peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 325 Mother and Niece

Chapter 325 Mother and Niece

Luo Shi married a daughter-in-law, and Tao Anshu was about to marry a daughter-in-law, but she really suffered from the eldest daughter-in-law, who bowed her head to marry a daughter, and her in-laws were richer and more powerful than theirs, so she couldn't beat her. No, not to mention setting rules in front of the eldest daughter-in-law, this is simply impossible.

Luo Shi was so aggrieved that she had no choice but to go to Zou Shi every day. Even if it was a quarrel, at least someone would talk to her, right?But then a series of things happened, Tao Ye disappeared, Zou fell ill, Tao Lian fell again... and her side was not at peace, the daughter-in-law urged her son not to live with them, and the two There is a daughter, who dresses up all day long in a very enchanting way, walking around the streets, there is no way, just taking advantage of Lei's illness and Tao Yuqin's marriage, she simply brings them all back.

Now seeing Zou standing in front of her glamorously, how could she not be jealous?
Obviously, people in the second room should live a life that would be worse than death, but looking at Mrs. Zou now...she is wearing a thin orange double-breasted butterfly button-down top, and a skirt underneath, which is very bright. , I thought it was worn by someone in their 20s, but this dress fits her very well.

Mrs. Zou is in her thirties this year. After suffering from the epidemic, she has lost a lot of weight, making her waist even more slender. Although her peach blossom eyes are not as bright as her daughter's, they are enough to make her mature. The style shows.

Not only that, but Tao Hua... was also wearing a beautiful lake blue dress. She was so handsome at such a young age, how could they not be angry.

Luo Shi and Wu Shi didn't know, but Tao Hua and Zou Shi knew their own affairs very well, so they didn't take it seriously, and smiled at the two of them, Zou Shi said softly: "This time, it's about Yuqin getting married. And mother, she is sick... No matter what, she has to come back and see, right?"

Wu's eyes can't wait to see through Zou, Tao Hua and Tao Anqing, especially when they see the clothes Tao Hua and Zou are wearing. Get rich.

Tao Hua tore at Zou's clothes indiscriminately, Zou understood, and said to them, "Let's go and see mother, sister-in-law, younger siblings first, you will be tired of taking care of your parents during our absence."

"Oh, you also know that we are tired?" Mrs. Wu took the opportunity to go to Mrs. Zou and touched the material she was wearing. It looks a little like a stroke, you have to be mentally prepared. Ever since I became a mother, this temper is not very good..."

Luo Shi glared at Wu Shi, she is such a talkative woman, who asked her to talk about this, after they went in, she would feel comfortable if she was scolded or beaten by Lei Shi!
Wu Shi pursed her lips in disdain, the second room looked down and out, but she just felt that the material of the clothes is not bad, who knows if they will turn over?

Tao Hua knew it in her heart, reciprocated, and gave Wu Shi a smile. Wu Shi shook her head proudly. In her words, she was holding a little girl over one year old. She was very cute and beautiful. Tao Hua took out a dress He handed her the purse filled with silver melon seeds, "The longer it is, the more beautiful it is!"

Wu Shi accepted it with great joy, and she gave birth to another daughter. No matter who is in this family, she doesn't like her well. Although Wu Shi is very strong, she can't control other people's mouths. You know, no matter it is Lei Shi or Luo Shi, it will hurt the child or Wu Shi as the mother.

"Oh, you actually know how to bribe people!" Luo Shi disdained Tao Hua very much. A shabby hukou actually knew how to bribe people. Hmph, a shabby hukou is a shabby hukou.
It is rare for Tao Hua to pay attention to Luo Shi. Only when you are strong, and when you look at problems from a higher perspective than them, will you find that they are just clowns, so why bother with them?
Besides, now that Tao Yuqin knows that their family has no debts, Tao Hua will not continue to imagine that Tao Yuqin will keep this secret. Lei Shi is her mother, and there is no doubt that she can choose between her mother and niece. Choose Ray's!

"Oh, thank you sister Hua'er, Wan'er, thank you sister!" Wu Shi hugged the child and thanked Tao Hua. What true feelings will arise.

"Oh brother and sister, the child has a name?" Mrs. Zou also squeezed the child's chubby little hand with a smile, and also took a purse and handed it to Mrs. Wu, "I, as the second aunt, gave this to the child. Buy candy to eat."

After harvesting two purses in succession, Mrs. Wu was very happy. She took them with a smile, put them in her pocket, and introduced with a smile: "Yes, the name is given by the child's uncle, and it's called Tao Wan'er. I hope she will be gentle and gentle in the future." Yes, look at me, I don't quite understand, anyway, that's what it means. Sister-in-law, Hua'er, it's really costing you."

Zou shook her head with a smile, "What are you talking about? It doesn't cost money, I'm an elder, I should give it, I should give it!"

Wu Shi felt more and more that she was right. The second room didn't look like she was dying of poverty, so she glanced at Luo Shi triumphantly. Seeing that Luo Shi was out of breath, she was even more happy, and turned to her and said, "Oh, sister-in-law." , You see, the second sister-in-law and their family are all back. This time, my mother is sick, and she is so sick, and it happens to be a big deal for my sister-in-law. Why are you and Wanhong the only ones back in your family? Where is your daughter-in-law? I heard She is the daughter of a rich family in the county. Since she is the daughter of a rich family, I don’t think she is so ignorant? The old man in this family is sick, and the sister-in-law’s big wedding is getting bigger and bigger, so she won’t come back, right?”

Is this Wu Shi reciprocating?

Tao Hua couldn't help but look at her with admiration. Although her third aunt said that her mouth was too ugly, but at this moment, she thought she was so cute!
They just came back, and Tao Anyu didn't even know that they were married. The people in the first house felt that their second house had no money, and they were afraid that they couldn't even make up the family money. What should they tell them?
Therefore, Tao Hua and Zou Shi really don't know about them. Judging from Wu Shi's tone now, the daughter-in-law of the aunt's family is probably a bit... tricky!
Sure enough, after listening to what Wu Shi said, Luo Shi's face was so dark that the daughter-in-law there was not an ordinary girl. She was so proud of marrying such a daughter-in-law at the beginning, and now she regrets marrying such a woman. With his son not coming back from the county, and the youngest son busy with getting married, where would he have time to come back?

(End of this chapter)

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