Chapter 315
She didn't know what this dream meant, but it was definitely not a good thing!
Tao Hua clutched her chest. Here, her heart was beating very fast. No matter how she calmed down, she couldn't suppress the palpitations.

This morning, Tao Hua was absent-minded when cooking. Tao Anqing came back to eat at noon. When he saw Tao Hua's cooking and her person, he was startled and asked hurriedly, "Hua'er, what are you doing?" ? Why do you look like this?"

"It's nothing, I just didn't sleep well, I kept having nightmares last night!"

"Then... go and rest!"

Tao Hua nodded.

It's just that she had just entered the room when she heard a knock on the door. She thought Tao Anqing was outside, so she ignored it. As time passed, the knock on the door became more and more urgent. Tao Hua frowned, put on her clothes, open the door.

Tao Anqing was not at home, Tao Hua called twice, but she didn't hear Tao Anqing's voice. Hearing the noisy voice in her ears, she took a deep breath, walked over, and opened the door.

"Tao Hua, where are your parents?"

It was Tao Lixiang and Tao Lihe who knocked on the door, Tao Hua was startled, "Uncle, Uncle, why are you here?"

"Don't worry about how we got here, let me ask you, where are your parents?"

Tao Lixiang pushed Tao Hua away, and walked straight into the house. Tao Hua frowned displeasedly, "Uncle, my father broke his leg, and my mother is sick and lying on the bed. What's the matter with you?"

"Your grandma is sick! A letter from home, let us go back... Are your parents sick?" Tao Lixiang stood still, and seemed not to believe it, "Why such a coincidence? Your grandma just said that she was sick, Are your parents sick?"

Hearing this, Tao Hua's face changed immediately, and she sneered, "Uncle, I remember that you are also living in the county now? It's impossible that you don't know that my parents have been sick for many days, right? I'm in the county , I’ve been back for almost ten days. Your news is really blocked, come in and have a look, my father’s leg still can’t move!”

Tao Hua was leading the way outside, but Tao Lixiang stopped behind him. Their family lived in the county. If they didn't know that Tao Li'an fell and Zou was must be a lie. Luo didn't know anyone in the county. I always like to come to their house to look for Mrs. Zou. Besides, Ningyang County is only so big, how could Dafang not know about it?
It's just that they didn't say anything, at least the people in the second room didn't tell them clearly, otherwise, it stands to reason that the first room should come and see, even if they don't give anything away, they should still come and see.

Tao Lihe followed behind Tao Hua, his eyes were looking around, but he couldn't see that the Tao family seemed to be in debt. He took two big strides, came to Tao Hua, and asked softly: " Hua'er, did your family buy this house?"

Tao Hua raised her eyebrows, and she grinned, "How is it possible? Uncle, are you kidding our family? Everyone knows that our family owes hundreds of taels of silver... My father has been lying in bed these days Still thinking about how to make money!" After a pause, she pointed to the surrounding area and said, "Uncle, you don't even know that the location of this house is so remote. When my brother went to rent it, he was knocked over by someone. Bar!"

Ripped off is a dialect in their area, which means to be blackmailed.

Tao Lihe didn't quite believe it, the yard didn't look like it could be rented for a little money.

Fortunately, after arriving at Tao Li'an's room, after Tao Lihe went in, he did see Tao Lihe lying on the bed with a pair of legs exposed, one leg was bent and couldn't be straightened, and two pieces of wood were tied to one leg!

Tao Lihe looked at his nose, nose and heart, and asked with concern: "Second brother, how did you do this?"

"Third, why are you here?"

Tao Li'an wanted to get up, but when Tao Hua saw him, she took a step forward and put a hand on his shoulder, "Father, don't move! The doctor said, please be obedient, the splint will be tied for fifteen days at most, if you If you don't listen, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of bed for a month!"

Tao Li'an smiled apologetically at Tao Lihe, "Third brother, I'm sorry, half a month ago, when I was carrying the medicinal materials, my feet slipped. I didn't expect this fall, and I lay on the bed for more than half a month. Already!"

"Second brother, take care of it, take care of it!" Tao Lihe couldn't help but start to imagine after hearing Tao Li'an's words, whether it was right for him to come here today, the second room owed so much money, his parents were sick, They couldn't come up with any money themselves, especially now, Tao Li'an fell his leg, and Zou Shi fell ill... so they can still come up with money?

Tao Lixiang who followed behind also saw this scene, he pretended to be concerned and asked Tao Li'an a few words, and Tao Li'an rarely showed a smile on his face when he heard what the two brothers said.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Tao Lixiang paused, and said in a deep voice, "Second brother, I came to the county this time to say that my parents are at home and sick! The third son came to the county this time to ask us , see if you can find a way."


Tao Li'an was shocked, parents are sick?

When Tao Hua saw Tao Lian like that, her eyes were tightly fixed on Tao Lian.

Sure enough, Tao Li'an almost jumped off the bed, "Brother, you said your parents are sick?"

"Yes, third child, tell your second brother how your parents are doing." Tao Lixiang poked Tao Lihe beside him with his hand.

Tao Lihe pursed his lips, "Speaking of which, my parents didn't know what was going on this time. They had a fever at first... and then they started to vomit and have diarrhea. I saw a lot of doctors, and we also invited the doctors in the town... ...But it still doesn't get better. No, the family's money is almost spent, and I really can't help it, so I came to the county to find my eldest brother!"

The implication is that I came to look for elder brother, but I didn't expect elder brother to bring him here.

After hearing Tao Lihe's words, Tao Lixiang also had a look of resentment on his face, "Well, second child, I also know that your family is in a difficult situation this year, but this father and mother are the parents of the three of us, not me alone Yes, not me and the third child! So, I think, no matter what, I should let you know, right? Otherwise, people in the village will say that you are not filial..."

Tao Hua couldn't help but sneer when she heard this, what she said... was worthy of being said by a wife, she obviously didn't want to let their second wife go, but she still wanted to put down the big hat of filial piety for them.

"What Big Brother said is true, what Big Brother said is true!"

Tao Li'an nodded vigorously, "Brother, what do you say? I will do whatever you say."

"You are like this now... At first, we thought that the three of us would go back to visit our parents, but you broke your leg and couldn't leave. Your parents said that the money at home is not enough. Look...Second brother, big brother, I also know where you are. ...It's just that this is a little bit of your own wish, how much do you think is more appropriate?"

(End of this chapter)

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