Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 113 Tang Qinghan is in Distress

Chapter 113 Tang Qinghan is in Distress

After Tang Qinghan cheered loudly, he immediately jumped into the pond, and Dahu jumped in after him. Yang Xiaobao just hesitated for a moment, and jumped into the pond to take a bath. After all, he hadn't been in a long time. I took a quick shower.

After Tang Qinghan jumped into the pond, the sweat pores all over her body felt refreshed. This feeling is really not too pleasant. After all, it has been too long since she took a bath like this. If Yang Xiaobao was not present, she would I really want to take off my clothes and do a good wash.

The tiger was also very excited. He jumped a few times in the pond before jumping ashore. He shook the hair on his body vigorously, and roared twice happily, scaring some wild beasts and low-level monsters in the surrounding woods. Run away desperately.

It didn't take long for Yang Xiaobao to go ashore, and Tang Qinghan was still soaking in the pond with a satisfied look on his face, and he didn't want to wake up at all, so Yang Xiaobao could only urge: "Sister Qinghan, it's almost enough Come on, we still have to hurry!"

Hearing Yang Xiaobao's urging, Tang Qinghan had to climb up from the pond reluctantly. Yang Xiaobao just glanced at her casually, only to see that her whole body was wet and clinging to her body, with exquisite curves It's clear at a glance, this look is so tempting, Yang Xiaobao's body reacted involuntarily, swallowed a mouthful of saliva to suppress the desire in his heart, and turned around quickly.

Seeing Yang Xiaobao's embarrassment, Tang Qinghan couldn't help but smiled triumphantly, and said provocatively, "Xiaobao, why are you so timid, why don't you dare look at me?"

Yang Xiaobao didn't answer her words, but said solemnly: "Sister Qinghan, let's go, don't be silly." But he said in his heart: "Little girl, if you want to use aggressive methods to beat me, you You're still a little young, and this has nothing to do with being timid, okay, but brother, I don't want to make mistakes, otherwise I will punish you on the spot."

Seeing that Yang Xiaobao suddenly became serious, Tang Qinghan didn't dare to make a mistake, so he had to use his energy to evaporate the moisture in the clothes, and then walked to Yang Xiaobao's side and said, "Xiaobao, it's all right now, let's go .”

So, the two of them and the beast walked out of the woods and headed towards the swamp not far ahead. After walking for about half an hour, after passing a large pile of rocks, they came to a place full of grass. There is no doubt that this is the swamp marked on the map of Lingyu Valley.

Yang Xiaobao and the others came to the outskirts of this swamp, looking at the endless water and grass in front of them, they couldn't help but feel a little worried, because there is no road in this swamp, and they don't know which places are solid and which are soft. If you accidentally fall into the swamp, it's no joke.

However, since we are here, there is no reason to retreat. In any case, no matter if this swamp is a wolf's den or a tiger's den, we must find a way to get there. Naturally, it is effortless, because he has the wind riding skill, as long as he uses the wind riding skill, he can float by like a gust of wind, without even stepping into this swamp.

It's just that it's not enough to take Tang Qinghan and Duhu now. If you want to take them to fly, your vitality skill can only insist on flying one or two hundred meters before falling, and it's not just as simple as falling, if you fly with Yuanli If they fell into the swamp when they were exhausted, they would be quite dangerous.

After Yang Xiaobao thought about it, he felt that the only feasible way was to explore the way ahead by himself, and then let Tang Qinghan and Dahu follow in his footsteps after finding the way. This was the safest and safest way. It will be a lot slower, but there is no way to do it. He can't leave Tang Qinghan and Duhu here and go on the road alone.

The idea of ​​raising Xiaobao was established, and he immediately said to Tang Qinghan and Dahu: "Now I will explore the way ahead, and you follow my footsteps. Don't go astray, otherwise, falling into the swamp is not a joke. If you play, you may die."

When Tang Qinghan and Dahu heard Yang Xiaobao's words, Tang Qinghan immediately nodded and agreed. Of course, it was not that she wanted Yang Xiaobao to take risks for her, but because she knew that Yang Xiaobao had a very powerful light-weight skill There is absolutely no problem with self-protection. As for the big tiger, whatever Yang Xiaobao says is what it is. No matter it is wrong or right, it must obey unconditionally.

Yang Xiaobao saw that they had agreed, so he immediately walked towards the swamp. After walking a few steps, he found that his feet were soft. Yang Xiaobao quickly used the wind riding technique to float up, and then landed on the grass next to him. , but here is not a hard ground for walking, so Yang Xiaobao had to float up again, and after testing a large area, he found a solid ground for walking.

After Yang Xiaobao tried the way out, he led Tang Qinghan and Dahu on this solid road, and walked into the swamp without any danger. After walking about ten kilometers, Yang Xiaobao suddenly found himself in the swamp on the left. A piece of Lingyuan grass was found in the ground, including grade one, grade two, and grade three, which made Yang Xiaobao overjoyed immediately, and then he used the wind riding technique, and flew over like a gust of wind,
Yang Xiaobao flew to the sky above this piece of Lingyuan grass in an instant, and soon landed, and then used both hands to pull out the Lingyuan grass one by one, and was swept away by Yang Xiaobao in just ten minutes When it was empty, Yang Xiaobao put all these Lingyuan grasses into the system space with great satisfaction, and when he was about to fly back, he suddenly heard a scream from Tang Qinghan, Yang Xiaobao heard Tang Qinghan's cry, He couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. Did Tang Qinghan fall into the swamp?
Yang Xiaobao quickly looked towards Tang Qinghan, and sure enough, Tang Qinghan's lower body had sunk into the swamp, Yang Xiaobao quickly flew up, and immediately flew towards Tang Qinghan, but at this time, the big tiger also It fell in, because after seeing Tang Qinghan fall into the swamp, it quickly grabbed Tang Qinghan's clothes with its front paws. After it caught Tang Qinghan's clothes, Tang Qinghan's falling speed slowed down immediately, but it didn't expect Dumb to use too much force. , I also fell into it.

When Yang Xiaobao saw this scene, he was stunned immediately. At the same time, he felt reckless and hesitated for a while, because he was wondering if he could save Tang Qinghan and Dahu at the same time. If he rescued Dahu first, Tang Qinghan was obviously in danger, and if he rescued Tang Qinghan first, the tiger would sink very fast because of his heavy body, so it would be impossible to save him in time.

However, Yang Xiaobao only hesitated for a moment, and immediately flew towards Tang Qinghan, only to fly to her side in an instant.

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(End of this chapter)

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