also dressed more gorgeously than ordinary people.

Perhaps feeling the scorching eyes from the crowd, the man looked for it in the crowd, but he looked away disappointed when he couldn't find it.

At this moment, Tao Hua had already run into an alley, with one hand biting her mouth, crying silently!

She thought she was reborn, she thought she lived another life, and had already forgotten all about him, but when she saw him again, she still couldn't help crying, is it true for all women?She didn't know, all she knew was that her heart ached to the point of death, and when she saw him again, she couldn't help thinking of the past in her mind, bit by bit, all came to her heart.

That man was Tao Hua's benefactor and the only man in his previous life, Qin Shisheng!
Back when he went out, she was poisoned to death with a bowl of arsenic by the head mistress. God took pity on her and gave her a new life. She had thought about it well. She was no longer the Yangzhou skinny horse in her previous life, she was just ordinary She is a girl from a rural family in Tongtong, she is very ordinary, and they are just strangers when they meet again!

But when he really appeared in front of her, all her calmness and thoughts collapsed, she couldn't ignore his existence, and with so many pasts, she couldn't tell whether she was in love or unwilling, so , she had no choice but to hide to buffer herself.

He is still the same as before, no difference, so handsome, so attractive!
It's a pity that she is not what she used to be, so all this should go with the wind, right?

How Tao Hua walked back, she no longer remembers, she walked to the medicinal materials shop in a daze, and stood at the door stupidly, if Wusan who just came back from outside saw her, she would still stand stupidly at the door.

"Miss Tao, why are you standing at the door?"

(End of this chapter)

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