Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 111 The Secret of Lingyu Valley

Chapter 111 The Secret of Lingyu Valley
Yang Xiaobao immediately picked up these sheepskin scrolls and carefully flipped through them. There were three scrolls in total from top to bottom. Zhang is a message.

So Yang Xiaobao started from the first map above, which is the map of Lingyu Valley. Although this map is not very detailed, it is not very general. Some locations are clearly marked. It can be seen that he has already been to several places, such as the pile of rocks that Yang Xiaobao saw as soon as he entered Lingyu Valley, the pond where Xie Yixiang took a bath together, and the magical ancient temple and Flower Valley etc.

With this map, Yang Xiaobao's geographical location of Lingyu Valley can be said to be clear at a glance. Except for these places he has been to, there are only three places left that he has not been to. These three places are respectively It is a crater, a Lingyu spring, and the other is a fairy cave. When Yang Xiaobao saw the word fairy cave, he couldn't help being stunned. Could it be that there are still immortals in this world?

Yang Xiaobao read this map, and then put it into the system space with a thought, and then looked at the second parchment scroll, which recorded the formation technique experience of a master of formation, Yang Xiaobao has just learned the basics of formations, and he doesn't have a deep understanding of formations. Now that he finds out the formations of this master of formations, he feels like a treasure, and immediately starts to study them carefully.

It took nearly two hours for Yang Xiaobao to read through the experience of this formation. After reading it, Yang Xiaobao closed his eyes and reviewed it. Zhang Zhenfa's experience really benefited Yang Xiaobao a lot, and he was very satisfied, and then with a thought, he also included it in the system space.

Yang Xiaobao read the experience of the formation, and then opened the third sheepskin scroll, which is a message, and this message reads:
"My name is Shen Feiyi. I have been childhood friends with Li Chuanfeng and Fang Xueqiu since childhood. The three of them were born in the same year and shared joys and sorrows. Later, they studied under the same teacher, ate and slept together. I have grown in love with Xueqiu, and my heart is for beautiful women. However, Li Chuanfeng was cunning and shameless, and he was the first to get there. He and Xueqiu had a private relationship, and finally concluded a marriage. However, I did not change my original intention, and I was willing to hide in Xueqiu's small world, Lingyu Valley. Although life and death do not agree, I am too stupid... ..."

Yang Xiaobao finally understood after reading this message. It turned out that this was a message written by a person named Shen Feiyi, saying that he, Li Chuanfeng and Fang Xueqiu had been good friends since childhood, and they were born in the same year. It was quite good, and later they worshiped a master at the same time, and the three of them even ate and slept together.

However, at this time, Li Chuanfeng took the first step and fell in love with Fang Xueqiu. In the end, the two of them became married again, but this person named Shen Feiyi did not give up on Fang Xueqiu, even if she was married. , still infatuated, still hiding in Fang Xueqiu's small world, and her small world is actually Lingyu Valley...

After Yang Xiaobao understood it after reading it, he couldn't help shaking his head. This is a typical love triangle story. It's a pity that Shen Feiyi is really an infatuated. He is married, but he still can't forget it. Hiding in this woman's little world, it's a little bit speechless.

"Hey, aren't Shen Feiyi, Li Chuanfeng, and Fang Xueqiu the three gods in that temple? Aren't they all the powerful Emperor Wu who came from the sky blue star? And this person said that this woman's small world It’s Lingyu Valley, what’s going on here? Why is Lingyu Valley a small world for one person? What kind of world is this small world?” Yang Xiaobao suddenly remembered that these three names had been seen in that magical ancient temple, So I immediately remembered their origins, but I didn't understand what was going on in the small world, maybe the future would know, so Yang Xiaobao quickly called the future in his heart: "In the future, do you know the small world? Why did someone Said that this Lingyu Valley is a small world for one person? What's going on here?"

"Dear master, I know about the small world. The so-called small world is actually a high-level space, just like your system space, master. As long as certain conditions are met, it can become its own world." The beautiful voice in the future is raising Little Treasure whispered in his ear.

"Oh, so the small world is a space, so, in the future, you mean, the system space can also become a small world?" Yang Xiaobao finally understood after hearing the future's explanation, and after hearing about the system space, It can actually form a world of its own, and immediately said to the future in my heart with surprise.

"Dear master, it is theoretically so, but it must meet some specific conditions." Future's pleasant voice said in his heart unhurriedly.

"Oh, then what kind of conditions must be met?" Yang Xiaobao asked immediately.

"Dear master, I'm not very clear about this, maybe your level is too low, master, maybe you will know it yourself when you reach a certain level in the future." Future's pleasant voice still said unhurriedly.

Yang Xiaobao didn't know the future, so he didn't continue to worry about this problem, but suddenly thought of another problem, well, since Lingyu Valley is Fang Xueqiu's small world, isn't this Fang Xueqiu the Martial Emperor of Sky Blue Star?How could her small world appear on Yunyang Star?Could it be that her people are still in Yunyang Xing, or that she has already fallen in Yunyang Xingxun.

And this Martial Emperor powerhouse named Shen Feiyi, isn't he in Fang Xueqiu's small world, Lingyu Valley?So now is he still in this Lingyu Valley?Probably won't be here anymore, if he is, there's no need for him to bury his message under this happy fruit tree.

Yang Xiaobao thought of these problems, thought for a long time, but couldn't think of a reason, so he shook his head and simply stopped thinking about them. After all, these things are too far away from him, and it is useless to think too much. Troubled.

Yang Xiaobao put aside these things and didn't pay attention to him anymore. It's better to have a good night's rest. In the morning of tomorrow, go to the crater marked on the map of Lingyu Valley, and see that Tang Qinghan is already lying beside Dumb Asleep, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help smiling when he saw that Tang Qinghan and Dahu were very close now.

Yang Xiaobao didn't sleep, not because he didn't want to sleep, but because there was no place to sleep here, and he couldn't sleep, so he had to sit down cross-legged, first closed his eyes for a while, and then performed the Taiji and Taichu magical exercises to perform the Zhoutian Reincarnation, after two weeks, you will enter into meditation, and gradually enter the realm of forgetting both things and me.

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(End of this chapter)

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