peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 319 Not For Sale

Chapter 319 Not For Sale

Mrs. Zou was able to get up. Seeing Tao Yuqin's back, she shook her head. Tao Hua was puzzled. It took a long time to hear Mrs. Zou say, "It's a merit to protect someone's matchmaker, but your uncle... As your sister-in-law said, then her heart is indeed dark enough!"

Tao Hua couldn't help nodding her head, if that was the case, then Luo Shi's heart was really dark enough.

It's normal for the sisters-in-law to quarrel and have some small conflicts. The girl Zhao Hehua is indeed not very likable, but it is indeed a bit too much to cheat her life like this.

"Who said it wasn't?" Tao Hua pursed her lips. She really wanted to see dogs biting dogs on their side. Tao Hua supported Mrs. Zou, "Mother, we don't care about their affairs. By the way, mother, since little girl I'm back, then I'll come back and take care of you."

"Oh, what are you doing back here?" Upon hearing this, Mrs. Zou couldn't help but reject Tao Hua, "You child, by the way, you've been back for a long time, and you haven't even visited the shops in the county. , you are a shopkeeper, if you are not here, what if something happens? It’s okay, okay, mother doesn’t want you to do anything here, and besides, didn’t you invite two elder sisters back? Don’t worry, dad You and your mother are fine, you can go back quickly."

Watching the city gate of Ningyang County become more and more blurred, Tao Hua couldn't help but her eyes turned red. Although many things happened during this period, it was a harmony that their family had never had before.

Tao Li'an didn't think about Lei Shi and Tao Shanming all day long, and his mother didn't cry all day long, her elder brother was busy making money, she took care of her parents, Ancheng was studying, if Tao Ye was forgotten, their family should be very happy.

Now that she was about to leave, Tao Hua felt a little bit reluctant, but she understood that she had to go back, and she had been back for so long, and if she didn't go back again, if something really happened, she would be ashamed to see her boss when she came back.

Tao Hua returned to Qinheng County, checked the shop when she entered the house, and saw that everything was normal, and there happened to be guests at the moment, so it was inconvenient to ask Aunt Fu, so she simply went to the counter to pick up the account book.

"Madam, this is the treasure of our store, not for sale!"

Aunt Fu said while looking at Tao Hua.

But Tao Hua was so engrossed in the ledger that she didn't even notice Aunt Fu's eyes asking for help.

"Aunt Fu, you told me last time, wait for your shopkeeper to come back. It's been so long, has your shopkeeper not come back yet? Don't lie to me, Aunt Fu, this screen is placed here for so long For a long time, I paid double the price, why won't you sell it to me? If you really don't want to sell it to me, you can find the embroiderer who embroidered this screen, and you can embroider another pair for me. It's not bad for us to settle down A reasonable person. If my sister-in-law hadn't been married in October, we wouldn't have rushed to find this thing at the bottom of the box."

"Oh Mrs. An, it's not that I won't sell it to you, but, but... this screen is from my shopkeeper, it's not for sale! Moreover, it's not embroidered by the embroiderer, but..."

"I know, I know!" Mrs. An looked at Aunt Fu's face full of embarrassment, smiled and said, "I can tell that this is Suzhou embroidery, or a high-quality Suzhou embroidery, double-sided embroidery, otherwise, I wouldn't know how to do it." Baba has come here seven or eight times. Don't worry, I won't treat that embroiderer badly, you go out and inquire, our family is in Qinheng County, are we the kind of people who can't afford money?"

"That's not what I meant... Oh, Mrs. An, I didn't mean that..." Aunt Fu didn't know what to say in the end, but fortunately Tao Hua finally came back, she pointed to Tao Hua who was reading the account book at the counter, " The embroiderer you are talking about is my shopkeeper, she went home a few days ago, no, she just came back, and she is there!"

Looking along Aunt Fu's hand, I saw a young woman wearing a veil and looking down at the account book. Why do you say young, because the woman is underage, with a double-snail bun on her head, and she obviously looks pretty. Not as good as Ji's dress.

Such a young girl, she embroidered it?No matter what, Madam An Shao didn't believe it very much. Judging from the craftsmanship of this embroidery, it was embroidered by people who have worked hard for more than ten or even twenty years, but the girl in front of her is only as old as 20 years old. It is really her Was it embroidered?
Aunt Fu obviously saw Mrs. An's doubts. With excitement and admiration in her eyes, she said, "Madam An didn't believe it either? When I first came here, I didn't believe it either. But you also know , all the Su embroidery stocks in our shop are sold out, and there is only this one screen left, that is because our shopkeeper has gone home. Mrs. An Shao, you can ask our shopkeeper if you can embroider one now Come out with the screen, our shopkeeper's craftsmanship is very good, I remember last time she embroidered a screen for the sheriff's wife's natal family, it was four meters wide, and it only took her half a month!"

The four-meter-wide screen took only half a month. This speed...Really, ordinary embroiderers really can't compare, she walked towards Tao Hua with doubts, Aunt Fu had already settled down. Madam walked up to Tao Hua and called softly, "The shopkeeper!"

Tao Hua raised her head, and Mrs. An only saw a pair of extremely beautiful eyes appearing in front of her. She had never seen such beautiful eyes, as if there was a beautiful sky in front of her, and those eyes were the most dazzling eyes in the sky. of stars.

Her absence only lasted for a while, and she was someone who had seen big scenes. Mrs. An quickly recovered, and Aunt Fu had already explained to Tao Hua over there.

Only then did Tao Hua realize that the woman in front of her, who looked only in her 20s, turned out to be the eldest wife of the An family in Qinheng County. After coming to the county for so long, Tao Hua also knew a little about the people in the county. This An family was not an ordinary family. , is a first-class family in the county, because they have a different relationship in Yanjing, this An's family is the natal family of the eldest concubine, the first emperor's younger sister married into the An's family, and then, a daughter of the An's family married The eldest prince.

With such a relationship, the An family is in the county, and the county guards have to stand aside, but this An family probably knows that their family is already very prosperous, so they are very restrictive to the people below, so most people have never heard of the An family. It's not bad to know Anjia.

And Tao Hua knew this because of Wusan, she was new here and not very familiar with the people in the county, and Wusan was also worried about this, so she simply told her about all the respectable people in the county again.

The sister-in-law of Mrs. An's young lady, that is, Miss An, married in October, and the person she married was not from an ordinary family. Mrs. An didn't say this, but with such a family background as the An's, it is definitely not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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