Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 121 Entering the Grand Canyon

Chapter 121 Entering the Grand Canyon (Fourth Change)
Yang Xiaobao reluctantly used the "Jiang" tactic of Chengfeng Technique, and landed on the sandy ground, it was at the end of his strength.

It's no wonder, after all, in order to defeat Huo Qilin in the volcanic magma, he used the powerful palm technique Qiuyue Eight Palms once, and then used the Tai Chi Spear Spear technique several times in a row. It also consumes the most energy and energy, and that's not counting. After defeating the fire unicorn, he refined the fire lotus immediately after, and he also suffered a lot.

Yang Xiaobao almost lost his strength after refining the fire lotus. At that time, he barely got out of the crater thanks to his strong willpower. Now, as soon as he touched the ground, he immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and immediately started to run Tai Chi Tai Chu Divine skill, after a few weeks, the physical strength recovered a bit, and after a few more weeks, I gradually entered the state of forgetting things and me.

It was not until five days later that Yang Xiaobao woke up from the state of cultivation. After these few days of cultivation, Yang Xiaobao not only fully recovered his physical strength, but also the vitality in his dantian became more solid. After a period of practice, the second dantian can be cultivated, and then the Tai Chi and Tai Chu magic skills can be improved to a higher level.

Yang Xiaobao suddenly thought of the fire lotus that he had refined. He didn't know how it was now, so he looked inside and found a blue lotus standing in the middle of his dantian. The color of Weilan was like a starry sky. Like the sea, Yang Xiaobao immediately thought, and this blue lotus flower appeared in his hand, and it was still shining with blue flames.

The strange thing is, although the blue flame is burning very vigorously, there is no heat in Yang Xiaobao's hand, Yang Xiaobao can't help but wonder, is this fire not powerful at all?If this is the case, how can you use it as a pill fire to practice pills?

Yang Xiaobao just asked himself a question, and immediately denied this idea by himself. This is absolutely impossible. If this fire lotus is really so bad, can it still be called Tianhuo?In order to prove his idea, Yang Xiaobao decided to let the flames burn the sand on the ground to see.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Yang Xiaobao had this idea, the blue lotus flower in his hand trembled, and immediately burst out a stream of blue flames, quickly pounced on the sand on the ground, and in just a moment, the sand on the ground was burnt into charcoal That's not counting, a big pit was actually burned out in the sand.

Seeing this posture, Yang Xiaobao opened his mouth wide in shock, and couldn't close it for a long time. It's really unexpected that this blue lotus is so strong that it really deserves to be transformed by the fire of heaven. Yang Xiaobao is indeed satisfied this time. And very satisfied.

The more Yang Xiaobao looked at this blue lotus now, the more satisfied he felt, so he smiled at this blue lotus, but he didn't expect that this blue lotus would respond with a very humane "boochi".

Seeing the response of the blue lotus, Yang Xiaobao was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect it to be so psychic, and then he laughed happily. Right in the middle.

Yang Xiaobao was very satisfied with the outstanding performance of Lan Lianhua, and then moved his hands and feet on the sandy ground, and waved his fist at random, feeling very powerful, even a cow can be knocked down with one punch, Yang Xiaobao Bao nodded very satisfied again, and then thought about his future actions.

Now that the pill fire has been successfully obtained, it is obviously meaningless to stay in this crater, so what we have to do now is to leave this crater, and then go to Lingyu Spring or Xianren Cave, but from Lingyu Valley According to the map, it is still closer to Lingyuquan from here, so Yang Xiaobao immediately decided to go to Lingyuquan first.

According to the signs on the map, from this crater to Lingyu Spring, you need to cross this sandy land, and then cross a grand canyon, which is Lingyu Spring.Yang Xiaobao had already remembered the route on the map clearly, so he didn't need to look at the map again, and then headed south. The reason why he went south instead of north was because the direction of Lingyu Spring was in the south.

Yang Xiaobao was walking alone on this sandy field, and she couldn't help but think of Tang Qinghan reconciling with Yi Xianglai. She was not worried about Tang Qinghan, after all, she met her not long ago, and now there is a big tiger By her side, there will be no problem in terms of safety. As long as she seriously cultivates in that pond for two months, her cultivation level will definitely be greatly improved. You must know that the spirit energy in this Lingyu Valley is much more than outside. If it is more, it must be much more pure, and it is most suitable for cultivation.

Yang Xiaobao was really worried about Xie Yixiang. After all, when she was placed in the ancient temple that day, Xie Yixiang was still unconscious. He didn't expect that after he entered Baihua Valley and came out, she would disappear, and he didn't know what happened to Xie Yixiang now. That's it.

Yang Xiaobao shook his head vigorously when he thought of this, and decided not to think about her anymore. After all, it was useless to think about her. Whether Xie Yixiang was safe or not was not something he could control, and everything could only depend on her own luck.

Then I thought of Niu Shuzhen again, thinking of Niu Shuzhen's kindness to him and dependence on him, I couldn't help but smile, and I don't know where Niu Shuzhen is now, whether she is in her hometown, finished the country, or returned to Star Academy.

After Yang Xiaobao thought of Starry Sky Academy, he immediately thought of the little fat man Jiang Yulai. This little fat man was the first friend he met in this world, and he was also the best and most real friend to him. How's it going, it's a pity that he didn't pass the examination to enter Lingyu Valley in the end, or maybe we could see him here.

However, it might not be a bad thing for the little fat man to fail to enter the Lingyu Valley in the end. After all, he may lose his life at any time in this Lingyu Valley. Among other things, he buried more than a dozen people in Baihua Valley alone. There are also more than a dozen people who were locked in the room without a door. It is not known whether they are dead or alive.

Yang Xiaobao walked all the way, thinking about these things all the way, and unknowingly walked out of this sandy land and came to the Grand Canyon. Yang Xiaobao was standing at the entrance at this moment, looking in casually, and saw the thin The fog is lingering, like light smoke, and the protruding rocks in the canyon and the sharp cliffs on both sides can be vaguely seen.

Yang Xiaobao settled down, and then stepped into the canyon. Although it looked blurry from the outside, after entering the canyon, his field of vision gradually became clear, and the scenery inside was also clearly seen. However, except for some Apart from the chaotic rocks and the cliffs on both sides, there is nothing else to be seen. Of course, it is not far away now. If we enter the depths of the Grand Canyon, I am afraid it will be another scene.

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(End of this chapter)

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